The Hindu Editorial (Shock-proof state) – Jul 22, 2024
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The Hindu Editorial (Shock-proof state) – Jul 22, 2024:
- shock-proof (adjective) – relating to a device which is not damaged if dropped, hit, etc.
- outage (noun) – a period of time when there is unavailability /decrease in quality of a particular service (particularly electricity).
- democratic (adjective) – autonomous, self-governing.
- digital infrastructure (noun) – it refers to the combination of hardware, software, networks, and data centers that enable the functioning of digital services. The essential framework allows businesses and individuals to operate effectively in the digital age.
- extent (noun) – degree, level, range.
- suffer (verb) – experience, undergo, go through, be subjected to, encounter.
- blackout (noun) – collapse, a sudden loss of something (example: electricity); (power) failure, cut-off.
- glitch (verb) – to experience a small & temporary problem, difficulty, issue/complication.
- roll out (phrasal verb) – launch, introduce something officially.
- fix (noun) – solution, answer, way out, resolution.
- resulting (adjective) – resultant, subsequent, consequent, following, ensuing, connected, linked.
- downtime (noun) – time when something is not working; break, interruption, suspension, disturbance, stopping, pause.
- erect (verb) – build, construct, fabricate, set up, fix in position.
- facilitate (verb) – assist, help, aid, ease, make easy, make possible.
- advancement (noun) – progress, progression, development , improvement, growth.
- inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable.
- concurrent (adjective) – coincident, corresponding, coinciding, simultaneous; equivalent, matching, similar, related, identical, comparable, commensurate, relative, correlative.
- set up (phrasal verb) – establish, start, begin, initiate, create.
- fail-safe (adjective) – safe, unable to fail, unlikely to fail.
- protocol (noun) – procedure, convention, formality; habit, pattern, method, system.
- glamorous (adjective) – exciting, stimulating, thrilling, fascinating, high profile, intriguing, appealing, attractive.
- exacerbate (verb) – increase, escalate, add to, intensify, heighten, aggravate, make worse.
- adoption (noun) – acceptance, assumption, validation, support, promotion.
- piecemeal (adjective) – disorganized, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, step by step.
- fashion (noun) – manner, way, method, mode.
- vis-à-vis (preposition) – concerning, with regard to, in relation to, as/in comparison with, in connection with (Vis-à-vis from Latin via. French, means literally “face-to-face).
- glitch (noun) – a small & temporary problem, difficulty, issue/complication.
- debilitating (adjective) – weakening, disabling, exhausting, undermining, impairing, paralyzing, immobilizing.
- tertiary care centre/hospital (noun) – highly specialized medical care centre/hospital.
- facility (noun) – station, centre, location/place.
- thermal power facility (noun) – a thermal power station/plant.
- thanks to (phrase) – as a result of, owing to, due to, because of.
- trivial (adjective) – unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, minor, petty, small, little.
- redundancy (noun) – the inclusion of extra components into a system which are not strictly needed to operate it, but they are added to be used if other components fail; an unnecessary thing.
- system redundancy (noun) – it acts as a sort of fail-safe in the event of a problem or system breakdown.
- enterprise (noun) – company, establishment, entity, organization, outfit.
- pan- (connecting form) – including all of something.
- impetus (noun) – momentum, motive force, driving force, motivation; push/thrust.
- rudiment (noun) – basic principles, basics, fundamentals, essentials.
- the state (noun) – the government.
- push (noun) – effort to do something.
- cognisant of (adjective) – aware, well informed about, familiar with.
- sovereignty (noun) – independent, supreme power or authority; supremacy, hegemony.
- data sovereignty (noun) – it refers to the laws and regulations of countries around how digital data is generated, processed and stored.
- inequality (noun) – Inequality is simply defined as “the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities; imbalance, unevenness, disproportion, disparity.
- marginalisation (noun) – an act of making something as insignificant/unimportant.
- impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict.
- navigate (verb) – travel across, travel over, travel through, go across, pass through, traverse.
- setting (noun) – environment, situation, surroundings.
- distrust (noun) – doubt, misgivings, reservation, suspicion, scepticism, mistrust, lack of trust/confidence.
- public distrust (noun) – it refers to scepticism or lack of confidence that individuals or communities may have towards government agencies, corporations, or institutions due to perceived dishonesty, incompetence, or lack of transparency
- stoke (verb) – influence, trigger, encourage, incite; fuel, add fuel to.
- judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested; judges collectively.
- civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from government and commercial for-profit actors. It refers to a wide array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations [NGOs], labour unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations. Civil society – sometimes called the “third sector” (after government and commerce) – has the power to influence the actions of elected policy-makers and businesses.
- Open source software (OSS) (noun) – it is a software that is distributed with its source code publicly, making it available for anyone to see, use, modify, and distribute with its original rights.
- integrity (noun) – righteousness, uprightness, morality, probity, honesty, fairness.
- integrity testing (noun) – honesty testing; a pre-employment screening practice that attempts to predict the future potential of counterproductive workplace behaviours.
- violate (verb) – fail to observe, fail to comply with, defy, breach, break, ignore, disobey, disregard.
- rejig (verb) – reorganize, rearrange, revise, reconstitute,
- public sector (noun) – businesses that are owned or controlled by the government.
- move away from (phrasal verb) – change/alter one’ ideas/beliefs/views and so.
- preserve (verb) – protect, maintain, retain, continue, secure, keep up.
- informal economy (noun) – informal sector, grey economy is the part of an economy that is neither taxed, nor monitored by any form of government.
- in the event of something (phrase) – if something happens.
- duty-bound (adjective) – beholden, under an obligation, obliged, compelled, obligated to do something.
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The Hindu Editorial (Shock-proof state) – Jul 22, 2024:

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