The Hindu Editorial (Wrong signal) – Feb 11, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Wrong signal) – Feb 11, 2022

The Kerala High Court judgment upholding the Government’s revoking the broadcasting permission given to Malayalam news channel MediaOne is… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Wrong signal) – Feb 11, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (Wrong signal) – Feb 11, 2022:

  1. bogey (noun) – a source of fear; a source of confusion; bane, anathema, abomination, nightmare, curse, bugbear; spectre, threat, menace.
  2. shut down (phrasal verb) – close, discontinue, cease operation, stop.
  3. concerning (adjective) – worrying, alarming, worrisome, unsettling.
  4. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate.
  5. revoke (verb) – cancel, abolish, invalidate, repeal, reverse, overrule, annul, nullify.
  6. plainly (adverb) – simply, clearly, visibly, obviously.
  7. uplink (verb) – to link audio- video signals of a TV channel from a ground station up to a satellite.
  8. downlink (verb) – to link audio- video signals of a TV channel from a satellite down to a ground station/receiver.
  9. clearance (noun) – (official) approval, consent, assent.
  10. challenge (verb) – disagree with, object to, dispute, protest against.
  11. endorse (verb) – uphold, confirm, approve, vindicate, validate.
  12. stand (noun) – position, point of view, standpoint, stance, approach.
  13. observe (verb) – comply with, abide by, keep, obey, adhere to, conform to.
  14. natural justice (noun) – the process of acting in good faith without bias and providing a fair hearing.
  15. even though (phrase) – notwithstanding, regardless of, despite.
  16. disclose (verb) – reveal, make known, tell, communicate, pass on.
  17. unfortunate (verb) – regrettable, inappropriate; unpromising, inauspicious.
  18. (the) authorities (noun) – officials, the government, the administration, the establishment, the bureaucracy, the system.
  19. intelligence (noun) – (military/political) information, facts, details, particulars.
  20. warrant (verb) – justify, vindicate, validate.
  21. petitioner (noun) – supplicant, applicant, claimant.
  22. go against (phrase) – be contrary to; be opposed to.
  23. emerging (adjective) – becoming evident/obvious/noticeable.
  24. jurisprudence (noun) – legal theory or legal system.
  25. Part III Rights/Fundamental Rights (noun) – The Fundamental Rights, embodied in Part III of the Constitution, guarantee civil rights to all Indians and prevent the State from encroaching an individual’s liberty while simultaneously placing upon it an obligation to protect the citizens’ rights from encroachment by society. Seven fundamental rights were originally provided by the Constitution – the right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, right to property and right to constitutional remedies.  However, the right to property was removed from Part III of the Constitution by the 44th Amendment in 1978.
  26. withstand (verb) – stand firm against, stand up to, grapple with, face, confront.
  27. stand the test of something (phrase) – to continue to be important, respected, etc., for something.
  28. proportionality (noun) – the quality of being in relation to severity, quantity, degree, period of something.
  29. concerning (preposition) – about, regarding, on the subject of, relating to,  with regard to, with reference to, with respect to.
  30. disseminate (verb) – spread, circulate, distribute, publicize, communicate, make known.
  31. consume (verb) – absorb.
  32. fall under (phrase) – come under; be classified as.
  33. framework (noun) – structure, fabric, system.
  34. freedom of speech (noun) – the right to express opinions without government interference.
  35. reasonableness (noun) – fairness, justification.
  36. in any way (phrase) – under any circumstances or conditions.
  37. negate (verb) – invalidate, nullify, cancel, deny, reject.
  38. broadcast (verb) – transmit, air, send out, televise, telecast; publicize, publish, make public, make known.
  39. astounding (adjective) – amazing, astonishing, staggering, shocking, surprising.
  40. dismiss (verb) – reject, deny, disregard.
  41. precedent (noun) – example, previous example/instance, prior instance.
  42. pretext (noun) – false excuse, ostensible reason, alleged reason.
  43. impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict, urge (an unwelcome decision).
  44. the state (noun) – the government.
  45. spectre (noun) – threat, menace, danger/peril.
  46. free pass (noun) – (unrestricted) approval; acceptance/approval of bad behaviour. 
  47. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment.
  48. pegasus (noun) – spyware, that can hack any iOS or Android device and steal a variety of data from the infected device, developed by the Israeli cyber-arms firm, NSO Group.
  49. spyware (noun) – a category of software which aims to steal personal or organizational information.
  50. right to privacy (noun phrase) – a fundamental right protected under Part III of the Constitution of India.
  51. germane (adjective) – relevant, pertinent, applicable.
  52. err (verb) – make a mistake, be wrong, make a blunder, be incorrect, misjudge.
  53. circumspection (noun) – caution, carefulness, care, wariness.
  54. curtail (verb) – decrease, lessen, reduce, restrict, limit.
  55. much-derided (adjective) – much-ridiculed, much-dismissed.
  56. aid (noun) – assistance, support, help.
  57. adjudication (noun) – arbitration, settlement, resolution, verdict.
  58. recognize (verb) – realize, be aware of, be conscious of, understand.
  59. scope (noun) – extent, range, sweep, purview; jurisdiction, sphere.
  60. limited (adjective) – restricted, controlled, restrained, constrained, confined.
  61. base on (phrasal verb) – use as a basis; found, build, construct, form, establish.
  62. ground (noun) – reason, cause, basis, factor.
  63. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  64. substantiate (verb) – prove, confirm, demonstrate, show to be true; justify, vindicate.
  65. reluctant (adjective) – unwilling, disinclined, resisting, opposed, hesitant.
  66. confidential (adjective) – secret, top secret, sensitive, non-public. 
  67. in peril (phrase) – in danger, in jeopardy, in risk.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (Wrong signal) – Feb 11, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (Wrong signal) – Feb 11, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Wrong signal) – Feb 11, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Wrong signal) – Feb 11, 2022

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