The boycott ban – The Hindu (Jul 24, 2017)

The boycott ban – The Hindu (Jul 24, 2017)

Maharashtra’s new law prohibiting the social boycott of individuals, families or any community by informal village councils is a step in the right direction, given the pervasive nature of the problem. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. ostracism (noun) – exclusion, rejection, repudiation (from a society/group).
  2. pervasive (adjective) – prevalent, common, widespread.
  3. progressive (adjective) – continuing, increasing, intensifying.
  4. assent (noun) – approval, consent, endorsement.
  5. pernicious (adjective) – harmful, damaging, destructive.
  6. cut off (phrasal verb) – stop/end; disconnect, interrupt.
  7. sweep (noun) – movement, action; range, spread, limit.
  8. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, bias/bigotry, inequity.
  9. morality (noun) – moral standards, ethics, rules of conduct.
  10. inclination (noun) – liking, penchant/preference, appetite.
  11. excommunication (noun) – putting a specific individual or group out of communion (community).
  12. strike down (phrasal verb) – abolish, annul, nullify  (a law or regulation).
  13. outlaw (verb) – ban, prohibit, forbid.
  14. informal (adjective) – unofficial, irregular, illegal.
  15. draw on (verb) – call on, use/utilize, employ (one’s experience).
  16. notion (noun) – idea/thought, belief, concept.
  17. mores (noun) – customs, traditions, practices.
  18. diktat (noun) – bill, regulation, decree.
  19. notorious (adjective) – infamous, ill-famed, well known (for something bad).
  20. repugnant to (noun) – in conflict with, contrary to, opposed to.
  21. prevailing (adjective) – existing, present, prevalent.
  22. assault (noun) – criticism, censure, denunciation.
  23. abhorrent (adjective) – hateful, repellent, offensive.
  24. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.



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