The Guardian view on Iran sanctions: not upholding the rules, but overturning them – The Guardian (Nov 06, 2018)

The Guardian view on Iran sanctions: not upholding the rules, but overturning them – The Guardian (Nov 06, 2018)

The imposition of sanctions on Iran is designed to curb its “outlaw behaviour”, the US says. Donald Trump said the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action “cannot prevent an Iranian bomb”…. For further reading, visit “The Guardian”.

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Courtesy: Guardian News & Media Ltd. 

Word List-2 for The Guardian view on Iran sanctions: not upholding the rules, but overturning them – The Guardian (Nov 06, 2018):

  1. sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  2. uphold (verb) – preserve, protect, validate/justify.
  3. overturn (verb) – reverse, overrule, nullify/cancel.
  4. outlawed (adjective) – forbidden, illegal, unlawful/criminal.
  5. denuclearisation (noun) – the act of removing nuclear weapons from a place.
  6. albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however.
  7. waiver (noun) – renunciation, abandonment, rejection/deferral
  8. comply with (verb) – abide by, adhere to, conform to.
  9. arsenal (noun) – weapons, arms; a place where (military) weapons & equipment are made and stored.
  10. unilaterally (adverb) – used to indicate something done by a person/country without approval/agreement from other people/countries involved in the situation.
  11. rhetorical (adjective) – bombastic, high-sounding/extravagant, oratorical.
  12. laundry list (noun) – a long or exhaustive list of people or things.
  13. envoy (noun) – ambassador, diplomat, consul.
  14. bluntly (adverb) – straightforwardly, directly, candidly.
  15. ghost shipment (noun) – phantom shipment (shipment with no goods actually shipped or with undervalued goods-involving money laundering).
  16. barter (verb) – swap, trade off, exchange/change.
  17. flee (verb) – run away, take flight, escape (from a place of danger).
  18. repressive (adjective) – oppressive, dominating/coercive, authoritarian/draconian.
  19. non-proliferation (noun) – the action of stopping something (particularly of nuclear weapons by the countries).
  20. at stake (phrase) – at risk, at issue, in question.
  21. live up to (phrasal verb) – equal, satisfy, achieve.
  22. a free rein (phrase) – freedom, a free hand, leeway/latitude.
  23. constraint (noun) – restriction, impediment, obstacle.
  24. hawkishness (noun) – aggressiveness, belligerence, combativeness.
  25. visceral (adjective) – full of strong emotions without any logic, not intellectual, instinctive, unreasoning.
  26. loathing (noun) – very strong feeling of dislike or hatred.
  27. stockpile (noun) – accumulation, collection, reserve.
  28. at/on one’s shoulder (phrase) – one’s own responsibility.
  29. lapse (verb) – expire, become invalid, become obsolete.
  30. impediment (noun) – hindrance, obstruction, barrier.
  31. sidestep (verb) – avoid, evade/dodge, escape.
  32. sovereignty (noun) – autonomy, independence, self-government/self-rule.
  33. world/international order (noun) – the arrangement of power and authority that provides the system for the conduct of diplomacy and world politics in relation to the entire world.
  34. nascent (adjective) – just beginning, developing, burgeoning.
  35. wield (verb) – hold, be possessed of, exercise/exert.


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  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for the related post only and they may vary in different context. Use it with the corresponding article published on the source (website) via the link provided. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Word List-2 for The Guardian view on Iran sanctions: not upholding the rules, but overturning them – The Guardian (Nov 06, 2018):

The Guardian view on Iran sanctions: not upholding the rules, but overturning them – The Guardian (Nov 06, 2018) The Guardian view on Iran sanctions: not upholding the rules, but overturning them – The Guardian (Nov 06, 2018)

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