The Hindu Editorial (​Soothing salvo) – Sep 11, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Soothing salvo) – Sep 11, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Soothing salvo) – Sep 11, 2024:

  1. soothing (adjective) – reducing, calming, comforting, relaxing.
  2. soothe (verb) – calm, comfort, pacify, appease.
  3. salvo (noun) – attack, aggressive act, assault.
  4. GST Council (noun) – a federal body (established under article 279A of the Constitution) that aims to bring together states and the Centre on a common platform for the nationwide rollout of the indirect tax reform.
  5. hold out (phrasal verb) – have a feeling of (hope/confidence); offer (a chance/hope).
  6. consumer (noun) – buyer, purchaser.
  7. sought past and past participle of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
  8. clamour (noun) – protest, complaint, outcry/commotion.
  9. levy (noun) – imposition, charging, collection (of a tax, fee, fine).
  10. insurance premium (noun) – the amount that a policyholder will pay either in a lump sum or regularly to purchase the insurance policy.
  11. life insurance (noun) – it provides financial support to beneficiaries after the insured’s death.
  12. health insurance (noun) – it covers medical expenses during the insured’s lifetime.
  13. assurance (noun) – promise, guarantee, vow, pledge, commitment, affirmation. 
  14. take a call (phrase) – to make a decision about something.
  15. mark (verb) – indicate, represent, signify.
  16. notable (adjective) – important, significant, marked, obvious, striking, glaring.
  17. shift (noun) – change.
  18. staunchly (adverb) – committedly, steadfastly, firmly, resolutely, persistently, adamantly.
  19. defend (verb) – support, back, justify, uphold, endorse, argue for.
  20. chunk (noun) – a significant/large amount of something; a thick, solid piece of something.
  21. take on (phrasal verb) – oppose, challenge, confront, face, stand up to, compete against.
  22. flag (verb) – indicate, identify, point out.
  23. reconsideration (noun) – review, re-examination, reassessment, re-evaluation, reappraisal, rethink.
  24. come up (phrasal verb) – arise, present itself, occur, happen, come about.
  25. under the aegis/auspices of (phrase) – with the support/help/protection of someone/something; backing, patronage, sponsorship, guidance, assistance, influence, responsibility, care.
  26. aegis (noun) – protection, support, backing, supervision, guidance of a person, group or organisation.
  27. launch (noun) – introduction, commencement.
  28. status quo (noun) – the present situation, the current state, the existing state of affairs.
  29. plausibly (adverb) – reasonably, possibly, probably, conceivably, practically.
  30. of one’s own (phrase) – belonging to oneself alone.
  31. echo (verb) – repeat, say again, reiterate, restate, mimic, imitate.
  32. sentiment (noun) – feeling, point of view, thought, opinion, belief.
  33. aver (verb) – state, assert, affirm, declare, profess.
  34. be tantamount to (adjective/phrase) – be equal to, be equivalent to, represent.
  35. uncertainty (noun) – unpredictability, unreliability, riskiness/precariousness.
  36. ally (noun) – partner.
  37. rollback (noun) – withdrawal, removal; annulment, cancellation, invalidation.
  38. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.
  39. desist from (verb) – refrain from, stop oneself, abstain, forgo, discontinue, hold back.
  40. tom-tom (verb) – boast about, to talk about something proudly; to make something known, proclaim; announce publicly.
  41. buoyant (adjective) – improving, expanding, booming, progressing, growing, developing.
  42. perceive (verb) – acknowledge, accept, realize, understand.
  43. premia (noun) – plural of premium.
  44. yield (verb) – give, provide, produce.
  45. selective (adjective) – particular, picky, choosy, discriminatory.
  46. limited (adjective) – restricted.
  47. for instance (phrase) – for example.
  48. cap (noun) – limit, upper limit, ceiling.
  49. translate (verb) – change, convert.
  50. cut (noun) – reduction, decrease, lessening, rollback.
  51. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  52. hospitalisation (noun) – the act of taking (or) admitting someone to (or) in hospital for treatment.
  53. spike (verb) – increase/rise sharply.
  54. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  55. inadequate (adjective) – insufficient, short, scarce, scant, meagre.
  56. malaise (noun) – disease, disease, sickness; trouble, unease, depression/unhappiness.
  57. afflict (verb) – trouble, bother, burden, distress, cause suffering to, beset, worry.
  58. household (noun) – family, house.
  59. nuanced (adjective) – minute, delicate, subtle.
  60. term insurance (noun) – a type of life insurance that provides coverage for a specific period of time.
  61. tide over (phrasal verb) – help or support someone in difficulty (particularly with financial aid); assist, give assistance to, keep someone going, sustain, survive, see through.
  62. shock (noun) – trauma, collapse, breakdown; disturbance causing volatility/uncertainty in an economy. 
  63. rather than (phrase) – instead of.
  64. myriad (adjective) – various, many and various, manifold, multiple.
  65. market-linked (adjective) – used to explain a financial product that is related to the performance of a stock market.
  66. market-linked investments (MLI) (noun) – a mix of traditional investments with elements tied to financial markets such as stocks, bonds, or indices. In simplest terms, they’re debt securities, or bonds, that have a return that is linked to the performance of another asset or assets.
  67. under/in the guise of (phrase) – under the pretence or outward/external appearance of something; posture, semblance, (false) show/display.
  68. in someone’s (infinite) wisdom (phrase) – used in a sarcastic way to say that someone has stupidly done something.
  69. avail (verb) – be of service to, be useful to, be of use to.
  70. attract (verb) – draw.
  71. deserve (verb) – justify, be worthy of.
  72. benign (adjective) – mild, favourable, agreeable, advantageous, beneficial, helpful.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​Soothing salvo) – Sep 11, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​Soothing salvo) – Sep 11, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Soothing salvo) – Sep 11, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Soothing salvo) – Sep 11, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Soothing salvo) – Sep 11, 2024

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