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The horror in Dhaka – The Hindu (July 04, 2016)

The horror in Dhaka – The Hindu (July 04, 2016)

The attack in an upmarket café in Dhaka has left 28 people dead, including six gunmen, and Bangladesh clearly shaken. Over the past three years, the country has seen at least 40 targeted killings by militants, with each new attack raising fears about the growing clout of radicalised groups. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Today’s Words:

  1. Upmarket (adjective) – made for rich/affluent people.
  2. Militant (noun) – activist, extremist, radical, fanatic, sectarian, partisan.
  3. Clout (noun) – influence, power, control, say, dominance.
  4. Radicalise (verb) – to cause to follow radical ways particularly in politics ( & society). Radical (adjective) militant, extreme, extremist, fanatical)
  5. Marked (adjective) – noticeable, pronounced, decided, distinct, clear, glaring,
  6. Siege (noun) – blockade, beleaguerment, encirclement; seizure, serious attack.
  7. Rhetoric (noun) – bombast, loftiness, turgidity.
  8. Of late (idiom) – recently, not long ago, in the past few days.
  9. Assailant (noun) – attacker, mugger, assaulter, aggressor.
  10. Hack (verb) – cut, chop, hew, lop, saw.
  11. Crusader (noun) – campaigner,
  12. Apostate (noun) – dissenter, heretic, nonconformist; defector.
  13. Play something down (phrasal verb) – minimize, make light of, make little/nothing of, under-emphasize, downplay, understate, underplay.
  14. Liberal (adjective) – progressive, modern, forward-thinking, progressivist, reformist;
    left-wing, leftist.
  15. Secular (adjective) – non-religious, lay, worldly, earthly, profane; unsanctified, unconsecrated.
  16. Crackdown (noun) – clampdown, getting tough. severe measures, suppression.
  17. Propaganda (noun)- information, promotion, advertising; dissemination,  proclamation, promulgation, publicizing.
  18. Simmer (verb) – be furious, be enraged, be angry, be incensed, fume, temper.
  19. Lent (past participle of lend) – provide, give, allow, grant.
  20. Hold back (phrasal verb) – hesitate, pause, stop oneself, restrain oneself, desist.
  21. Pursue (verb) – go after, run after, follow, chase.
  22. Radicalisation (noun) – the process of causing someone to follow radical ways particularly in politics ( & society).
  23. Context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, surroundings, situation, background, atmosphere.
  24. Spectrum (noun) – a large range (of opinions, thoughts, beliefs, people, etc).
  25. Step back (phrasal verb) – halt for the time being to make a reasonable decision.
  26. High-handedness (noun) -heavy-handedness, rigidness, imperiousness; oppressiveness
  27. Dissent (noun) – disagreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute.
  28. Hollow out – gouge out, scoop out, dig out, cut out.


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