The Hindu Editorial (A small uptick) – Dec 05, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (A small uptick) – Dec 05, 2022

India’s gross Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenues grew almost 11% this November to nearly ₹1.46 lakh crore. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (A small uptick) – Dec 05, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (A small uptick) – Dec 05, 2022:

  1. uptick (noun) – a small increase or upward trend.
  2. cautious (adjective) – careful, wary, aware, heedful, attentive, circumspect.
  3. gross (adjective) –  complete, total, full, aggregate.
  4. occasion (noun) – time, moment.
  5. onset (noun) – start, beginning, arrival.
  6. mark (noun) – level, stage, point.
  7. receipts (noun) – proceeds, profits, earnings, returns, income, revenue, gain, yield, turn over.
  8. so far (phrase) – until now, up to the present, up to this point.
  9. bolster (verb) – strengthen, support, make stronger, reinforce, buttress.
  10. discount (verb) – disregard, pay no attention to, ignore/overlook.
  11. periodic (adjective) – regular, at fixed intervals, recurrent.
  12. spike (noun) – a sharp rise/increase of something.
  13. compliance (noun) – adherence, observance, conformity.
  14. peg (verb) – categorize; have a fixed opinion of.
  15. new normal (phrase) – an earlier unusual situation that becomes a standard now.
  16. baseline (noun) – a starting point (used for comparisons).
  17. hereon (adverb) – hereupon, after this, as a result of this.
  18. kitty (noun) – a sum of something (money/things) made up of small contributions.
  19. end up (phrasal verb) – finish up, turn up, come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course of action in the end).
  20. not-insignificant (adjective) – significant.
  21. surplus (noun) – excess, overabundance, oversupply.
  22. welcome (adjective) – pleasing, agreeable, heartening, promising, much needed.
  23. fiscal (adjective) – financial.
  24. headroom (noun) – scope, clearance, extent.
  25. subsidy/subvention (noun) – also called subvention; a financial contribution granted to help an industry or business, mostly given by a government, in order to keep the price of service/goods at a low level.
  26. fertilizer (noun) – Fertilizers are organic or inorganic substances containing chemical elements that improve the growth of plants and the fertility (productiveness) of the soil.  
  27. foodgrain (noun) – a grain (rice, wheat, etc.) produced for human consumption.
  28. surpass (verb) – be greater than, exceed.
  29. math (noun) – calculation, figure, calculus.
  30. stick to (phrasal verb) – follow, abide by, keep, adhere to, hold to.
  31. fiscal deficit (noun) – the difference between total expenditure and total income of the government.
  32. flip side (noun) – other side, opposite side, other hand; wrong side, downside, drawback, disadvantage, pitfall.
  33. enthuse (verb) – motivate, spur/stimulate, encourage.
  34. enthusing (adjective) – motivating, encouraging.
  35. indicator (noun) – indication, sign, signal, pointer.
  36. state (noun) – condition.
  37. broader superlative adjective of broad (adjective) – comprehensive, extensive, wide, wide-ranging, broad-ranging.
  38. reflect (verb) – represent, indicate, show, display.
  39. undertake (verb) – begin, start, embark on, commence.
  40. mark (verb) – represent, signify, indicate.
  41. dip (noun) – decline, decrease, reduction, drop, slump.
  42. E-Way bill system (noun) – it is for GST registered person / enrolled transporter for generating the way bill (a document to be carried by the person in charge of conveyance) electronically on commencement of movement of goods exceeding the value of Rs. 50,000 in relation to supply or for reasons other than supply or due to inward supply from an unregistered person.
  43. supply chain (noun) – a dynamic network when a company purchases or uses goods or services from others. It involves people, information, processes, and resources involved in the production, handling, and distribution of materials and finished products or providing a service to the customer.
  44. steeper comparative adjective of steep (adjective) – sudden, sharp, rapid.
  45. sequentially (adverb) – in succession, successively, continuously.
  46. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.
  47. downtime (noun) – time when you are not working or busy.
  48. amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
  49. inventory (noun) – a complete list of items (in stock); list, listing, catalogue, directory, record, register.
  50. build up (phrasal verb) – establish, develop (gradually, systematically, and in stages).
  51. in anticipation (phrase) – in the expectation, in preparation.
  52. mute (verb) – tone down, subdue, moderate, make less intense.
  53. puzzling (adjective) – perplexing, baffling, bewildering, mystifying.
  54. contract (verb) – decline, decrease, diminish, reduce.
  55. year-on-year (adjective) – year over year (for comparison).
  56. rebound (noun) – recovery, rallying, picking up; an increase in value of something after decline.
  57. yield (verb) – provide, give, bring in.
  58. picture (noun) – idea, notion, view.
  59. paint a picture of (phrase) – to describe something in a specific way; tell, narrate, outline, portray, depict.
  60. sustainability (noun) – stability, reliability, longevity, constancy.
  61. headline (adjective) – pronounced, marked, striking, glaring, obvious, impressive.
  62. trajectory (noun) – track/course, route, path, direction, approach.
  63. GST Council (noun) – a federal body (established under article 279A of the Constitution) that aims to bring together states and the Centre on a common platform for the nationwide rollout of the indirect tax reform.
  64. prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, extended, protracted, long-drawn-out.
  65. expedite (verb) – speed up, accelerate, step up, quicken.
  66. long-awaited (adjective) – eagerly anticipated, expected, much-awaited.
  67. lose sight of (phrase) – pay no attention to, fail to consider, be lax about.
  68. deferred (adjective) – postponed, delayed.
  69. rationalise (verb) – streamline, make more efficient, hone, simplify, reorganize.
  70. spur (verb) – motivate, inspire, stimulate, encourage, galvanize.
  71. broad-based (adjective) – all-inclusive, comprehensive; all-embracing, complete, thorough.
  72. sustainable (adjective) – defensible, justifiable, defendable, supportable, acceptable.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (A small uptick) – Dec 05, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (A small uptick) – Dec 05, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (A small uptick) – Dec 05, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (A small uptick) – Dec 05, 2022

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