The Hindu Editorial (Space, not time) – Nov 24, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Space, not time) – Nov 24, 2022

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The Hindu Editorial (Space, not time) – Nov 24, 2022:

  1. space (noun) – room, leeway, scope, latitude, breathing space, elbow room, (freedom, liberty, independence).
  2. time (noun) – duration, term, stint, period, spell.
  3. tenure (noun) – term of office, period in office, period of office, time in office.
  4. tenure security (or) security of tenure (noun) – it refers to the possession of a degree of security of tenure, which guarantees legal protection against forced eviction, harassment and other threats.
  5. ongoing (adjective) – current.
  6. hearing (noun) – court case, lawsuit, inquiry, judicial/legal proceedings.
  7. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
  8. Constitution Bench (noun) – a bench of the Supreme Court having five or more judges on it. These benches are not a routine phenomenon.  Constitution Benches are exceptions, set up only if some circumstances exist).
  9. Division Bench (noun) – A bench of two or three judges is called a division bench.
  10. neutral (adjective) – fair, impersonal, unbiased, non-partisan, non-discriminatory.
  11. mechanism (noun) – procedure, process, system, operation, method, technique.
  12. raise a question (phrase) – to bring issues/questions/doubts to someone’s attention.
  13. enjoy (verb) – have, posses, be possessed of, be favoured with.
  14. reputation (noun) – standing, status, position, image.
  15. hold (verb) – conduct, organize, preside over.
  16. dawn (noun) – rise, beginning, start.
  17. republic (noun) – a group of people involved in a particular activity with certain equality; “The Republic” is a form of government in which a state (country) is ruled by elected representatives of the people (citizen body).  
  18. immune (adjective) – resistant, not subject, not liable (from the effects of something); freed from, absolved from, released from, excused from, relieved of, spared from, excepted from, exempted from.
  19. charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, indictment.
  20. favour (verb) – show favouritism/bias towards; treat with partiality; show preference for.
  21. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  22. vocal (adjective) – vociferous, outspoken, forthright; relating to someone who expresses his/her views frankly.
  23. Article 324(2) of the Constitution of India (noun) – it states that “the Election Commission shall consist of the Chief Election Commissioner and such number of other Election Commissioners, if any, as the President may from time to time fix and the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners shall, subject to the provisions of any law made in that behalf by Parliament, be made by the President.”
  24. envisage (verb) – visualize, imagine, envision.
  25. so far (phrase) – until now, up to the present, up to this point.
  26. push back (phrasal verb) – force back, repel, fight off; refuse, reject, prevent.
  27. apparent (adjective) – evident, obvious, visible, noticeable, pronounced, crystal clear; claimed, supposed, presumed, seeming.
  28. inclination (noun) – readiness, preparedness, disposition, wish/desire.
  29. devise (verb) – plan, form, create, come up with, draw up, work out.
  30. committee (noun) – panel, commission, advisory council/group.
  31. perceived (adjective) – discernable, noticeable, recognizable; supposed, regarded, considered.
  32. legislative (adjective) – law-making, parliamentary, policy-making, administrative.
  33. vacuum (noun) – empty space, emptiness, void, nothingness.
  34. occasion (noun) – time, moment.
  35. frame (verb) – formulate, draw up, plan, devise, create, come up with, draw up, work out.
  36. on one’s own (phrase) – alone, unaided, all by oneself.
  37. quite (adjective) – somewhat, relatively, comparatively.
  38. rightly (adverb) – exactly.
  39. enhance (verb) – increase, raise, augment, boost.
  40. spell out (phrasal verb) – explain, make clear, elucidate/clarify.
  41. composition (noun) – formation, structure, framework, arrangement.
  42. head (verb) – be in charge of, be in command of, be the leader of, be at the head of.
  43. fairly (adverb) – actually, really, practically.
  44. convention (noun) – practice, custom, formula, form, culture, tradition, standards. 
  45. elevate (verb) – promote, give promotion to.
  46. in effect (phrase) – in reality, in fact, effectively, practically.
  47. scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation.
  48. whimsy (noun) – (fanciful & personal) impulse, urge, notion, idea, vagary, inclination.
  49. play a role (phrase) – contribute to, be instrumental in, be a factor in.
  50. demit (verb) – resign, give up, leave.
  51. attain (verb) – complete, reach.
  52. brief (adjective) – short, temporary, short-lived, transient, momentary.
  53. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.
  54. contend (verb) – claim, argue, state, assert, insist.
  55. impeachment (noun) – the act of charging or accusing (a public official) with a crime done while in office.
  56. regardless of (phrase) – notwithstanding, despite, notwithstanding.
  57. in place (phrase) – established, arranged, set up, ready.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (Space, not time) – Nov 24, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (Space, not time) – Nov 24, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Space, not time) – Nov 24, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Space, not time) – Nov 24, 2022

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