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The Hindu Editorial (New dawn) – Nov 07, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (New dawn) – Nov 07, 2020

After trailing but steadily closing the gap since Election Day, Democrat and former Vice-President Joe Biden… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (New dawn) – Nov 07, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (New dawn) – Nov 07, 2020:

  1. dawn (noun) – beginning, start, starting point, development.
  2. regressive (adjective) – retrograde, retrogressive, unprogressive/negative.
  3. certainly (adverb) – surely, definitely, unquestionably.
  4. outlast (verb) – outlive, survive, live after, remain alive after, last longer than.
  5. trail (verb) – lose, be down, be behind, lag behind. 
  6. seize (verb) – take hold of, grasp, grab (suddenly).
  7. Republican-leaning (adjective) – inclined/biased/oriented to Republican.
  8. swing State (noun) – it refers to any (U.S) state that could reasonably be won by either the Democratic or Republican presidential candidate by a swing in votes. “Red state” refers to states of the United States whose voters predominantly choose Republican Party (red) presidential candidates where as “blue state” refers to states of the United States whose voters predominantly select Democratic Party (blue) presidential candidates.
  9. poise (verb) – position, prepare oneself, ready oneself.
  10. garner (verb) – gather, collect, accumulate.
  11. The Electoral College (noun) – it is a group of people that elects the president and the vice president of the United States. (The word “college” in this case simply refers to an organized body of people engaged in a common task).
  12. Oval office (noun) – the office of the president of the United States, located in the White House, Washington.
  13. scattershot (adjective) – relating to a method which involves doing something to a lot of things or people in disorganized way, rather than focusing on particular things or people.
  14. campaign (noun) – an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group.
  15. unfounded (adjective) – groundless, baseless, unjustified.
  16. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment.
  17. mail-in voting/ballots (noun) – postal voting; a type of voting in an election where ballot papers/voter slips are distributed to voters to their addresses before Election Day and mailed back by the voters or deposited at a voting location or secure dropbox by a certain time on Election Day.
  18. absentee voting (noun) – a type of voting in an election where voters cast their vote by post, because they can’t physically be present at a voting center on Election Day due to varies reasons ranging from being out of country (for study/job), having disability or illness, serving as an election worker & etc,.
  19. in-person voting (noun) – a type of voting in an election where voters cast their votes/ballots in person in a polling booth on Election Day.
  20. subject (adjective) – susceptible to, liable to, prone to, in danger of, at risk of.
  21. on track (phrase) – on course, on target.
  22. popular vote (noun) – the popular vote is simply the total votes cast for each candidate across the whole of the United States. The candidate with the most votes across the nation is said to have won the popular vote.
  23. decisively (adverb) – conclusively, definitely, absolutely.
  24. whopping (adjective) – huge, massive, very large.
  25. seize on/upon (phrasal verb) – take advantage of, exploit, grasp (with both hands), grab.
  26. underscore (verb) – underline, emphasize, highlight.
  27. legitimacy (noun) – legality, lawfulness; justification, validity, permissibility.
  28. potential (adjective) – possible, likely, probable.
  29. mandate (noun) – authority, approval, authorization.
  30. nail-biting (adjective) – difficult, strained/stressful, anxious.
  31. denouement (noun) – the end result of a situation; the very end of a story; outcome, consequence, end result, ending, climax.
  32. belie (verb) – contradict, be at odds with, call into question, prove to be false, disprove.
  33. landslide (noun) – decisive (victory), runaway (victory), overwhelming majority.
  34. fiercest superlative adjective of fierce (adjective) – intense, powerful, vehement.
  35. play out (phrasal verb) – happen, occur, take place.
  36. Rust Belt (noun) – it is a term used to describe areas (north east, mid west & Great Lakes regions) in the US. This term is used to describe these areas where there was an economic decline, urban decay, high rates of poverty, and a drop in population due to deindustrialization during 1970s &1980s.
  37. afield (adverb) – to a distance.
  38. under the shadow of (phrase) – in danger of something.
  39. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  40. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
  41. surge (noun) – sudden increase, rise, growth.
