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The Hindu Opinion Article (Between the elephant and the dragon) – May 10, 2018)

The Hindu Opinion Article (Between the elephant and the dragon) – May 10, 2018)

After U.S. President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has indicated that…  For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Opinion Article (Between the elephant and the dragon) – May 10, 2018).

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s Advanced Word List 2 For The Hindu Opinion Article (Between the elephant and the dragon) – May 10, 2018):

  1. salvage (verb) – protect, preserve, conserve.
  2. woo (verb) – try to attract, persuade, tempt.
  3. raise eyebrows (phrase) – show surprise.
  4. sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  5. multilateralism (noun) – a method of coordinating  relations between groups of three or more states (countries).
  6. overt (adjective) – clear, visible, apparent.
  7. cordial (adjective) – friendly, warm, good-natured.
  8. rebound (noun) – an increase in something (value, amount) after a decline.
  9. impetus (noun) – stimulus, boost, encouragement/motivation.
  10. be part and parcel of (phrase) – be an important aspect/feature of.
  11. rationale (noun) – reason/basis; principle.
  12. antidote (noun) – solution, remedy, panacea.
  13. de-facto (adjective) – Latin, literally meaning ‘of fact’; actual, real, effective.
  14. entail (verb) – cause, produce, generate.
  15. intermittent (adjective) – irregular, occasional, periodic.
  16. veto (verb) – reject, rule against/rule out, prohibit (a proposal/decision).
  17. global order (noun) – the order of international institutions and agreements.
  18. pertinent (adjective) – relevant, suitable, appropriate/germane.
  19. fall prey to (phrase) – be vulnerable to, succumb to, fall victim to.
  20. synergy (noun) – collaboration, unity, understanding.
  21. vis-a-vis (preposition) – in relation to, with regard to.
  22. prudent (adjective) – wise, advisable, sensible.
  23. reliance (noun) – dependence; trust/confidence on something.

Today’s Advanced Word List 2 For The Hindu Opinion Article (Between the elephant and the dragon) – May 10, 2018):


  1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. Use it with the corresponding article published on the source (website) via the link provided. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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