Today’s “Word of the Day” is “confab“ and it is a noun meaning “a meeting of the members of a group; conference, symposium, debate, discussion, conversation, discourse, confabulation; it also means informal chat/conversation”.
Example Sentence: Oil producer Azerbaijan, the host of this year’s 29th Conference of the Parties, is tasked with the limited goal of rallying countries around a target for annual financial aid for developing nations facing the rising costs of climate change. It is a mandate that pales in comparison with the agenda for next year’s confab in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, where governments will chart a course for the next decade. But it is considered all-important for many countries ahead of Brazil’s COP30 and achieving it requires diplomatic skill.

This word is present in COP29 talks struggle in a year of climate stress and global bickering and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Hindu
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