Month: October 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Vital intervention) – Oct 24, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Vital intervention) – Oct 24, 2022 There is good reason for the Supreme Court of India to ask […….]
Phrase of the Day (tip the balance)-24OCT22
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “tip the balance“ and it is a phrase meaning “be the decisive/deciding/determining factor; make the difference in such a way that something is likely to become successful; to change a situation in order to succeed in something doubtlessly”. […….]
Word of the Day (flak)-24OCT22
Today’s “Word of the Day” is flak and it is a noun meaning “strong criticism, censure, disapproval, condemnation, castigation, lambasting, denunciation”. […….]
Phrase of the Day (the lion’s share)-23OCT22
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “the lion’s share“ and it is a phrase meaning “the most of something, the largest part of something; the greater number of, the main part of, more than half of, the bulk of something”. […….]
Word of the Day (alacrity)-23OCT22
Today’s “Word of the Day” is alacrity and it is a noun meaning “eagerness, readiness, promptness, willingness; enthusiasm, zeal, fervour, keenness, briskness, swiftness, speed”. […….]