The Hindu Editorial (​Embattled CM) – Sep 27, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Embattled CM) – Sep 27, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Kashmir conflict) – Sep 27, 2024:

  1. embattled (adjective) – (relating to someone) troubled by problems or difficulties.
  2. graft (noun) – corruption, bribery, kickback, palm-greasing.
  3. move (noun) – step, action, activity, measure.
  4. overshadow (verb) – dominate, command; be far superior to, outshine, outclass, outdo.
  5. politico-legal (adjective) – relating to political and legal systems.
  6. momentum (noun) – the increase in the rate of growth of something; strength, impetus.
  7. of its own (phrase) – something happens by itself without any external cause.
  8. prosecute (verb) – take to court, bring an action against, take legal action against, accuse, charge.
  9. facilitate (verb) – make easy, assist, help, aid, expedite, speed up, accelerate.
  10. Special Court (noun) – a type of court with limited subject-matter jurisdiction concerning particular field of law, compared to ‘ordinary court’ with general subject-matter jurisdiction. 
  11. swiftly (adverb) – quickly, instantly, promptly, immediately, suddenly, expeditiously.
  12. Lokayukta (noun) – an anti-corruption authority/ombudsman constituted at the state level.
  13. in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of some event, especially an unpleasant one; in the aftermath of, as a consequence of, on account of, because of, owing to.
  14. lift (verb) – cancel, remove, terminate, stop, end, revoke, annul.
  15. bar (noun) – ban, restriction, prohibition, stoppage.
  16. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate.
  17. allegation (noun) – accusation, charge, indictment.
  18. allegedly (adverb) – apparently, seemingly, ostensibly, supposedly, purportedly.
  19. allotment (noun) – allocation, grant, setting aside, earmarking, awarding.
  20. compensatory (adjective) – proposed to recompense someone who has gone through loss, suffering, or injury.
  21. Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) (noun) – it is one of the State’s first urban planning and development bodies established as City Improvement Trust Board (CITB) in 1904 during the rule of the Mysuru Maharajas. In 1988, the CITB was renamed as the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) but its responsibilities continued to be the same.
  22. stand (noun) – stance, viewpoint, opinion, perspective, standpoint.
  23. undue (adjective) – needless, unreasonable, unjustified, inappropriate, unneeded, extreme, immoderate.
  24. haste (noun) – speed, hurry, rush, swiftness, quickness, promptness, urgency.
  25. show-cause notice (noun) – a notice/order asking an individual/group of person to justify, explain, or prove something to the court/organization.
  26. non-application of mind (noun) – a concept in legal proceedings that refers to when an individual doesn’t apply their mind to a situation, which can lead to a decision that is not fair or justified.
  27. application (noun) – use, utilization, applying.
  28. aid and advice (phrase) – The real authority to take decisions lies in the elected government. This is the meaning of ‘aid and advice’. Titular head (Governor/Lt. Governor) has to act in accordance to aid and advice.
  29. the Council of Ministers (noun) – the supreme executive organ in a government.  The term is usually equivalent to the word “cabinet”.
  30. contention (noun) – argument, claim, statement, opinion, view, stand, assertion, affirmation.
  31. Prevention of Corruption Act (PC Act), 1988 (noun) – An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the prevention of corruption and for matters connected therewith.
  32. Section 17A of the Prevention of Corruption Act (PC Act), 1988 (noun) – it states that a police officer cannot investigate any offense alleged to have been committed by a public servant without prior approval from the appropriate authority.
  33. pertain to (verb) – concern, relate to, be connected with.
  34. complainant (noun) – litigator, appellant, claimant, plaintiff.
  35. narrate (verb) – describe, detail, portray, set forth.
  36. possess (verb) – own, have, be the owner of.
  37. gift-deed (noun) – a legal document used to transfer ownership of assets or property from one person to another. This is a transfer of ownership without the exchange of money.
  38. acquisition (noun) – (of assets) obtaining, acquiring/procuring, appropriation.
  39. compensation (noun) – payment, repayment, settlement (for loss/damage). 
  40. act on (phrasal verb) – act in accordance with, comply with, conform to, abide by, 
  41. discretion (noun) – choice, option, preference, disposition, volition.
  42. of one’s own discretion/volition (phrase) – of one’s own choice, by one’s own preference, voluntarily, willingly.
  43. on the ground (phrase) – in a situation/place where things are happening really/practically.
  44. bias (verb) – be prejudiced, be bigoted, be partial, be partisan, be discriminatory.
  45. sanction (noun) – official approval permission, authority, warrant, validation.
  46. ruling (noun) – judgement, verdict, decree, pronouncement, adjudication.
  47. root in (verb) – firmly established, entrenched, ingrained; have as an origin or cause.
  48. sanctioning authority (noun) – the official or person in charge who sanctions a probe/investigation.
  49. jurisdiction (noun) – the authority of a court to administer justice within a defined area of responsibility.
  50. take cognisance of (phrase) – take into account, take into consideration, give attention to, take notice of something.
  51. take up (phrasal verb) – accept, adopt, agree to.
  52. free from (phrase) – without. 
  53. bias (noun) – prejudice, bigotry, partiality, favouritism, unfairness, one-sidedness, discrimination, intolerance.
  54. free from bias (adjective) – unbiased, unprejudiced, nonpartisan, dispassionate, disinterested, impartial, neutral, straightforward, fair.
  55. likely (adverb) – probably, presumably, doubtlessly.
  56. statutory (adjective) – legitimate, legal, rightful, lawful; permissible, admissible, allowable, acceptable, constitutional.
  57. prosecution (noun) – legal actionlegal proceeding, legal case.
  58. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.
  59. regime (noun) – government, administration.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​​Embattled CM) – Sep 27, 2024:

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