Today’s “Word of the Day” is apace and it is an adverb meaning “quickly, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, briskly, expeditiously, without delay, at full speed, fast”.
Example Sentence: There is still a chance that the link between catching Omicron and hospitalisation may be sufficiently weak to minimise the impact of the next wave on the National Health Service (NHS). Thanks to a stellar effort by the NHS, the booster vaccine rollout is proceeding apace, after a sluggish start that left the UK more exposed than it needed to be. But there is a very real risk that January 2022 is no less challenging than January 2021.
This word is present in The Guardian article The Observer view on a second Covid Christmas and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Guardian
“Phrasal Verbs” We Learnt Last Week
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