Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “to the hilt” and its meaning is “completely, fully, wholly, totally, entirely, utterly, unconditionally, in every respect, as much as possible, to the very extent/level/degree”.
Example Sentence: To put today’s figures in context, the world’s most lucrative (profitable) drug in any single year up to this point was Humira, which treats autoimmune diseases, and which generated its owner, AbbVie, $20bn in 2018. Humira was studied by a US congressional committee, and is a classic case of how big pharma companies work today: buy up a drug that’s already been invented, patent it to the hilt, and increase the price 470% over its lifetime.

This phrase is present in The Guardian article Putting big pharma in charge of global vaccine rollout was a big mistake and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Guardian
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