The Hindu Editorial (A call for chaos) – Feb 07, 2025

The Hindu Editorial (A call for chaos) – Feb 06, 2025

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The Hindu Editorial (A call for chaos) – Jan 06, 2025:

  1. call (noun) – demand, requirement, appeal; reason/cause.
  2. chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption.Gaza (noun) – a Palestinian city in the Gaza Strip. Gaza Strip is a self-governing Palestinian territory surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, Israel and Egypt.
  3. push for (phrasal verb) – to repeatedly try to make something happen; to repeatedly ask for something.
  4. two-state solution (noun) – The two-state solution refers to a political deal in which Israel and a Palestinian state exist separately.
  5. single-state solution (noun) – The single-state solution refers to a political deal in which Israel and a Palestinian state exist together.
  6. displace (verb) – force someone to leave his/her home, usually due to war, persecution, or natural disaster; banish, exile, deport, evict, expel, oust.
  7. state (noun) – country, nation.
  8. inhabitant (noun) – residents; populace, population, people,
  9. expulsion (noun) –  deportation, expelling, banishment, expatriation, exile, eviction, extradition, expatriation, repatriation; removal, dismissal.
  10. catastrophe (noun) – disaster, devastation, calamity, crisis, tragedy.
  11. expel (verb) – banish, exile, evict, deport, oust, extradite.
  12. West Bank (noun) – It is a large amount of land located on the west bank of the River Jordan and bounded by Israel to the north, west, & south and by Jordan to its east. The West Bank has been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Middle East war. It’s home to nearly three million Palestinians, and would make up the heart of any Palestinian state.
  13. fled past & past participle of flee (verb) – escape, abscond, run away, take flight, leave abruptly/hastily.
  14. descendant (noun) – inheritor, next-in-line; successor, scion.
  15. refugee (noun) – displaced person, asylum seeker, escapee/exile.
  16. successive (adjective) – consecutive, succeeding, following, sequential, continuous.
  17. talks (noun) – discussion, discourse, debate, dialogue, deliberation, negotiation, parley.
  18. outrightly (adverb) – completely, entirely, fully, totally, categorically.
  19. fundamental rights (noun) – the basic rights provided by the constitution of a country to its citizens.
  20. enclave (noun) – area, region (enclosed within).
  21. suffer (verb) – experience, be subjected to, endure, live through, go through.
  22. relentless (adjective) – continual, constant, continuous, unrelenting, unabating, sustained, unceasing, steady.
  23. bombardment (noun) – bombing, shelling (continuous attack).
  24. neighbouring (adjective) – adjacent, adjoining, bordering, abutting.
  25. take over (phrasal verb) – assume control of, take command of, acquire, appropriate.
  26. hellhole (noun) – a dirty and unpleasant place; an evil place; a place of extreme misery.
  27. strip (noun) – a long piece of land, stripe, swathe.
  28. Riviera (noun) – a coastal region (famous for its beautiful beaches).
  29. troops (noun) – forces; armed forces, soldiers.
  30. claim (verb) –  state, maintain, assert, affirm.
  31. deploy (verb) – employ/bring into effective action; bring into service; have recourse to; use, utilize, employ, make use of, take advantage of.
  32. reaffirm (verb) – state something again strongly.
  33. out-of-the-box (adjective) – unconventional, out of the ordinary, unusual; creative, innovative.
  34. imperial (adjective) – authoritarian, authoritative, tyrannical, high-handed, domineering, overbearing.
  35. possession (noun) – control, ownership.
  36. bomb (verb) – attack, blow up, pound, bombard, shell.
  37. at will (phrase) – as one wishes, at one’s pleasure/desire, at one’s want/choice.
  38. identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality.
  39. collective (adjective) – taken as a whole; combined, joint, aggregate.
  40. deeply (adverb) – profoundly, strongly, intensely, very much, completely, greatly.
  41. advocate (verb) – support, back, promote, favour, endorse, uphold, champion, subscribe to.
  42. ethnic cleansing (noun) – the mass expulsion or killing of ethnic group members in a place by another one, particularly a majoritarian group in that place; carnage, mass murder, mass killing.
  43. ally (noun) – a country/state with an alliance with another one in which they promise to support each other militarily and to defend each other.
  44. unequivocally (adverb) – absolutely, directly, clearly, unambiguously, conclusively, unconditionally, explicitly, unqualifiedly, categorically, outright.  
  45. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, draconian, undemocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian.
  46. regardless of (preposition) – notwithstanding, despite, irrespective of, in spite of something.
  47. dependence (noun) – reliance.
  48. aid (noun) – help, assistance, support.
  49. pay attention to (verb) – heed, pay heed to, take notice of, take into account, concentrate, be careful, be attentive, be heedful.
  50. sentiment (noun) – feeling, emotion, point of view.
  51. overwhelmingly (adverb) – with a great majority; to a very great degree.
  52. vision (noun) – plan, pipe dream, mental image/picture.
  53. align (verb) – give support to. 
  54. far-right (adjective) – relating to the extreme right-wing of a political party or group; extremely conservative, rightist.
  55. settler (noun) – colonist, immigrant, habitant.
  56. alienate (verb) – set apart, isolate, distance, detach, separate, disunite; estrange, make hostile/make unfriendly.
  57. desperate (adjective) – hopeless, despairing, anguished, distressed, disheartened, devastated.
  58. plant (verb) – place secretly
  59. influence (noun) – power, authority, sway, clout, leverage, weight, position, muscle.
  60. ceasefire (noun) – a negotiated agreement that will be accompanied by other associated commitments to de-escalate the fighting; a temporary stoppage of a war, truce, armistice.
  61. truce (noun) – an ad-hoc (temporary/makeshift) arrangement, arrived at by the combatants (fighters), to pause the fighting. Temporary cessation/suspension (of hostilities); A deal to stop fighting for a certain time.
  62. cessation of hostilities (phrase) – it means that the combatants are willing to stop fighting and to restrain their forces.
  63. lasting (adjective) – permanent, firm, stable, durable, long-term, long-lasting.
  64. acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize.
  65. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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