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The Hindu Editorial (Take the gauntlet) – Oct 14, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​Take the gauntlet) – Oct 14, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​​Take the gauntlet) – Oct 14, 2024:

  1. take/pick up the gauntlet (phrase) – to accept a challenge (whereas ‘throw down a gauntlet’ means ‘to issue a challenge’): ‘gauntlet’ literally means ‘a medieval, armoured/protective gloves’ and it figuratively means ‘an open challenge”.
  2. Kavach (noun) – it is an indigenously developed Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system by the Research Design and Standards Organisation (RDSO) in collaboration with the Indian Railways.
  3. implementation (noun) – execution, application, carrying out.
  4. silver bullet (noun) – a simple solution to a complex problem; (simple) remedy, resolution, solution, panacea, antidote, quick fix.
  5. stationary (adjective) – stopped, halted, unmoving, immobile.
  6. bogie (noun) – a railway carriage, coach, bogie, car (of a train for the transportation of passenger).
  7. overturn (verb) – turn over, topple over, tip over, upset, upend, capsize.
  8. catch fire (phrase) – begin to burn, burst into flames.
  9. casualty (noun) – victim, fatality, loss.
  10. swift (adjective) – rapid, quick, speedy, fast, instant, prompt, immediate, sudden, expeditious.
  11. render (verb) – display, represent, depict,  portray, make, cause to become.
  12. if not (phrase) – perhaps even; used to talk about the negative result/effect of something.
  13. spate (noun) – series, flurry; a large number of something (taking place at the same period).
  14. spotlight (verb) – focus attention on, highlight, draw attention to, underline, underscore.
  15. oft (adverb) –  literary form of often
  16. precarious (adjective) – risky, dangerous, unsafe; hazardous, perilous, unreliable.
  17. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure or framework that a country or organization needs in order to function properly. For a whole nation, it includes all the physical systems such as buildings, roads & railways networks, utilities, etc.
  18. official (noun) – officer
  19. rear-end (phrase) – to crash into/collide with the back of (a vehicle).
  20. of choice (phrase) – something that is chosen most often by a particular group of people or for a particular purpose
  21. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
  22. capital spending/capital expenditure (CAPEX) (noun) – the money spent on the acquisition of assets like land, buildings, machinery, equipment, as well as investment in shares.
  23. of course (phrase) – certainly, obviously, definitely, needless to say, to be sure, by all means.
  24. span (noun) – period, time, duration, course, stretch.
  25. political class (noun) – political group.
  26. seemingly (adverb) – apparently, ostensibly, supposedly, evidently, presumably, surely, certainly, probably, may be, perhaps.
  27. straightforward (adjective) – honest, candid, truthful, unambiguous, forthright.
  28. cause (noun) – reason, grounds, basis.
  29. due to (phrase) – because of, as a result of, thanks to, on account of, owing to.
  30. naive (adjective) – childish, inexperienced, immature.
  31. turn into (phrasal verb) – ​to become something.
  32. precarity (noun) – the state of being uncertain/insecure/unsafe.
  33. overhaul (verb) – modernize, rebuild, renovate, revamp, recondition, remodel, refurbish.
  34. long-standing (adjective) – long-term, long-lasting, enduring, constant, perennial. 
  35. symptomatic (adjective) – indicative, warning, signalling, suggestive, symbolic.
  36. shortfall (noun) – flaw, shortcoming, deficit, lack, deficiency, insufficiency.
  37. deplorable (adjective) – disgraceful, dishonourable, unacceptable.
  38. loco informal for locomotive (noun) – the engine of a train.
  39. loco pilot (noun) – a person who is operating and driving the train.
  40. unhygienic (adjective) –  insanitary, unclean, 
  41. vigilance (noun) – careful observation, surveillance, alertness/carefulness.
  42. vigil (noun) – observation, surveillance, scrutiny, inspection, 
  43. amenity (noun) – facility, utility, service.
  44. attention (noun) – notice, heed, attentiveness, consideration, thinking.
  45. dependence (noun) – reliance.
  46. allocation (verb) – allotment, granting, grant, distribution, doling out, budgeting, earmarking, setting aside (especially of money, that is given to a particular person or used for a particular purpose).
  47. freight (noun) – shipment of goods or cargo (carried by ship, aircraft, train or truck).
  48. basket (noun) – a group of something (taxes, investments, freights, commodities, etc.).
  49. vulnerable (adjective) – endangered, unsafe, unprotected, undefended, attackable, defenceless, helpless, powerless.
  50. decarbonise (verb) – reduce carbon dioxide emissions through the use of low carbon power sources, achieving a lower output of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
  51. high-density (adjective) – very crowded.
  52. high-utilisation (adjective) – very busy.
  53. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  54. in a vacuum (phrase) –  in isolation; without connected with/related to other activities.
  55. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  56. stressor (noun) – something that causes stress/tension.
  57. consonance (noun) – agreement, conformity, compatibility, accordance.
  58. counter-terrorism (noun) – anti-terrorism; actions taken to combat or prevent terrorism.
  59. due diligence (noun) – reasonable, careful assessment/investigation done in advance.
  60. veil (noun) – covering, cover, screen, shield, curtain, mask.
  61. secrecy (noun) – concealment, confidentiality, stealthiness, secretiveness.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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