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Turmoil in Turkey – The Hindu (July 18, 2016)

Turmoil in Turkey – The Hindu (July 18, 2016)

Turkey’s is a classic case of a coup-prone political system. The military is a relatively autonomous and popular institution. It has in the past toppled civilian governments four times. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:

  1. Turmoil (noun) – confusion, disorder, agitation, unrest, disruption.
  2. Coup (noun) – rebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, revolution, insurgence, rising.
  3. Prone (adjective) – likely to have/get, apt to get, at risk of, in danger of getting.
  4. Topple (verb) – overthrow, oust, depose, unseat, dethrone.
  5. Elite (noun) – powerful people/group in a society.
  6. A thing of the past (idiom) – something which is no longer happens again.
  7. Unfold (verb) – develop, evolve, happen, take place, occur.
  8. Bust (noun) – break, crack, snap, fracture, shatter; split.
  9. Myth (noun) – belief/idea.
  10. Reins (noun) – power, authority.
  11. Uprising (noun) – rebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, revolution, coup.
  12. Coherence (noun) – unity, soundness, orderliness, organization.
  13. Section (noun) – part, division, sector, wing.
  14. Brave (verb) – face, confront, stand up to, meet head on; endure, put up with, bear, withstand.
  15. Crackdown (noun) – clampdown, getting tough. severe measures, suppression.
  16. Liberal (adjective) – progressive, modern, forward-thinking, progressivist, reformist;
    left-wing, leftist.
  17. Academia (noun) – the community related to the education, research, etc.
  18. Thriving (adjective) – growing, prosperous; flourishing.
  19. Throng (verb) – pack (into), cram (into), jam, fill; crowd round, congregate round, converge round.
  20. Fierce (adjective) – intense, powerful, vehement, fervent.
  21. Denounce (verb) – condemn, criticize, attack, censure, reject.
  22. Fissure (noun) – opening, crack, hole, gap; break, fracture, fault, rift, rupture, split; disagreement, incompatibility.
  23. Pretext (noun) – excuse, false excuse, alleged reason, plea; semblance, show, pose.


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