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A dangerous turn – The Hindu (Jul 10, 2017)

A dangerous turn – The Hindu (Jul 10, 2017)

Political violence is commonplace in West Bengal, where every level of elections is fiercely contested. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. terrain (noun) – ground, realm, area/field.
  2. marked (adjective) – noticeable, pronounced, clear/distinct.
  3. inflammatory (adjective) – provocative, provoking, agitating.
  4. wanton (adjective) – deliberate, wilful, unprovoked.
  5. orchestrate (verb) – organize, arrange, plan.
  6. radical (adjective) – revolutionary, extreme, extremist.
  7. outfit (noun) – organization, group, team.
  8. vandalisation (noun) – the act of wilfully destroying or damaging public or private property; destruction.
  9. fan (verb) – stir up, incite, provoke.
  10. spat (noun) – quarrel, scuffle, tussle.
  11. name-calling (noun) – abusive language, insults.
  12. mileage (noun) – benefit, advantage, gain.
  13. transpire (verb) – happen, occur, take place.
  14. alacrity (noun) – eagerness, willingness, readiness.
  15. run-up to (noun) – a period/time before an important event.
  16. in the wake of (phrase) – aftermath, as a consequence of, as a result of.
  17. discourse (noun) – debate, argument, discussion.
  18. contestation (noun) – fight, confrontation, conflict.
  19. class politics (noun) –  it refers to political positions based on the interests and perspectives of a particular class (social division/group).
  20. political patronage (noun) – favouritism, nepotism, partisanship.
  21. peasantry (noun) – agricultural labourers.
  22. fallout (noun) – adverse results; repercussions, after-effects.
  23. assiduously (adverb) – diligently, carefully, meticulously.
  24. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, secure, reinforce/fortify.
  25. blatantly (adverb) – unashamedly, glaringly, openly.
  26. pander (verb) – indulge, gratify, fulfil.
  27. reactionary (adjective) – right-wing, conservative, rightist.
  28. polarize (verb) – divide or cause to divide (into two sharply contrasting groups).
  29. sectarian (adjective) – denoting a sect (group of people).


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