The Hindu Editorial (​Delay and bail) – Sep 28, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​Delay and bail) – Sep 28, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​​Delay and bail) – Sep 28, 2024:

  1. overdue (adjective) – pending, remaining, outstanding, delayed, belated.
  2. boon (noun) – blessing, benefit, advantage, gain, asset.
  3. in custody (phrase) – in prison.
  4. investigating agencies (noun) – India has a number of investigating agencies like The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), The National Investigation Agency (NIA), The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Enforcement Directorate (ED) and others.
  5. offence (noun) – crime, illegal/unlawful act, wrongdoing.
  6. interference (noun) – intervention, involvement, meddling, intrusion.
  7. suspect (noun) – suspected person, accused, 
  8. fraught (adjective) – worried, troubled, stressful, overwrought, distressed, agitated, distracted, frantic, desperate, distraught (and with many problems).
  9. ruling (adjective) – reigning, incumbent, present, existing.
  10. dispensation (noun) – administration, system, regime, authority; power, command.
  11. functionary (noun) – office-holder, office-bearer, administrator, representative.
  12. bail (noun) – conditional, temporary release of an arrested/imprisoned person when a specified amount of security is deposited or pledged (as cash or property) to ensure his/her appearance in court when required.
  13. conditional bail (noun) – the release of an accused from custody while awaiting trial under specific conditions set by the court.
  14. cause (noun) – reason, grounds, basis, motive, pretext.
  15. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment.
  16. spell (noun) – period, term, session, turn.
  17. imprisonment (noun) – incarceration, captivity, custody, arrest, restraint, confinement, internment, detention.
  18. take up (phrasal verb) – start, begin, commence, engage in, take part in.
  19. prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, extended, protracted, unending, unrelenting.
  20. incarceration (noun) – imprisonment, captivity, custody, arrest, restraint, confinement, internment, detention.
  21. charge (noun) – accusation, allegation.
  22. money laundering (noun) – a secret act of moving illegally acquired funds into legal bank accounts or investments.
  23. proceedings (noun) – inquiry, hearing, investigation, litigation, examination, legal proceedings.
  24. colour (noun) – point, appearance, hue, tone, shade.
  25. reluctant (adjective) – unwilling, hesitant, resistant, averse, disinclined.
  26. it is only a matter of time (phrase) – if you say that something is just a matter of time, you mean that it is certain to occur at some time in the future.
  27. reiterate (verb) – say something again; say again, repeat, retell, restate, iterate, recapitulate
  28. norm (noun) – standard, convention, regulation.
  29. exception (noun) – anomaly, irregularity, deviation, special case, departure, abnormality, oddity.
  30. welcome (adjective) – pleasing, agreeable, favourable, promising, much needed.
  31. constrain (noun) – restrict, limit, restrain, hold back.
  32. feature (noun) – aspect, point, factor.
  33. Prevention of Money-Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 (noun) – It is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted by the NDA government to prevent money-laundering and to provide for confiscation of property derived from money-laundering.
  34. violation (noun) – contravention, infringement, breach, breaking, lack of compliance with, non-observance, defiance.
  35. remand (noun) – pre-trial detention, preventive detention, or provisional detention.
  36. remand prisoner (noun) – A person who is being kept in custody while he/she waits for his/her trial or sentencing.
  37. constitutional rights (noun) – the protections and liberties guaranteed to the people by the Constitution.
  38. protracted (adjective) – lengthy, extended, prolonged, unending, unrelenting.
  39. trial (noun) – court case, lawsuit, hearing, inquiry, legal proceedings, proceedings, legal action.
  40. justified (adjective) – apt, legitimate, proper, reasonable, rightful, well-deserved. 
  41. ground (noun) – cause, reason, basis, rationale, factor.
  42. erstwhile (adjective) – old, previous, former, then.
  43. regime (noun) – government, administration.
  44. associate (noun) – supporter.
  45. ultimately (adverb) – eventually, finally, at last, in the end.
  46. regarding (preposition) – concerning, in respect of, with regard to, with reference to.
  47. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to.
  48. charge sheet (noun) – an official document on which a police officer enters details of the charge against a person.
  49. in respect of (phrase) – concerning, regarding, with regard to, with reference to.
  50. defector (noun) – betrayer, turncoat, traitor (a person who changes sides).
  51. unwavering (adjective) – steady, fixed, resolute, firm, steadfast, determined, unrelenting, unchanging.
  52. extol (verb) – to praise someone/something highly; glorify, laud, acclaim, applaud.
  53. resolve (noun) – determination, willpower, firmness, resolution, courage.
  54. gravity (noun) – seriousness, importance, magnitude, severity, intensity.
  55. after all (noun) – above all, most importantly, basically, ultimately.
  56. highlight (verb) – emphasize, underscore, underline, accentuate, point up, call attention to, focus attention on.
  57. equation (noun) – the situation (or) the problem, the quandary, the predicament.
  58. victim (noun) –  sufferer.
  59. scandal (noun) – impropriety, misconduct, wrongdoing.
  60. fair (adjective) – just, honest, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, non-partisan.
  61. the accused (noun) – the suspect.
  62. serve (verb) – be of use in achieving something; be useful, be beneficial to.
  63. induct (verb) – admit, allow, appoint, swear into.
  64. clear (verb) – acquit, declare innocent, find not guilty, exonerate, vindicate.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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