The Hindu Editorial (Vaccine drive) – Dec 16, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Vaccine drive) – Dec 16, 2020

Fine theories and good policies are often frustrated in their encounter with facts and implementation processes in the field. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Vaccine drive) – Dec 16, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Vaccine drive) – Dec 16, 2020:

  1. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.
  2. drive (noun) – campaign, crusade, movement, effort, push.
  3. efficacy (noun) – In medicine, the ability of an intervention (for example, a drug or surgery) to produce the desired beneficial effect; effectiveness, efficiency, power.
  4. frustrate (verb) – obstruct, impede, hamper, hinder, thwart.
  5. encounter (noun) – contact/meeting; clash, conflict, confrontation, engagement.
  6. field (noun) – area of activity.
  7. unveil (verb) – present, disclose, make public.
  8. head (verb) – go in the direction of, move/go towards.
  9. ground reality (noun) – practical condition/situation.
  10. render (verb) – make, cause to be, cause to become.
  11. naught (noun) – nothing.
  12. well-laid (adjective) – formulated carefully & very thoroughly.
  13. slow down (phrasal verb) – reduce, lessen decrease.
  14. in one’s tracks (phrase) – (to stop) suddenly.
  15. measure (noun) – portion, quantity, amount.
  16. vested (adjective) – entrusted, established, protected.
  17. herd immunity (noun) – also known as “population immunity”;  it refers to a means (ways) of protecting a whole community from disease by immunizing a critical mass of its populace (population). It is also defined as a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population are immune to an infection, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune.
  18. novel coronavirus (nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) (noun) – a new strain (type/variety) coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. (Courtesy: WHO)
  19. rampage (verb) – go out of control, rush wildly, run amok, go berserk.
  20. magic wand (noun) – a stick that is used to make magic things happen—sometimes used figuratively to the findings of simple solution to a problem.
  21. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to provide immunity against a disease).
  22. march (noun) – progress, advance, progression, development.
  23. line-up (noun) – listing; list of people (brought together for a particular purpose).
  24. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization.
  25. amount to (verb) – be regarded as, be equivalent to, be tantamount to, be equal to.
  26. Co-WIN (noun) – a digital platform (app) developed by Union Health Ministry, India to help monitor the entire COVID-19 vaccination process in India.
  27. Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANM) (noun) – a village-level female health workers in India who are known as the first contact persons between the community and the health services. They play a pivotal role in provision of maternal and newborn health at primary level in India.
  28. Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP) (noun) – Immunization Programme in India was introduced in 1978 as ‘Expanded Programme of Immunization’ (EPI) by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. In 1985, the programme was modified as ‘Universal Immunization Programme’ (UIP) to be implemented in phased manner to cover all districts in the country by 1989-90 with the one of largest health programme in the world.  In India’s national Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP), policy is defined, vaccines procured and supplied by the Union government and vaccination implemented by State governments.
  29. rope in (phrasal verb) – enlist, engage, persuade.
  30. vaccinator (noun) – a person who administers vaccines.
  31. mobilise (verb) – bring (resources) into use for a particular purpose/cause.
  32. collaboration (noun) – cooperation, alliance, partnership.
  33. cold chain (noun) – a temperature-controlled supply chain. It is a kind of supply chain that specializes in the storage, transport, and preservation of cargo that needs to be maintained at a specific temperature or within an acceptable temperature range.
  34. dose (noun) – an amount/quantity of something.
  35. beef up (phrasal verb) – strengthen, reinforce, consolidate, improve.
  36. fog (noun) – a state of confusion; a disorganized state.
  37. passing (adjective) – (of a period of time) going by.
  38. breakdown (noun) – separation, division, break-up; classification, categorization.
  39. down to (phrase) – be the responsibility of (a particular person).
  40. rung (noun) – level, rank, position.
  41. administer (verb) – dispense, provide, give, apply (a drug/vaccine).
  42. come undone (phrase) – to become disintegrated, to break into parts or pieces; to come to fail.
  43. hesitancy (noun) – reluctance, unwillingness, disinclination.
  44. vaccine hesitancy (noun) – a reluctance or refusal to be vaccinated or to have one’s children vaccinated; reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines.
  45. adverse (adjective) – unfavourable, disadvantageous, bad.
  46. sequelae (noun) – consequence, result, outcome (of a previous disease/injury).
  47. realm (noun) – area, field, domain (of activity).
  48. therein (adverb) – in that place/respect.
  49. lie (verb) – be present, exist.
  50. line list (noun) – one type of epidemiologic database, and is organized like a spreadsheet with rows and columns.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Vaccine drive) – Dec 16, 2020:

The Hindu Editorial (Vaccine drive) – Dec 16, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Vaccine drive) – Dec 16, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Vaccine drive) – Dec 16, 2020

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