The Hindu Editorial (Rules and rulers) – May 26, 2021
It does seem that most if not all global social media giants will miss complying with the new IT rules of intermediaries, which come into effect today. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Rules and rulers) – May 26, 2021.
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Courtesy: The Hindu
The Hindu Editorial (Rules and rulers) – May 26, 2021:
- ruler (noun) – leader, sovereign, head of state; despot, dictator, tyrant, autocrat.
- curb (noun) – control, restriction, limitation.
- hear out (phrasal verb) – listen to someone who wants to say something.
- shed (verb) – discard, get rid of, do away with, drop, abandon, throw out, jettison.
- arbitrary (adjective) – whimsical, capricious, random, casual; tyrannical, autocratic, dictatorial, authoritarian, draconian, anti-democratic.
- rule-making (noun) – the making of rules/regulations.
- most if not all (phrase) – almost all, maybe all, a large majority of.
- giant (noun) – a very large firm.
- comply with (verb) – abide by, adhere to, conform to, follow.
- The Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (noun) – the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 have been framed in exercise of powers under section 87 (2) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and in supersession of the earlier Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules 2011.
- intermediary (noun) – social media website, eCommerce website, blogging platform, search engine, telecom provider, Internet platform (hosting user-generated content), cloud provider, etc.
- come into effect (phrase) – become applicable; come into force.
- non-compliance (noun) – indiscipline, misbehaviour, misconduct, disobedience.
- trigger (verb) – cause, prompt, bring about.
- worsening (noun) – deterioration, decline, decay, collapse, failure.
- among other things (phrase) – used to indicate that there are several more things like the one mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all.
- adhere to (verb) – abide by, follow, obey, comply with.
- vastly (adverb) – extremely, immensely, exceedingly, hugely/largely.
- compliance (noun) – conformity, observance, observation, accordance, adherence.
- make sure (phrase) – check, confirm, make certain, ensure.
- nodal officer (noun) – an office-holder given responsibility for a particular job within an organisation.
- grievance (noun) – complaint.
- trace (verb) – track down, find, detect.
- encrypted (adjective) – concealed/hidden with secret code.
- indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.
- bring in (phrasal verb) – introduce, cause, bring about, create.
- plethora (noun) – a lot, too many; excess, abundance, surplus.
- ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
- legislative (adjective) – relating to legislation; involving or relating to the process of making and passing laws.
- make things/matters worse (phrase) – to make the situation even worse.
- break down (phrasal verb) – fail, collapse, come to nothing, founder, fall through, be unsuccessful.
- stand-off (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, impasse (in a dispute/conflict).
- tag (verb) – label.
- manipulated (adjective) – misrepresented, falsified, distorted.
- manipulated media (noun) – As per Twitter’s policy, content may be labelled/tagged as ‘manipulated media’ or in some cases removed, if the company has a reason to believe that media (videos, audio, and images), or the context in which media are presented, are “significantly and deceptively altered or manipulated”.
- result in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to.
- back-story (noun) – history.
- court of law (noun) – court, tribunal.
- engage with (verb) – to establish a meaningful relation with someone.
- strained (adjective) – difficult, troubled, embarrassed.
- stonewalling (noun) – obstruction, delaying of something.
- stonewall (verb) – obstruct, impede, interfere with, hinder, hamper, block, interrupt.
- have someone’s back (phrase) – be prepared to support/defend someone.
- on one’s part (phrase) – made by, carried out by, caused by, from.
- make all the right noises (phrase) – behave as if you support or accept something by making statements (even thought that may not correct).
- take on board (phrase) – understand, make sense of, comprehend, work out.
- pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
- The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) (noun) – It works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.
- The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) (noun) – Established in 1927, FICCI is the largest and oldest apex business organisation in India. A non-government, not-for-profit organisation, FICCI is the voice of India’s business and industry. From influencing policy to encouraging debate, engaging with policy makers and civil society, FICCI articulates the views and concerns of industry.
- The U.S.-India Business Council (USIBC) (noun) – Formed in 1975 at the request of the U.S. and Indian governments, the U.S.-India Business Council is the premier business advocacy organization, composed of more than 350 top-tier U.S. and Indian companies advancing U.S.-India commercial ties. The Council aims to create an inclusive bilateral trade environment between India and the United States by serving as the voice of industry, linking governments to businesses, and supporting long-term commercial partnerships that will nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship, create jobs, and successfully contribute to the global economy.
- seek (verb) – request, ask for, demand.
- high-handed (adjective) – imperious, arbitrary, overbearing, domineering; autocratic, authoritarian, anti-democratic, dictatorial, oppressive.
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The Hindu Editorial (Rules and rulers) – May 26, 2021:

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