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As unpredictable as it gets – The Hindu (Feb 11, 2017)

As unpredictable as it gets – The Hindu (Feb 11, 2017)

India’s most populous State finally goes to the polls today, beginning a seven-phase process that starts from the western fringe of Uttar Pradesh. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. fringe (noun) – perimeter, periphery, border/outer area.
  2. fancy (verb) – wish for, desire; think/imagine.
  3. polarisation (noun) – two contrasting groups (by division).
  4. supplement (verb) – augment, boost, increase.
  5. peasantry (noun) – agricultural labourers.
  6. stare (verb) – study, survey, observe/watch closely.
  7. agrarian (adjective) – relating to cultivating/farming.
  8. well disposed (adjective) – favourable, advantageous, beneficial.
  9. strike a chord (phrase) – cause/arouse someone to feel emotion/sympathy.
  10. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, secure, reinforce/fortify.
  11. dog whistle politics (adjective) – political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  12. pay off (phrasal verb) – be successful, succeed, be effective.
  13. reliance (noun) – dependence, dependency; trust/confidence in.
  14. identity politics (noun) – it is also called as identitarian politics, refers to political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  15. landscape (noun) – the distinctive features (of a field of activity).


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