Growth, with caveats – The Hindu (April 07, 2017)

Growth, with caveats – The Hindu (April 07, 2017)

The central bank was not expected to tinker with key policy rates in its first monetary policy review of 2017-18 unveiled on Thursday, following its decision to shift from an accommodative to a neutral monetary policy stance in February. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. caveat (noun) – warning/caution of provision, condition, clause.
  2. heed (verb) – pay attention to, take notice of, bear in mind.
  3. plainspeak (noun) – outspoken, frank, straight forward expression.
  4. tinker (verb) – try to improve, play around with, try to mend.
  5. unveil (verb) – present, disclose, make public.
  6. accommodative (adjective) – accommodating, cooperative.
  7. reverse repo rate (noun) – (In India) it is the rate at which the Reserve Bank of India borrows money from commercial banks. It is a monetary policy instrument which can be used to control the money supply.
  8. untouched (adjective) – unspoilt, unmarked, undamaged.
  9. suck (verb) – withdraw, remove, pull/draw/take out.
  10. liquidity (noun) – liquid assets; cash; (liquid asset is an asset which can be easily sold/converted into cash without losing its value).
  11. lingering (adjective) – persisting, lasting, prolonged.
  12. come off (phrasal verb) – happen as planned.
  13. aftermath (noun) – repercussions, effects/results, outcomes.
  14. drain (noun) – the continuous loss of a particular resource.
  15. efficacy (noun) – effectiveness, efficiency,  power/ability to give estimated results.
  16. toolkit (noun) – a set of resources, abilities, or skills.
  17. impinge on (verb) – affect, have an effect on, have a bearing on.
  18. inflation (noun) – increase of price level of goods & services & vice versa decrease of currency value.
  19. fiscal (noun) – a financial year.
  20. disinflationary (adjective) – relating to the reduction in the rate of inflation.
  21. benign (adjective) – favourable, advantageous, beneficial.
  22. optimistic (adjective) – confident, hopeful, positive.
  23. uptick (noun) – a small increase.
  24. rebound (noun) – recovery, increase in something (value, amount) after a decline.
  25. heart (noun) – enthusiasm, keenness, determination/resolution.
  26. virtuous (adjective) – righteous, good/clean, ethical.
  27. elusive (adjective) – difficult to find/define/understand.
  28. categorical (adjective) – positive, definite, direct/outright.
  29. eschew (verb) – abstain from, refrain from, give up, forgo.
  30. crowd out (verb) – oust, overthrow, remove.
  31. dent (verb) – weaken, reduce, lessen.
  32. balance sheet (noun) – a statement that shows the financial condition of a company at a particular point in time.


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