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The Hindu Editorial (​Politicising the laddu) – Sep 24, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Politicising the laddu) – Sep 24, 2024

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (​Politicising the laddu) – Sep 24, 2024:

  1. adulteration (noun) – the process/condition of being spoiled/polluted/made impure.
  2. on the face of it (phrase) – apparently, seemingly, outwardly, ostensibly, at first glance, it seems (that), it appears (that), at face value, to go by appearances, by all accounts.
  3. allegation (noun) – accusation, charge.
  4. famed (adjective) – famous, well known, prominent, notable, distinguished.
  5. no less than (phrase) – used to indicate that something is surprising.
  6. predecessor (noun) – previous holder of the post/position/job.
  7. snowball (verb) – rise, increase, escalate (rapidly).
  8. free-for-all (noun) – an uncontrolled situation/event in which everyone may participate, particularly a fight, protest, discussion and etc.  
  9. alliance (noun) – association, union, bloc, partnership.
  10. seek (verb) – request, ask for, demand, appeal for.
  11. unsurprisingly (adverb) – in a way that is expected.
  12. deter (verb) – prevent, stop, avert, hinder, impede, obstruct, thwart, inhibit.
  13. arduous (adjective) – difficult, hard/tough, taxing, demanding, onerous, laborious, back-breaking.
  14. indeed (adverb) – in fact, in truth, actually, in reality, certainly, surely, of course, for sure.
  15. Constitutional authority (noun) – a body of law which defines the role, powers, and structure of different entities within a state (country), namely, the executive, the parliament or legislature, and the judiciary. (The Chief Minister in this context).
  16. Centre for Analysis and Learning in Livestock and Food (CALF) (noun) – It was established by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) in 2009. CALF offers a range of reliable and accurate analytical testing services in the field of dairy products & food, animal feed & ingredients and genetics.
  17. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) (noun) – a statutory body that was set up under an act of Parliament. The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) founder is Dr. Varghese Kurian. It was established in 1965 to promote financial support for producer-owned and controlled organisations. The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) comes under the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairy. The headquarters of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is in Anand, Gujarat. 
  18. finding (noun) – result.
  19. contamination (noun) – the presence of a impurity; In medicinal chemistry, the term “contamination” is used to describe an unwanted material or substance gets into a drug, potentially leading to dangerous side effects for consumers.
  20. array (noun) – collection, range, variety.
  21. caveat (noun) – warning/caution of provision, condition, clause.
  22. National Food Laboratory (NFL), Ghaziabad (noun) – It is an Apex Food Laboratory of India dealing in Quality testing of food under Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
  23. blacklist (verb) –  ban, bar, eliminate, reject, rule out; put on a blacklist.
  24. contaminant (noun) – impurity, adulterant, pollutant, harmful substance.
  25. in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of some event, especially an unpleasant one; in the aftermath of, as a consequence of, on account of, because of, owing to.
  26. purview (noun) – limits, bounds, ambit, extent, range, scope.
  27. hereditary (adjective) – (of a person) holding a position by inheritance; inherent.
  28. custodian (noun) – guardian, protector, defender; supporter, backer, promoter,  protector, defender, proponent, champion.
  29. opportunistic (adjective) – selfish, self-centred, self-seeking, egocentric, inward-looking.
  30. uphold (verb) – confirm, justify, support/back, endorse, approve, vindicate, validate.
  31. Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act (noun) – This Act exists for better administration, protection and preservation of temples and the endowed properties attached thereto. (or) An Act to make better provision for the management and administration of The Hindu Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowments.
  32. metamorphose (verb) – transform, change, transfigure, convert, alter, modify, remodel, reorganize, translate.
  33. muck-raking (noun) – it is an act of finding out unpleasant (or private) information about people or organizations so as to expose it in public.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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