The Hindu Editorial (Medal count) – Jul 22, 2024
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The Hindu Editorial (Medal count) – Jul 22, 2024:
- countdown (noun) – a period of time leading up to a significant event.
- showing (noun) – performance.
- bid (verb) – attempt, try, try to get, try to obtain, propose.
- host (verb) – present, organize, arrange; act as host at (an event).
- gear up (phrasal verb) – get ready, prepare, equip (oneself) for something.
- earnestly (adverb) – seriously, sincerely, intently, firmly, eagerly, keenly.
- kick off (phrasal verb) – start, begin, get going.
- bank (noun) – the (sloping) land along the edge of a river; embankment.
- majestic (adjective) – impressive, magnificent, glorious, marvellous.
- pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
- stage (verb) – organize, arrange, present.
- behind closed doors (verb) – without an audience/crowd watching; privately.
- claim (verb) – state strongly that someone has achieved (something); win, get, secure.
- tally (noun) – score, count, total.
- pump into (phrasal verb) – invest a lot of money in something.
- optimistic (adjective) – positive, confident, hopeful, full of hope, sanguine.
- javelin (noun) – a light spear (a long stick with a pointed end) that is thrown for distance in an athletic field event.
- bolster (verb) – strengthen, support, make stronger, reinforce, buttress.
- legendary (adjective) – famed, fabulous, storied, celebrated, outstanding.
- at his/her peak (phrase) – in his/her very highest level (of performance).
- overcome (verb) – succeed, triumph over, get the better of, prevail over, defeat.
- elite (noun) – the best; high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society.
- shuttler (noun) – a person who plays badminton.
- seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- slump (noun) – decline, downturn, slide, plummet, tumble.
- bag (verb) – win, achieve, obtain, get, secure.
- unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
- secure (verb) – win, achieve, obtain, get, bag.
- live up to (phrasal verb) – reach, achieve, satisfy, fulfil, match up to, equal, match.
- expected (adjective) – anticipated, due, slated, awaited, predicted, hoped.
- kitty (noun) – a sum of something (money/things) made up of small contributions.
- determined (adjective) – resolute, purposeful, firm, committed, strong-minded.
- flop (noun) – failure, bust, disappointment, washout, fiasco.
- hold promise (phrase) – have promise; to appear likely to be successful in the future; to seem likely to be effective in the future.
- drought (noun) – dry spell/period.
- land (verb) – win, achieve, obtain, secure, get, bag.
- excel (verb) – shine, stand out, be outstanding, be very good, be the best.
- lift (verb) – boost, raise, uplift, elevate, brighten up, uplift, encourage.
- profile (noun) – portrayal, description.
- momentum (noun) – the increase in the rate of growth of something; strength, impetus.
- aspiration (noun) – desire, hope, longing, wish, objective, goal.
- embrace (verb) – take up, accept, adopt, support, be in favour of; include, incorporate, comprise, embody.
- Olympic movement (noun) – The Olympic Movement is a “concerted, organised, universal and permanent action, carried out under the supreme authority of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), of all individuals and entities who are inspired by the values of Olympism,”.
- in the near future (phrase) – very soon.
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The Hindu Editorial (Medal count) – Jul 22, 2024:

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