Month: April 2023

The Hindu Editorial (Invented names) – Apr 05, 2023
The Hindu Editorial (Invented names) – Apr 05, 2023 India has summarily rejected China’s attempt to lay claim over areas of Arunachal […….]

Phrase of the Day (take a page out of someone’s book)-05APR23
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “take a page out of someone’s book“ and its meaning is “to imitate or follow someone; copy, reproduce, mimic, mirror, echo, model oneself on, take as a model, take as an example”. […….]

Word of the Day (indictment)-05APR23
Today’s “Word of the Day” is “indictment“ and it is a noun meaning “a formal written accusation by a grand jury that a person has committed a serious crime; charge, allegation, arraignment, imputation, incrimination”. […….]

“Phrase Of The Day” We Learnt Last Month (Mar 01-31, 2023)
Have you been reading the posts? To refresh our memory, here is a list of “Phrase Of the Day” which...

“Word Of The Day” We Learnt Last Month (Mar 01-31, 2023)
Have you been reading the posts? To refresh our memory, here is a list of “Word Of the Day” which...