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A fine balance – The Hindu (Feb 02, 2017)

A fine balance – The Hindu (Feb 02, 2017)

Coming within three months of the Central government’s purge of high-value currency notes that has dampened economic activity, particularly in the informal sector,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. purge (noun) – removal, eradication, elimination.
  2. dampen (verb) – reduce, decrease, lower.
  3. informal sector (noun) – informal economy, grey economy is the part of an economy that is neither taxed, nor monitored by any form of government.
  4. imperative (adjective) – all-important, crucial, essential/vital.
  5. soothe (verb) – calm, pacify, comfort/relax.
  6. frayed (adjective) – strained, irritated, annoyed.
  7. nerve (noun) – anxiety/worry, tension, nervousness.
  8. glimpse (noun) – a brief indication/insight.
  9. to a degree (phrase) – to some extent, up to a point.
  10. resort to (phrasal verb) – turn to, use/utilize; adopt/exercise.
  11. blatant (adjective) – flagrant, obvious, overt.
  12. populism (noun) – related to policies that supposedly represent the opinions of ordinary people (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  13. sop (noun) – something given/provided (which is of less importance) to pacify somebody.
  14. bulwark (noun) – protector, guard, supporter.
  15. halve (verb) – reduce by half (50%).
  16. nudge (verb) – encourage, stimulate, incentivize/spur.
  17. giveaway (noun) – freebie, gift, prize (given for promotional purpose).
  18. tax-evader (noun)  – a person who illegally avoids paying tax.
  19. tax-dodger (noun) – a person who avoids/minimizes tax payment without breaking the law.
  20. rationalise (verb) – streamline, make more efficient, hone/simplify.
  21. subvention (noun) – grant, investment, allocation.
  22. on the horizon (phrase) – on the way, impending, approaching.
  23. refrain (verb) – abstain/desist, withhold; stop.
  24. tinker (verb) – try to improve, play around with, fool about with.
  25. fiscal deficit (noun) – the difference between total expenditure and total income of the government.
  26. far-reaching (adjective) – wide ranging/extensive; important, significant.
  27. fiscal consolidation (noun) – efforts/steps/strategies of the government to reduce the fiscal deficit and public debt.
  28. big bang – important changes made/introduced.
  29. unfettered (adjective) – unconfined, unrestricted, free.
  30. flip side (noun) – other side, rear; downside/drawbacks.
  31. confiscate (verb) – seize/appropriate, take possession of, take away/over.
  32. defaulter (noun) – a person who is (purposefully) not repaying banks/lenders’ debt on time for various reasons.
  33. flee (verb) – run away, run off, leave/abscond.
  34. potent (adjective) – powerful, strong, formidable.
  35. root (noun) – source, origin, starting point.
  36. red herring (noun) – bluff, deception, hoax, falsehood.
  37. provision (noun) – clause, condition, stipulation.
  38. anonymously (adverb) – in a way without mentioning a name of the person publicly.
  39. leanings (noun) – inclination, attraction, fondness.
  40. subsume (verb) – include, absorb, cover/incorporate.
  41. devote (verb)- allocate, assign, allot, give.
  42. social obligation (noun) – responsibility, commitment, moral imperative.
  43. objective (noun) – aim, intention, purpose, target, goal.
  44. rely on (phrasal verb) – depend on, bank on, reckon on.
  45. dovetail (verb) – joint, join, fit/link (together).
  46. deftly (adverb) – cleverly, proficiently, skillfully.
  47. workmanlike (adjective) – efficient, competent, satisfactory.
  48. optimism (noun) – hopefulness, confidence, positiveness.
  49. on the ground (phrase) – in a realistic and practical manner.


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