America’s era of anger – The Hindu (Jan 23, 2017)

America’s era of anger – The Hindu (Jan 23, 2017)

Despite the belligerence and rhetoric of his campaign, some had hoped that Donald Trump, in his inaugural address, would seek to heal the wounds created by a divisive campaign. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2:

  1. belligerence (noun) – aggressive behaviour.
  2. rhetoric (noun) – bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language.
  3. divisive (adjective) – isolating/separating, dividing; disharmonious.
  4. trump (verb) – outshine, outclass, surpass.
  5. resonant (adjective) – reverberating, resounding, echoing.
  6. stark (adjective) – obvious, evident, clear.
  7. humility (noun) – modesty, humbleness, modestness,
  8. embrace (verb) – include, contain, encompass.
  9. predecessor (noun) – forerunner, precursor, antecedent.
  10. vow (verb) – swear, promise, affirm/commit.
  11. carnage (noun) – massacre, mass murder, mass destruction.
  12. eradicate (verb) – destroy, eliminate, remove/abolish.
  13. executive order (noun) – an order issued by the president.
  14. roll back (phrasal verb) – reverse, remove, revoke.
  15. pursue (verb) – engage in, practise/follow; carry on with.
  16. buttress (verb) – strengthen, reinforce, fortify/support.
  17. protectionism (noun) – the use of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on imports to protect domestic producers from foreign competition (Courtesy: Financial Times)..
  18. passionate (adjective) –  emotional, intense, ardent/fervent.
  19. throng (verb) – mill round, gather, fill (in a place).
  20. global economic order /international economic order – a set of proposals put forward during the 1970s by some developing countries through the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to promote their interests by improving their terms of trade, increasing development assistance, developed-country tariff reductions, and other means (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  21. globalisation (noun) – the process of making the trade of goods and services equivalent in all nations (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  22. disdain (noun) – distaste, dislike, disgust.
  23. confrontational (adjective) – hostile, argumentative.
  24. rally (verb) – bring together, unite, group.
  25. unleash (verb) – to allow or cause something to happen (suddenly).
  26. bygone (adjective) – past, former/earlier, gone by.


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