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Barcelona horror – The Hindu (Aug 19, 2017)

Barcelona horror – The Hindu (Aug 19, 2017)

A vehicular attack to maximise casualties and spread panic is now a well-tested terrorist strategy in European cities. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. plough (into) (verb) – ram, crash into, smash into, collide with.
  2. lone wolf (noun) –  a person who likes to do to things on his/her own.
  3. meticulous (adjective) – careful, precise, scrupulous.
  4. rip (through) (verb) – move quickly/rapidly.
  5. at large (phrase) – escaped, free, on the run.
  6. grapple with (verb) – struggle, deal with, tackle.
  7. counterpart (noun) – a person who serves the same job/function but in a different location; equivalent.
  8. thwart (verb) – block, prevent, stop.
  9. jihadist (adjective) – (in Islam) relating to a person who supports jihad (holy war).
  10. beef up (phrasal verb) – strengthen, reinforce, consolidate.
  11. multitude (noun) – a lot, a large/great number, a host of.
  12. fumble (verb) – move awkwardly; make efforts to do something.
  13. paradigm (noun) – model, pattern, example.
  14. on this score (phrase) – on that subject/matter, so far as that is concerned, in this respect.
  15. strain (verb) – struggle, labour, try very hard/strive.
  16. suboptimal (adjective) – below the highest standard/level/quality.
  17. intra- (prefix added to adjectives) – within.
  18. culminate (verb) – come to a climax; come to an end with, terminate with.
  19. foil (verb) – thwart, prevent, obstruct.
  20. notwithstanding (preposition) – in spite of, despite, regardless of.
  21. unenviable (adjective) – difficult, undesirable, unpleasant.
  22. disperse (verb) – scatter, disseminate, spread.
  23. determined (adjective) – resolute, single-minded, unwavering.


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