The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022

The Sunday evening arrest of Chitra Ramkrishna, the former MD and CEO of India’s largest stock exchange, by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI),… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022:

  1. house of cards (phrase) – shaky, unsteady or precarious situation/organization.
  2. National Stock Exchange (NSE) (noun) – The National Stock Exchange of India Limited is the country’s leading financial exchange, with headquarters in Mumbai. It was incorporated in 1992 and, since then, has evolved into an advanced, automated, electronic system offering trading facilities to investor across the country. In 2015, this exchange system ranked the fourth place in the world according to the metric of its trading volume. Trading commenced in 1994 with the launch of the wholesale debt market and a cash market segment shortly thereafter.
  3. probe (noun) – inquiry, investigation, examination, scrutiny, analysis.
  4. systematic risk (noun) – the risk of a failure/collapse/breakdown of an entire system instead of the failure of individual parts.
  5. stem from (verb) – originate from, come from, be rooted in, emanate from, flow from, proceed from, result from, be consequent on.
  6. misdeed (noun) – crime, illegal act, offence, wrongdoing.
  7. evince (verb) – reveal, indicate, show, make clear.
  8. lacklustre (adjective) – dull, uninspired/uninteresting, mundane.
  9. stock exchange (noun) – stock market, securities exchange, money market, bourse (specifically an exchange in Europe, excluding the UK); (bourse/stock exchange is an organized marketplace where financial securities (such as shares of stock, bonds, and other financial instruments) issued by companies are bought and sold by stockbrokers and traders).
  10. change the course (phrase) – divert something completely in a new & different path/direction.
  11. laid-back (adjective) – relaxed, at ease, easy-going, casual, unworried, unconcerned.
  12. alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.
  13. jarring (adjective) – clashing; colliding; conflicting; causing a shock/damage.
  14. surreal (adjective) – unreal, bizarre, unusual, weird, strange.
  15. lapse (noun) – failure, mistake, blunder, oversight.
  16. sleuth (noun) – detective/investigator (police officer in this context).
  17. interrogate (verb) – question, cross-examine, probe.
  18. stock market (noun) – stock exchange, securities exchange, money market, bourse.
  19. watchdog (noun) – a person or organization that monitors/inspects/supervises others’ activities/conducts.  inspector/supervisor, observer, ombudsman.
  20. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (noun) – It was established on April 12, 1992 in accordance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. It is the regulator of the securities and commodity market in India owned by the Government of India.
  21. make/grab/hit the headlines (phrase) – be published/reported widely by the media
    to get a lot of public attention.
  22. assertion (noun) – declaration, statement, contention, claim, submission, postulation, opinion.
  23. confidential (adjective) – secret, top secret, sensitive, non-public.
  24. ostensibly (adverb) – in a way that something appears or is officially stated to be true/real, but it might not be; apparently, seemingly, allegedly, professedly, supposedly, purportedly.
  25. behest (noun) – instruction, command, order, demand, insistence.
  26. at the behest of (phrase) – in the name of, by the authority/command/order of; for the sake of; on behalf of.
  27. disregard (verb) – ignore, take no notice of, dismiss, turn a blind eye to; forget, overlook, dismiss, gloss over.
  28. governance (noun) – the act of governing something; administration.
  29. norm (noun) – standard, convention, regulation.
  30. systemic (adjective) – organizational, systemic, constitutional, configurational, formational
  31. “systemically important” and “systemic importance” (noun) – the terms “systemically important” and “systemic importance” mean a situation where the failure of or a disruption to the functioning of a financial market utility or the conduct of a payment, clearing, or settlement activity could create, or increase, the risk of significant liquidity or credit problems spreading among financial institutions or markets and thereby threaten the stability of the financial system of a particular country.
  32. catchy (adjective) – memorable, unforgettable, appealing, captivating, popular.
  33. detract (verb) – divert, distract, turn away, turn aside, avert, shift.
  34. deployment (noun) – the bringing of resources into effective action.
  35. co-location service (noun) – a service that allows all financial firms an opportunity to place their automated trading machinery just a few meters away from the exchange trading platform.
  36. lacunae (plural of) lacuna (noun) – a gap/empty space; missing part of something.
  37. oversight (noun) – supervision, surveillance, inspection, administration, management, direction, control.
  38. mechanism (noun) – system, arrangement, regime, apparatus.
  39. capital market (noun) – it is basically a system in which people, companies, and governments with an excess of funds transfer those funds to people, companies, and governments that have a shortage of funds.
  40. international capital market (noun) – International capital market is the group of different country’s capital market. International capital markets are the same mechanism but in the global sphere, in which governments, companies, and people borrow and invest across national boundaries.
  41. reflect (verb) – indicate, show, display, demonstrate, represent.
  42. multi-layered (adjective) – having many layers.
  43. crack down on (phrasal verb) – get tough on, take severe measures against, clamp down on.
  44. wrongdoing (noun) – crime, lawbreaking, lawlessness, misconduct, malpractice, corruption, unethical behaviour, immorality.
  45. pay a premium for/put a premium on (phrase) – value greatly, put a high value on, regard as particularly important.
  46. head start (noun) – initial advantage.
  47. algorithm (noun) – the list of instructions and rules that a computer needs to do to complete a task.
  48. High-frequency trading (HFT) (noun) – a form of advanced trading platform that processes a high numbers of trades very quickly using powerful computing technology. IT refers to computerized trading using proprietary algorithms.
  49. entail (verb) – necessitate, make necessary, demand, call for, require.
  50. broker (noun) – dealer, agent, negotiator, middleman.
  51. defender (noun) – supporter, upholder, backer, champion, advocate, adherent.
  52. premise (noun) – assertion, belief, thought, notion, proposition, assumption.
  53. deep-pocketed (adjective) – affluent, rich; relating to something/someone with abundant financial resources.
  54. gel (verb) – come together; take shape, take form, emerge.
  55. free/open market (noun) – a type of economic system that is controlled by the market forces of supply and demand, as opposed to government controls that involve price-cutting monopolies. It is different from a regulated market or command economy. In the latter, a central government agency decides the supply and demand, which means the market does not operate freely. In a free/open market, a majority of companies and properties are owned by individuals or entities in the private sector instead of the state.
  56. institutional (adjective) – procedural, formal, systematic, methodical.
  57. regulator (noun) – an association/statutory body that supervises a particular business activity.
  58. accountable (adjective) – responsible, liable, answerable, chargeable.
  59. top brass (noun) – very important person/people.
  60. sanctity (noun) – ultimate importance, inviolability; righteousness, devotion.
  61. under a cloud (phrase) – under suspicion; in trouble; disgraced, discredited, shamed.
  62. tad (noun) – small portion, segment, section, part of something.
  63. observe (verb) – notice, discern, detect, take note of.
  64. first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information  about the commission of a cognizable offence.
  65. lackadaisical (adjective) – careless, casual, unenthusiastic, uninterested, lazy.
  66. in place (phrase) – in position; established.
  67. deterrent (adjective) – aimed to deter; curbing, checking, restraining.
  68. accompany (verb) – occur with, co-occur with, go with, go along with.
  69. checks and balances (plural noun) – a system in which all departments of a government organization have right to amend/limit the powers of the other departments in order to avoid dominance of one department.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (A house of cards) – Mar 08, 2022

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