  42. turnout (noun) – attendance.
  43. predecessor (noun) – previous holder; forerunner, precursor, antecedent.
  44. relish (verb) – enjoy greatly, delight in, gloat over, take pleasure.
  45. prospect (noun) – hope, chance, possibility, probability, outlook.
  46. legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the past.
  47. imply (verb) – say indirectly, suggest, indicate.
  48. footing (noun) – underpinning, support, basis on which something is established.
  49. realm (noun) – area, field, domain (of activity).
  50. macroeconomic (adjective) – relating to the branch of economics concerned with large-scale factors (interest rates/national productivity).
  51. heal (verb) – lessen, mitigate, alleviate; put right, set right, remedy, resolve.
  52. division (noun) – disunity, conflict, discord, disagreement.
  53. lead to (verb) – cause, result in, bring on, bring about.
  54. radically (adverb) – completely, thoroughly, totally, entirely.
  55. divergent (adjective) – differing, varying, dissimilar/contrasting.
  56. tolerate (verb) – allow, accept, agree to.
  57. pluralism (noun) – (of people) the practice exist in harmony irrespective of various differences.
  58. embrace (verb) – welcome, accept, adapt, take up.
  59. globalisation (noun) – the process of making the trade of goods and services equivalent in all nations (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  60. grim (adjective) – distressing, upsetting, worrying, unpleasant, dismal, awful.
  61. milestone (noun) – critical point, significant stage, turning point.
  62. fatality (noun) – death, casualty, mortality, loss.
  63. imperative (adjective) – vitally important, crucial, essential.
  64. advocate (verb) – champion, uphold, support, back.
  65. social/physical distancing (noun) – a term means actively avoiding crowded public places, is a key element in decreasing the rapid spread of COVID-19. This is an effort intended to limit exposure by reducing face-to-face contact and preventing spread among people in community settings.
  66. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  67. concur (verb) – agree, be in agreement, be in accord, be in accordance, go along.
  68. pandemic-induced (adjective) – caused/produced by the pandemic.
  69. tailspin (noun) – a situation in which something begins to perform badly or to fail and becomes out of control; (emotional) collapse due to rapidly increasing chaos or panic; uncontrollable decline, downturn, breakdown.
  70. pragmatic (adjective) – empirical, realistic/actual, practical.
  71. fiscal (adjective) – financial.
  72. fiscal policy (noun) – in simple terms, it is an estimate of taxation and government spending that impacts the economy.
  73. fear mongering (noun) – an act of spreading public fear intentionally on a particular topic/problem.
  74. denigrate (verb) – criticise, attack, insult, devalue, defame.
  75. immigrant (noun) – non-native, foreigner, migrant.
  76. Trumpism (noun) – a political ideology, style of governance, political movement and set of mechanisms for governance associated with United States president Donald Trump.
  77. dog whistle politics (noun) – political messaging employing coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup.
  78. white supremacist (noun) – a supporter who believes white people are inherently superior to people of other races in a society and therefore dominate them.
  79. retrograde (adjective) – unprogressive, negative, reverse/regressive.
  80. reproductive rights (noun) – Reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health.
  81. instinct (noun) – (natural) tendency, inclination, urge/desire.
  82. pander to (verb) – to do or say something to satisfy someone or someone’s (wrong) desire in order to get some advantage/benefit from it; satisfy, fulfil, indulge, gratify, soap.
  83. unhinged (adjective) – mentally unbalanced, deranged.
  84. nativism (noun) – the political policy of supporting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants.
  85. disenfranchise (verb) – stripe/deprive (someone) of a right or privilege.
  86. hold onto (phrasal verb) – have, keep, retain (something in one’s control).
  87. superpower (noun) – a nation which is very powerful and possesses military, political or economic might (power) with dominant status on the globe. (like the Soviet Union (erstwhile) or United States of America).
  88. mammoth (adjective) – something which is huge, massive, mighty, colossal.
  89. bridge-building (noun) – efforts to establish/reconcile friendly contacts/relationships between people.
  90. bitter (adjective) – hostile, hateful, ill-natured, spiteful.
  91. polarisation (noun) – separation of two contrasting groups (based on different opinions/beliefs).
  92. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided.


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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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