The Hindu Editorial (NewsClick non-case) – Oct 09, 2023

News Click non-case

The Hindu Editorial (NewsClick non-case) – Oct 09, 2023

The FIR registered by the Delhi Police against Prabir Purkayastha, the founder of NewsClick, and others is a vague amalgam of sweeping accusations that do not actually disclose any offence, leave alone one of terrorism… For further reading, visit The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (NewsClick non-case) – Oct 09, 2023.

News Click non-case: On the strange caseof a terrorism FIR without a terrorist act – Oct 09, 2023

To read this article, click  The Hindu“.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (NewsClick non-case) – Oct 09, 2023:

  1. strange (adjective) – unfamiliar, abnormal, atypical, peculiar, unusual, surprising, bizarre, weird.
  2. first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information  about the commission of a cognizable offence.
  3. flag (verb) – indicate, point out, identify; draw attention to something.
  4. disturbing (adjective) – worrying, shocking, distressing.
  5. regime (noun) – government, administration.
  6. propensity (noun) – tendency, inclination, predisposition, readiness, disposition.
  7. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, resort to, turn to, use, put into effect.
  8. sentiment (noun) – feeling, emotion, point of view.
  9. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.
  10. vague (adjective) – imprecise, inexact, unclear, uncertain, unsure, undecided, confused, bewildered.
  11. amalgam (verb) – combination, merger, union,  composition, mixture.
  12. sweeping (adjective) – blanket, general, imprecise, unqualified, indiscriminate, broad-based. 
  13. accusation (noun) – allegation, charge, indictment.
  14. disclose (verb) – reveal, unfold, tell, communicate, release, publish, communicate, make public.
  15. offence (noun) – crime, illegal/unlawful act, wrongdoing.
  16. leave alone (phrase) – stop disturbing something, stop interfering with something; to not to touch something; fail to look after, abandon.
  17. cite (verb) – refer to, mention, point to, specify, invoke, allude to.
  18. allege (verb) – charge, accuse, claim, contend, assert, affirm, argue, state, insist.
  19. conspiracy (noun) – unlawful plan, intrigue, collaboration/deception.
  20. disaffection (noun) – dissatisfaction, discontent, disgruntlement, hostility, frustration.
  21. provision (noun) – clause, condition, stipulation, requirement, term.
  22. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) (noun) – an Indian law aimed at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in India. Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India.
  23. penal (adverb) – punishable by law; corrective, disciplinary.
  24. enmity (noun) – antipathy, antagonism, hostility, resentment, aversion.
  25. notably (adverb) – particularly, especially, markedly, significantly.
  26. overt (adverb) – obvious, noticeable, conspicuous, apparent, visible, blatant, glaring. 
  27. description (noun) – explanation, interpretation, report, narrative, portrayal.
  28. infuse (verb) – to provide more money or resources into something; add, introduce, impart.
  29. forces (noun) – group, outfit, party.
  30. inimical (adjective) – hostile, opposed, antagonistic, against.
  31. objective (noun) – aim, purpose, intention.
  32. sovereignty (noun) – autonomy, independence, self-government, self-rule, self-legislation, self-determination, self-governance, freedom, liberty.
  33. integrity (noun) – unity, unification, wholeness, coherence, cohesion, togetherness, solidarity.
  34. purported (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, alleged, reported, ostensible.
  35. exchange (noun) – conversation, talk, discussion.
  36. move (noun) – action, act, step, measure.
  37. protract (verb) – lengthen, extend, continue, prolong, persist, linger, elongate.
  38. agitation (noun) – (political) upheaval, agitation, disturbance/disorder.
  39. thereby (adverb) – as a result of that.
  40. remittance (noun) – payment, transfer of funds, (money) settlement.
  41. propaganda (noun) – the (deliberate & systemic) spreading of information (facts, ideas, rumours or lies) to influence public opinion.
  42. foment (verb) – incite, provoke, agitate, instigate, cause.
  43. seditious (adjective) – inciting, agitating, fomenting, troublemaking, provocative, inflammatory, agitational.
  44. conducive (adjective) – good for, helpful for, useful for.
  45. widely (adverb) – broadly, generally, extensively.
  46. criminalise (verb) – make something (an activity) illegal.
  47. thought crime (noun) – any thought, especially that which is against the against the government or which is unorthodox, considered as a criminal offense.
  48. resort (noun) – recourse, application, use, utilization.
  49. aid (noun) – help, assistance, support.
  50. prolong (verb) – lengthen, extend, protract, elongate, continue, drag out.
  51. incarceration (noun) – custody, restraint, arrest, imprisonment .
  52. dissenter (noun) – objector, protester, agitator, rebel.
  53. the disfavoured (noun) – a person who is having the feeling of dislike or disapproval of somebody or something; the disliked.
  54. send out (phrasal verb) – produce, give out, deliver.
  55. chilling (adjective) – frightening, terrifying, disturbing/horrifying.
  56. fraternity (noun) – group, body, union, federation, association.
  57. likely (adjective) – possible, probable, potential.
  58. spin-off (noun) – outcome, result, derivation, by-product.
  59. potential (noun) – possibilities, potentiality, prospects, promise.
  60. milk (verb) – exploit, take advantage of, cash in on, use, utilize. 
  61. run-up (noun) – a period of time just before an important event.
  62. alleged (adverb) – reported, supposed, purported, ostensibly, apparent.
  63. shell company (noun) – a non-trading company used as a vehicle for various financial manoeuvres (operations).
  64. merit (verb) – justify, warrant, entitle, authorize.
  65. warrant (verb) – vindicate, justify, necessitate, endorse, support, approve of.
  66. conduit (noun) – something (an organisation/a person) acts as a channel (to transmit something else).
  67. defence (noun) – protection, support, justification.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (NewsClick non-case) – Oct 09, 2023:

The Hindu Editorial (NewsClick non-case) – Oct 09, 2023
The Hindu Editorial (NewsClick non-case) – Oct 09, 2023
The Hindu Editorial (NewsClick non-case) – Oct 09, 2023

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