Word of the Day (modicum)-24DEC20

Word of the Day (modicum)-24DEC20

Today’s “Word of the Day” is modicum and it is a noun meaning “little bit or small amount of something, particularly a good quality”.

Example Sentence: This becomes all the more pertinent, in the backdrop of increasing keenness of governments in India to attract Taiwanese investments. However, given the weak legal-regulatory labour architecture and capacities, comprehensive supervision and control of the foreign invested enterprises looks a bridge too far. The passing of the new labour codes further erodes existing modicum of labour protection. The fear of ‘flight of capital’, coupled with weak state capacity in supervision make state administrations reluctant to step in unless things escalate.

Word of the Day (modicum)-24DEC20

This word is present in The Hindu article The tightrope between production, industrial peace and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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