The Hindu Editorial (No fait accompli) – Dec 08, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (No fait accompli) – Dec 08, 2023:
- fait accompli (noun) – (from French) an accomplished fact, something that has already occurred and cannot be changed.
- restoration (noun) – bringing back, reinstitution, reinstallation, re-establishment, revival.
- statehood (noun) – the condition of being an independent state.
- amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during.
- suspension (noun) – termination, discontinuation, stoppage, cessation.
- Legislative Assembly (noun) – Assembly/Vidhan Sabha; a legislative body in the states and union territories of India.
- herald (verb) – indicate, denote, usher in, portend, augur, signal, point to, pave the way for.
- erstwhile (adjective) – old, previous, former, then.
- Article 370 of the Constitution of India (noun) – It had “temporary provisions with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir” which gave special powers to the state. The article allowed the state a certain amount of autonomy – its own constitution, a separate flag and freedom to make laws. Foreign affairs, defence and communications remained the preserve (domain) of the central government. It also allowed Jammu and Kashmir to make its own rules relating to permanent residency, ownership of property and fundamental rights. It did also bar Indians from outside the state from purchasing property or settling there.
- bifurcate (verb) – split, divide, separate.
- encompass (verb) – include, take in, comprise, contain, subsume, incorporate.
- valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it. Valley is a metonym of Jammu & Kashmir in this context (Metonym is used as an alternative for something else with which it is closely related/associated).
- hive off (phrasal verb) – break away from, become separate, remove (from a group).
- constitutionality (noun) – legitimacy, lawfulness, legality, rightness, reasonableness, justification, permissibility.
- reserve (verb) – postpone, defer, put off, withhold, delay.
- deter (verb) – prevent, stop, block, restrain, hinder, impede, ward off, obstruct.
- bring about (phrasal verb) – cause, lead to, result in, give rise to, produce.
- legalisation (noun) – the process or result of enacting/promulgating laws by a legislature; the making of laws.
- make-up (noun) – structure, framework, composition, formation.
- prospective (adjective) – possible, potential, likely, future, expected, upcoming, anticipated, awaited.
- delimitation (noun) – the act of establishing limits or boundaries in a Treaty, Judgement or other Agreement.
- demarcation (noun) – the physical marking of the boundary on the ground.
- exercise (noun) – activity, task, work, operation.
- pass (verb) – approve, vote for, accept, ratify, enact.
- Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2023 (noun) – It was first introduced in the Lok Sabha on July 26, 2023 and passed on Dec 06, 2023. The Bill amends the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019. The Act provides for the reorganisation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir into the union territories of Jammu and Kashmir (with legislature) and Ladakh (without legislature).
- Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023 (noun) – The Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, was introduced in Lok Sabha on July 26, 2023 and passed on Dec 06, 2023. It amends the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Act, 2004. The Act provides for reservation in jobs and admission in professional institutions to members of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other socially and educationally backward classes. The amendment Bill suggests a change in the nomenclature of a section of people who were earlier described as “weak and under privileged classes (social castes)” to “other backward classes”.
- necessarily (adverb) – inevitably, certainly, surely.
- reservation (noun) – a system of affirmative action in India that provides historically disadvantaged groups representation in education, employment, and politics.
- besides (adverb) – in addition, furthermore, moreover, further.
- empower (verb) – give someone the authority/power; enable, entitle, authorize, allow/permit.
- effect (verb) – bring about, cause to happen, carry out, execute, perform, make.
- nomination (noun) – candidacy, candidature; selection, choice, recommendation, naming, proposal.
- seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- underprivileged (adjective) – disadvantaged, needy, poverty-stricken, impoverished, poor, destitute.
- J&K Reservation Act, 2004 (noun) – it provided reservation in jobs and admission in professional institutions to Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and other socially and educationally backward classes.
- the legislature (noun) – a deliberative body of persons, usually elective, who are empowered to make, change, or repeal the laws of a country or state. India follows a bicameral (two chambers/parts) system at both the centre and state level.
- propriety (noun) – conformity, morality, correctness/good manners.
- due (adjective) – expected, awaited, anticipated, scheduled for.
- abrogation (noun) – abolition, repeal, cancellation (of a law/agreement).
- bifurcation (noun) – division of something into two branches or parts.
- adopt (verb) – accept, embrace, approve, ratify, validate.
- involvement (noun) – participation, taking part, engagement, association.
- elected representative (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly); legislator, lawmaker.
- act (noun) – law, statute, rule, regulation.
- the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
- Civil Liberties/Part III Rights/Fundamental Rights (noun) – The Fundamental Rights, embodied in Part III of the Constitution, guarantee civil rights to all Indians and prevent the State from encroaching an individual’s liberty while simultaneously placing upon it an obligation to protect the citizens’ rights from encroachment by society. Seven fundamental rights were originally provided by the Constitution – the right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, right to property and right to constitutional remedies. However, the right to property was removed from Part III of the Constitution by the 44th Amendment in 1978.
- arbitrary (adjective) – capricious, personal (whim/choice), subjective, unmotivated, unreasonable, irrational, illogical, unjustifiable, groundless; tyrannical, autocratic, dictatorial, authoritarian, draconian, anti-democratic.
- detention (noun) – confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, captivity, custody, internment.
- shutdown (noun) – closure of a (complete) system; close down, closure, suspension, stoppage.
- chilling (adjective) – frightening, terrifying, disturbing/horrifying.
- cite (verb) – mention, refer to, point to, adduce, invoke, turn to, resort to.
- separatism (noun) – dissension, nonconformity, dissent/faction.
- alienate (verb) – set apart, isolate, distance, detach, separate, disunite; estrange, make hostile/make unfriendly.
- first order of business (phrase) – the first task/job/situation that must be dealt with before anything else.
- hold (verb) – arrange, conduct, organize, have.
- popular (adjective) – public.
- glaring (adjective) – evident, flagrant, blatant, obvious.
- set the stage for (phrase) – prepare the circumstances for the beginning of something.
- address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
- led past participle of lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
- persistence (noun) – continuance, continuity, changelessness.
- militancy (noun) – extremist, radical, sectarian group.
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The Hindu Editorial (No fait accompli) – Dec 08, 2023:

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It has been more than five and a half years since an elected government collapsed and Governor’s rule was imposed in Jammu & Kashmir amidst the suspension of the elected Assembly — a step that heralded dramatic changes in the erstwhile State… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (No fait accompli) – Dec 08, 2023.