The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Kashmir file) – Aug 13, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Kashmir file) – Aug 13, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Kashmir file) – Aug 13, 2024:

  1. hold (verb) – conduct, arrange, have.
  2. participatory (adjective) – involving by participation.
  3. participatory/participative democracy (noun) – a form of government in which the citizens themselves have the opportunity to make decisions about public policy.
  4. set-up (noun) – system, structure, framework, format, arrangement.
  5. representative (noun) – official, functionary, spokesperson, agent.
  6. administration (noun) – authority.
  7. amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
  8. growing (adjective) – increasing.
  9. chorus (noun) – an expression of something by many people (at the same time).
  10. Article 370 of the Constitution of India (noun) – It had “temporary provisions with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir” which gave special powers to the state. The article allowed the state a certain amount of autonomy – its own constitution, a separate flag and freedom to make laws. Foreign affairs, defence and communications remained the preserve (domain) of the central government. It also allowed Jammu and Kashmir to make its own rules relating to permanent residency, ownership of property and fundamental rights. It did also bar Indians from outside the state from purchasing property or settling there.
  11. direction (noun) – instruction, order, command.
  12. Legislative Assembly (noun) – Assembly/Vidhan Sabha; a legislative body in the states and union territories of India.
  13. on hold (phrase) – hold off, defer, delay, adjourn, postponed, shelved.
  14. statehood (noun) – the condition of being an independent country.
  15. erstwhile (adjective) – old, previous, former.
  16. bifurcate (verb) – split, divide, separate.
  17. scrap (verb) – do away with, get rid of, remove, abolish, quash, eliminate, discontinue, cancel, abandon, demolish, discard.
  18. coalition (noun) – alliance, association, union, bloc, partnership.
  19. representative government/representative democracy (noun) – a government where citizens elect people to represent them and make laws on their behalf, instead of always voting directly on laws and other government actions.
  20. buoy (verb) – support, encourage, stimulate, boost, cheer up, strengthen, fortify, inspire, give strength to.
  21. faith (noun) – trust, belief, confidence, conviction, expectation.
  22. depart (verb) – leave, quit, exit, go away; differ, vary, be different.
  23. Valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it.
  24. boycott (noun) – avoidance, shunning, rejection, refusal.
  25. post (verb) – record, register.
  26. turnout (noun) – participation, attendance. (Voter turnout refers to the number or percentage of eligible voters who cast their ballots). 
  27. mark (noun) – level, point, stage.
  28. statement (noun) – affirmation, assertion, announcement, evidence, testimony.
  29. reciprocation (noun) – exchange, interchange, counteraction, redresscompensation.
  30. curtail (verb) – reduce, decrease, cut down, lessen, diminish, restrict,  limit.
  31. enthusiasm (noun) – eagerness, zeal, energy/vigour, readiness, devotion, commitment.
  32. accuse (verb) – criticize, blame, condemn, denounce, hold responsible for, hold accountable for.
  33. curtail (verb) – decrease, lessen, reduce, restrict, limit.
  34. semi-autonomous (adjective) – self-government to some degree/extent/level.
  35. (elected) representative (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly); legislator, lawmaker.
  36. restoration (noun) –  bringing back, reinstitution, reinstallation, re-establishment, return, revival.
  37. the building up (noun) – establishment and development of something.
  38. recurrent (adjective) – continuous, constant, perpetual, frequentrepeated.
  39. militant (noun) – extremist, radical, fanatichardliner, fundamentalist, sectarian, partisan.
  40. point to (phrasal verb) – indicate, suggest, signal, signify, denote, reveal.
  41. the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
  42. attain (verb) – achieve, accomplish, reach, arrive at, obtain/gain.
  43. subservient (adjective) – subordinate, secondary; marginal, inferior, immaterial, lower than, less important than.
  44. hostage (noun) – a person captured or held as security for the fulfilment of certain conditions/terms.
  45. whim (noun) – wish, desire, impulse, urge, notion, thought.
  46. on the one hand (phrase) – it is used to introduce the first of two contrasting different, points, facts, or ways of looking at something.  It is always followed later by “on the other hand” or ‘on the other’.
  47. further (verb) – expedite, hasten, push, accelerate, step up, speed up.
  48. militancy (noun) – extremist, radical, sectarian group.
  49. kick off (phrasal verb) – start, begin, get going.
  50. turn out (phrasal verb) – appear, emerge, be present; transpire, happen, occur, come about.
  51. instrument (noun) – factor, force, medium, means, mechanism, vehicle.
  52. alienation (noun) – isolation, estrangement, separation, disaffection, turning away, hostility.
  53. amplify (verb) –  raise, intensify, heighten, escalate; elaborate on, add detail to, go into detail about, augment.
  54. exploit (verb) – take advantage of, make use of, utilize, milk.
  55. in place (phrase) – in order, established, arranged.
  56. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure or framework that a country or organization needs in order to function properly. For a whole nation, it includes all the physical systems such as buildings, roads & railways networks, utilities, etc.
  57. potential (noun) – capability, capacity, ability, prospects, chances, possibilities.
  58. healing (adjective) – curing, relieving, alleviating, reviving, renewing.
  59. wound (verb) – damage, hurt, harm, distress, anguish, pain.
  60. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
  61. conflict (noun) – combat, warfare, armed conflict, military action, armed clash.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Kashmir file) – Aug 13, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Kashmir file) – Aug 13, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Kashmir file) – Aug 13, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Kashmir file) – Aug 13, 2024

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