The Hindu Editorial (On the brink) – Nov 22, 2021
The massive mobilisation of Russian troops on the Ukraine border and occasional outbreak of violence along the line of contact between the Russia-backed rebels in the contested Donbass region and Ukrainian… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (On the brink) – Nov 22, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (On the brink) – Nov 22, 2021:
- on the brink (of) (phrase) – on the edge/verge of difficult/dangerous situation; at a crucial or critical point.
- abide by (verb) – conform to, adhere to, comply with.
- Minsk (proper noun) – the capital of Belarus.
- Minsk Protocol/Accord (noun) – the Minsk Protocol (later known as Minsk-1) with the Minsk Memorandum of September 2014 and the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements (Minsk-2) are agreements between Ukraine and Russia to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine (eastern Donbass region). The Minsk Protocol (Minsk-1) failed within days of its signing on 5 September, 2014. Four months later Minsk-2 was signed on February 12, 2015 to revive the peace efforts featured by Minsk-1. Minsk-2 is basically a more detailed Minsk-1 agreement. Minsk-2 didn’t replace the first agreement, but it was intended to revive the Minsk-1 after its collapse.
- accord (noun) – agreement, settlement, treaty, deal.
- mobilisation (noun) – the act of bringing forces/people/resources together for a particular cause.
- occasional (adjective) – irregular, periodic, sporadic, infrequent.
- outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden appearance/occurrence of something.
- line of contact (noun) – In general a “line of contact” refers to the demarcation (borderline/frontier) between two or more given armies.
- Russia-backed (adjective) – supported by the Russian government.
- rebel (noun) – insurgent, mutineer, agitator, subversive.
- contested (adjective) – disputed.
- brink (noun) – edge/verge/end (of something).
- conflict (noun) – war, armed conflict, battle, fighting.
- open conflict (noun) – conflict that is very visible and deep-rooted; surface conflict is visible but shallow or with no roots; latent conflict is a conflict that is below the surface with potential to emerge.
- diplomatic (adjective) – consular, foreign-policy.
- intervention (noun) – the process of intervening in something; involvement, interference.
- pull back (phrasal verb) – withdraw, retreat, pull out, draw back.
- emphatic (adjective) – clear, definite, firm, decisive.
- move (noun) – action, measure, manoeuvre.
- strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).
- force-projection (noun) – a term used in military and political science to refer to the capacity of a state to deploy and sustain forces outside its territory.
- ally (noun) – a country/state with an alliance with another one in which they promise to support each other militarily and to defend each other.
- orchestrate (verb) – organize, arrange, choreograph (secretively).
- migration (noun) – the movement of people within the borders of the same country or across international borders in order to find work or better living conditions.
- migration crisis (noun) – it is the intense struggle/difficulty in the receiving state (destination country) to cope/deal with the influx of resettling people from the country of origin (departure).
- amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
- tension (noun) – strained relations; strain, stress, pressure, unease.
- bomber (noun) – bomb carrying & dropping aircraft.
- vessel (noun) – ship, yacht, boat.
- shadow (verb) – follow, trail, track, keep watch on (closely & secretly).
- aggressiveness (noun) – hostile or warlike behaviour.
- drive (verb) – (of a feeling) force, compel, impel, prompt, precipitate.
- strategically (adverb) – in a way that is designed/planned to serve a particular purpose.
- withdrawal (noun) – retreat, departure, disengagement.
- preoccupation (noun) – concentration, engrossment, thinking, thinking of other things, deep thought.
- window of opportunity (phrase) – a short period of time in which one has a chance to do/achieve something; lucky chance, good time, golden opportunity, suitable time/moment, opportune occasion.
- reassert (verb) – confirm again, reaffirm.
- primacy (noun) – importance, superiority, supremacy, dominance.
- backyard (noun) – territory/area.
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (noun) – NATO was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.
- advances (noun) – breakthrough, development, improvement, step forward.
- scholar (noun) – academic, intellectual, learned person.
- carrier (noun) – an aircraft carrier.
- (be) at the centre of (phrase) – be (the) main cause/subject of something.
- geopolitical (adjective) – relating to (the study of) the geographical factors (a country’s position on the earth, size, climate, and natural resources &, etc.) in world politics and inter-state relations.
- tussle (noun) – fight, struggle, skirmish; argument, disagreement, quarrel, contention.
- the West (noun) – The Western world/civilization consisting of the majority of Europe & the North America.
- avert (verb) – prevent, stop, avoid.
- mediation (noun) – conciliation, arbitration, intervention/negotiation.
- design (verb) – create, plan, formulate, think up.
- hand over (phrasal verb) – pass, assign, transfer.
- delegate (verb) – assign, entrust, give, consign.
- breakaway (noun as modifier) – separatist, secessionist, dissenting, splinter (group/party).
- codify (verb) – systematize, organize, arrange.
- nod (noun) – a sign of approval.
- possibly (adverb) – perhaps, maybe, it is possible.
- delegation (noun) – assignment, entrusting, giving, committal, transference.
- leverage (noun) – influence, power, authority, sway.
- integration (noun) – unification, consolidation, inclusion.
- Kiev (proper noun) – the capital of Ukraine.
- reluctance (noun) – unwillingness, disinclination, hesitation.
- ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
- prompt (verb) – cause, encourage, impel, urge.
- in a tough spot (phrase) – in difficult situation/place; in difficulty.
- lack (verb) – be without, be lacking, be deprived of, be short of.
- deter (verb) – prevent, stop, avert, impede.
- neighbour (noun) – a country that is next to another country; (bordering) country.
- come to (one’s) aid/help (phrase) – to provide assistance/support to someone.
- in the event of something (phrase) – if something happens.
- invasion (noun) – occupation, conquering, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover.
- tactical (adjective) – calculated, strategic, diplomatic.
- annexation (noun) – conquest, occupation, takeover.
- deteriorate (verb) – worsen, get worse, decline, degenerate.
- ruptured (adjective) – divided, disrupted, broken, fractured.
- revive (verb) – restore, revitalize, renew, bring back.
- resume (verb) – restart, start again, recommence.
- live up to (phrasal verb) – satisfy, fulfil, achieve, meet.
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context.
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The Hindu Editorial (On the brink) – Nov 22, 2021

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