The Hindu Editorial (Look back in relief) – Jun 11, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Look back in relief) – Jun 11, 2020

The worst may be over for the country’s inter-State workers. Many have returned home. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Look back in relief) – Jun 11, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Look back in relief) – Jun 11, 2020

  1. look back (phrasal verb) – to remember, recall, think about something that taken place in the past; suffer a difficulty/misfortune/setback.
  2. introspection (noun) – self-observation, self-examination, self-scrutiny, self-analysis.
  3. lapse (noun) – failure, mistake, blunder/oversight.
  4. in order (phrase) – in position, in place; set up.
  5. inter- (prefix) – between.
  6. accommodate (verb) – board, take in, put up, make room for.
  7. back home (phrase) – in one’s (own) country/hometown.
  8. besides (preposition) – apart from, in addition to.
  9. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  10. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, follow, carry on.
  11. triviality (noun) – unimportance, insignificance, lack of seriousness.
  12. in the face of (phrase) – when confronted/faced with.
  13. desperation (noun) – hopelessness, despair/distress, worry, discouragement.
  14. despair (noun) – hopelessness, depression, distress.
  15. notwithstanding (adverb) – nevertheless, nonetheless; in spite of, despite, regardless of.
  16. lingering (adjective) – protracted, persistent/prolonged, long-lasting.
  17. intervention (noun) – involvement, interference.
  18. motion (noun) – a written request or proposal to the court to obtain an asked-for order, ruling, or direction; proposal,  recommendation, suggestion.
  19. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  20. go by (phrasal verb) – to follow, to accept, to obey something.
  21. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
  22. misery (noun) – pain, grief, anguish, agony, distress, torment, suffering.
  23. ameliorate (verb) – make something better, improve, enhance.
  24. stand out (phrasal verb) – be noticeable, be visible, be obvious.
  25. myriad (adjective) – a great number, countless, infinite, various.
  26. tribulations (noun) – problems, troubles, difficulties.
  27. ferocity (noun) – intensity, severity, strength.
  28. bull-headedness (noun) – stubbornness, adamance, steadfastness, relentlessness.
  29. seek (verb) – try, attempt, aim.
  30. magnitude (noun) – size, extent, measure; capacity, strength.
  31. chasten (verb) – subdue, humble, humiliate, flatten; degrade, lower, bring down.
  32. jurist (noun) – an expert in law.
  33. redeem (verb) – atone for, make amends for. 
  34. stature (noun) – reputation, status/position, influence.
  35. willingness (noun) – readiness, preparedness, inclination, desire.
  36. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, complete, thorough & detailed.
  37. affidavit (noun) – sworn statement, self attestation, self declaration (of a person).
  38. facilitate (verb) – make easier, make possible; assist, help, aid.
  39. spell out (phrasal verb) – explain, make clear, elucidate/clarify.
  40. the least (noun) – the smallest amount/extent of something.
  41. on the part of (phrase) – made by, caused by, from, by.
  42. inadequacy (noun) – insufficiency, deficiency, shortage.
  43. paucity (noun) – insufficiency, deficiency, shortage.
  44. belated (adjective) – late, behind time, not on time/delayed.
  45. occasion (verb) – cause, give rise to, bring about, result in.
  46. attitude (noun) – viewpoint, thinking, perspective, outlook.
  47. shortcoming (noun) – fault, flaw, imperfection/defect.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 The Hindu Editorial (Look back in relief) – Jun 11, 2020:

The Hindu Editorial (Look back in relief) - Jun 11, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Look back in relief) - Jun 11, 2020

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