The Hindu Editorial (​​Identities and symbols) – Mar 15, 2025

The Hindu Editorial (​​Identities and symbols) – Mar 15, 2025

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The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​​​Identities and symbols) – Mar 15, 2025:

  1. engage (verb) – become involved in, take part in, participate in, play a part in, go in for, join in.
  2. discourse (noun) – discussion, conversation, communication, expression.
  3. regime (noun) – government, administration.
  4. delimitation (noun) – the act of establishing limits or boundaries in a Treaty, Judgement or other Agreement. It literally means the act or process of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial constituencies in a country or a province having a legislative body.
  5. demarcation (noun) – the physical marking of the boundary on the ground.
  6. (Legislative) Assembly (noun) – Assembly/Vidhan Sabha; a legislative body in the states and union territories of India.
  7. constituency (noun) – the specific geographical area that is represented by each MP/MLA.
  8. implementation (noun) – imposition, enforcement, carrying out, execution.
  9. National Education Policy (NEP) (noun) – The National Education Policy, 2020 proposes the revision and revamping of all aspects of the education structure, including its regulation and governance, to create a new system that is aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st century education, including Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), while building upon India’s traditions and value systems.  
  10. draw (noun) – attract, get, obtain.
  11. attention (noun) – observation, notice, heed, consideration, regard, attentiveness. 
  12. draw attention to (phrase) – emphasize, highlight, accentuate, underline, underscore, give emphasis to, lay stress on, call attention to, focus on, zero in on.
  13. unveil (verb) – present, make public, introduce, launch, release; reveal, disclose.
  14. identity (noun) – identification, recognition; individuality, originality.
  15. identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality.
  16. outright (adjective) – out-and-out, complete, utter, categorical, unequivocal.
  17. adopt (verb) –  select, choose, opt for, pick out, decide on.
  18. In fact (phrase) – actually, really, in truth, truly, indeed.
  19. Economic Survey (noun) – Economic Survey, being presented in the Parliament/Legislative Assembly ahead of the Union/state government Budget, is the Ministry of Finance’s flagship document. The Economic Survey details information about the Indian/state government economy over the past year. The Economic Survey also offers glimpses into the current state of the economy, and occasional insights into the economic outlook. Although the Constitution does not bind (impose a legal obligation on) the government to present the Economic Survey, over the years, it has become common practice for every government to present the Economic Survey before the Union/state government Budget.
  20. reinforce (verb) – strengthen, support, make stronger, give strength to, fortify, bolster, underpin, buttress.
  21. linguistic (adjective) – relating to language; lingual.
  22. diversity (noun) – existence/presence of different people (from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives ranging from race to age to gender to hometown to educational experience) within group; variety, variance, difference.
  23. rather than (phrase) – instead of.
  24. intent (noun) – aim, purpose, objective, goal, target, intention.
  25. literature (noun) – reports.
  26. forecast (verb) – predict, indicate, project, prognose, speculate, calculate (of future events or trends).
  27. contextualise (verb) – study, review, investigate (in context).
  28. sensitive (adjective) – susceptible, easily affected by, vulnerable, responsive, reactive, delicate.
  29. fluctuation (noun) – instability, inconstancy, oscillation, alternation, vacillation, variation.
  30. trajectory (noun) – track/course, route, path, direction, approach.
  31. volatile (adjective) – unpredictable, changeable, inconsistent, undependable, turbulent, unstable, unsteady, uncertain.
  32. observation (noun) – finding, pronouncement, statement, declaration, remark, comment, opinion, reflection, impression.
  33. demographic (adjective) – relating to the statistical study/structure of populations, especially human beings.
  34. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  35. lie in (verb) – exist, be present.
  36. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, reinforce, fortify.
  37. build upon (phrasal verb) – develop, enhance, expand on.
  38. sustainable (adjective) – relating to practices or conditions that can be maintained or continued over the long term without causing significant negative impacts on the environment, society, or economy.
  39. sustainable (adjective) – reasonable, sensible, well-founded (without disturbing the balance of nature and then without exhausting all of the natural resources).
  40. underscore (verb) – emphasize, highlight, underline, accentuate, point up, call attention to, focus attention on.
  41. vulnerability (noun) – weakness, defencelessness, unprotectedness, susceptibility.
  42. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, in respect of, with reference to, aso to, regarding, concerning.
  43. climate change (noun) – a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, or of a region on Earth.
  44. insufficient (adjective) – inadequate, deficient, scarce.
  45. socio-economic (noun) – relating to the interaction of social (position, rank, or importance) and economic (income, pay, and wealth) aspects.
  46. make up (phrasal verb) – comprise, compose, constitute, form, account for.
  47. table (verb) – put forward, introduce, bring forward, propese, suggest.
  48. academic (noun) – intellectual, scholar, learned person, pandit.
  49. comparative (adjective) – relative, comparable, corresponding, connected, equivalent, similar.
  50. undertake (verb) – start, begin, initiate, embark on; deal with, take responsibility for, concentrate on, become involved in, get cracking on.
  51. comprehensive (adjective) – complete, thorough, extensive, wide-ranging, all-embracing, in-depth, widespread, sweeping, far-reaching.
  52. diverse (adjective) – different, various, varied, multiple, varying.
  53. landscape (noun) – the distinctive features of a field of activity.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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