The Hindu Editorial (​​Toon trouble) – Mar 03, 2025

The Hindu Editorial (​​Toon trouble) – Mar 03, 2025

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The Hindu Editorial (​​Toon trouble) – Mar 03, 2025:

  1. toon (noun) – cartoon.
  2. sparingly (adverb) – in a restricted way; in a limited way; to some extent, to a degree, in moderation, reasonably, fairly, slightly, tolerably.
  3. feature (verb) – have, present.
  4. unwarranted (adjective) – unnecessary, unreasonable, unjustifiable, groundless, inappropriate, immoderate, inordinate, uncalled for.
  5. fall under (phrasal verb) to come under (an influence, etc.); to be influenced something; to be affected by something.
  6. permissible (adjective) – allowed, authorized, acceptable, legitimate, lawful.
  7. grounds (noun) – reason, cause, basis, pretext, rationale, factor.
  8. defend (verb) – justify, speak for, justify, stand by, come to the defence of.
  9. hearing (noun) – lawsuit, proceedings, inquiry, legal proceedings, legal action.
  10. inter-departmental (adjective) – existing between two or more departments.
  11. constitute (verb) – comprise, amount to, compose, form, represent.
  12. The Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (noun) –the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 has been framed in exercise of powers under section 87 (2) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and in supersession of the earlier Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules 2011. It empowers ordinary users of social media, embodying a mechanism for the redressal and timely resolution of their grievances. Rules about digital media and OTT focuses more on in house and self-regulation mechanism whereby a robust grievance redressal mechanism has been provided while upholding journalistic and creative freedom. The guidelines have been framed keeping in mind the difference between viewership in a theatre and television as compared to watching it on the Internet.
  13. go against (phrasal verb) – breach, break, infract, infringe, offend, transgress, violate; be unfavourable, be disadvantageous.
  14. Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution of India (noun) – it says that all citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression. The freedom of speech and expression means the right to express ones convictions and opinions freely by the word of mouth, writing, printing, pictures, electronic media or nay other mode addressed to the eye or the ear. It also includes the right to publish views of other people (freedom of press).
  15. freedom of expression (noun) – the ability of an individual or group of individuals to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship, restraint, or legal penalty.
  16. freedom of the press  (noun) – the right of news media to report news without being controlled by the government.
  17. trenchant (adjective) – vigorous, forceful, strong.
  18. commentary (noun) – comments, opinions, remarks, reports, analysis.
  19. depict (verb) – portray, render, represent, picture, illustrate.
  20. shackle (verb) – chain with shackles; tie up, put in chains, handcuff.
  21. apparent (adjective) – clear, flagrant, glaring, obvious, straightforward, unequivocal, unambiguous.
  22. reference (noun) – mention, citation. 
  23. voice (verb) – express, raise, say, mention, point out.
  24. quarters (noun) – a particular group of people; source.
  25. ill-treatment (noun) – persecution, abuse, oppression, suppression.
  26. immigrant (noun) – emigrant, migrant, non-native, foreigner, settler.
  27. deport (verb) – banish, exile, evict, expel, oust, extradite, send home.
  28. immune (adjective) – resistant, not subject, not liable (from the effects of something); freed from, absolved from, released from, excused from, relieved of, spared from, excepted from, exempted from.
  29. denunciation (noun) – an act of criticising someone/something severely in public; strong public condemnation, criticism, censure, rebuke, reprimand.
  30. concerning (adjective) – worrying, alarming, unsettling, disquieting, distressing, disturbing.     
  31. render (verb) – cause to be/become
  32. inaccessible (phrase) – unreachable, out of reach, unapproachable.
  33. apparently (adverb) – allegedly, supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly, reportedly.
  34. undisclosed (adjective) – confidential, secret, unrevealed, unpublished, covert, hidden.
  35. informal (adjective) – unofficial, back-door, illegal.
  36. take down (phrasal verb) – remove, eliminate, take out, withdraw. 
  37. takedown (noun) – removal of a content (in reply to a formal request).
  38. untenable (adjective) – undefendable, unjustified, unacceptable.
  39. sought past tense of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
  40. recourse (noun) – use, resort to, bringing into play, falling back on, utilization, employment.
  41. established (adjective) – accepted, mainstream, recognized.
  42. claim (noun) – case, allegation, assertion, affirmation, contention.
  43. so far (phrase) – until now, up to this point, hitherto
  44. Section 69A of IT Act, 2000 (noun) – Section 69A of the Information Technology Act, 2000, was introduced by an amendment to the Act in 2008. It gives the Central government the power to block public access to any information online — whether on websites or mobile apps.
  45. empower (verb) – authorize, entitle, permit, allow.
  46. in the interest of (phrase) – for the benefit of, for the sake of, for the advantage of, on behalf of.
  47. public order (noun) – it is essentially the absence of disorder – the quiet and orderly behaviour of people in public space. It involves people behaving sensibly and rationally, and respecting others.
  48. public order (noun) – it means the situation that exists when people obey the laws, rules or authority of the State.
  49. incitement (noun) – provocation, persuasion, inducement.
  50. non-cognisable (adjective) – relating to the offences/crimes for which the police cannot make an arrest without prior court permission.
  51. cognisable offence/crime (noun) – an offence for which, a police officer without any warrant has authority to arrest and to start an investigation with or without the permission of a court.
  52. non-cognisable offence (noun) – an offence for which, a police officer without any warrant has no authority to arrest.
  53. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce, bring forth, turn to, resort to.
  54. exercise (noun) – use, utilization, employment. 
  55. statutory (adjective) – legitimate, permissible, admissible, allowable, acceptable, constitutional.
  56. deem (verb) – consider, regard as, see, view.
  57. inexplicable (adjective) – perplexing, mystifying, bewildering, mysterious, strange; incomprehensible, unfathomable, unexplainable.
  58. take offence (phrase) – to become angry; to become upset; to be annoyed (because of something someone did/said something).
  59. pastime (noun) – interest, hobby, leisure activity/pursuit, obsession, craze.
  60. unleash (verb) – let loose, unchain, unshackle, let something go freely/uncontrollably.
  61. detractor (noun) – critic, fault-finder, attacker, censurer.
  62. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  63. immunity (noun) – exemptionexclusion, exception, indemnity, freedom, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment.
  64. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
  65. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.
  66. reverse (verb) – cancel, repeal, revoke, overrule, undo, disallow, overturn.
  67. offensive (adjective) – insulting, disrespectful, hurtful.
  68. hate speech (noun) – abusive or disrespectful speech.
  69. pornography (noun) – obscene or indecent digital material (movies, pictures, magazines, etc.,) that show or describe sexual matters in order to cause sexual excitement.
  70. in deference to (phrase) – with respect for; in consideration of.
  71. deference (noun) – submission, obedience, surrender, capitulation; (respect, regard; consideration, courtesy).
  72. regard (noun) – respect, consideration,  high opinion, approval, deference.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (Toon trouble) – Mar 03, 2025:

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