The Hindu Editorial (Law of numbers) – Dec 27, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Law of numbers) – Dec 27, 2023:
- parliamentary democracy (noun) – a system of government in which citizens elect representatives to a legislative parliament to make the necessary laws and decisions for the country.
- rush through (phrasal verb) – to deal with something very quickly (in a shorter time than usual).
- legislation (noun) – law, decree, statute, rule, ordinance, act.
- adjourn (verb) – postpone, reschedule, suspend, discontinue, put off, put back, hold off, defer, delay.
- sine die (adverb) – (with regard to business or activities of a legislature that have been adjourned) without setting a day to reconvene/reassemble Latin, literally ‘without a day; indefinitely.
- mark (verb) – indicate, signify, represent, denote.
- low (noun) – a lowest level; a lowest point; a difficult time.
- engage (verb) – involve in, take part in, participate in (a conversation or discussion).
- evade (verb) – elude, avoid, dodge, escape, sidestep, bypass, circumvent, be evasive about.
- the executive (noun) – the executive is a branch of government that enforces the law as written by the legislature and interpreted by the judiciary.
- accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability.
- battery (noun) – array, collection, range, group, raft.
- Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in the forms of Bills (or) draft statute/law, proposed legislation, proposal (presented to parliament/congress/council for discussion).
- far-reaching (adjective) – intense, serious; radical, extensive, comprehensive, thorough, profound, thoroughgoing, sweeping, widespread, broad-based.
- consequence (noun) – implication, result, outcome, ramification, repercussion.
- count (noun) – tally, total, number, total number,
- bloc (noun) – group, faction, alliance, partnership, union, coalition.
- clamour (noun) – protest, complain, make a demand.
- breach (noun) – contravention, violation, breaking, non-observance.
- chamber (noun) – one of the houses of a parliament or congress or legislative assembly.
- rift (noun) – disagreement, dispute, conflict.
- linger (verb) – continue, carry on, go on, keep going, remain, endure.
- term (verb) – call, describe as.
- suspension (noun) – temporary removal, elimination, termination, rejection, debarment, exclusion.
- premeditated (adjective) – intentional, calculated, conscious, done on purpose, knowing, purposeful, deliberate, pre-planned, prearranged, preconceived, predetermined, cold-blooded, wanton
- absence (noun) – lack, unavailability, non-existence.
- application (noun) – use.
- recall (verb) – remember, recollect.
- Chair (noun) – chairperson, presiding officer, speaker. (The Speaker is the presiding officer in the Lower House (Lok Sabha). The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio Chairman/presiding officer of the Upper House (Rajya Sabha)).
- House (noun) – the Parliament consists of two Houses. The two Houses are known as the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha).
- conduct (noun) – behaviour; actions, deeds.
- lack (noun) – absence, non-existence, unavailability.
- requisite (adjective) – vitally important, critical, essential, required, imperative, requisite, mandatory, necessary, obligatory, binding, compulsory.
- imprimatur (noun) – (official) approval, agreement, permission, consent, assent, confirmation, endorsement, sanction.
- impartiality (noun) – fairness, justness, neutrality, lack of bias, equity.
- in the absence of (phrase) – as someone or something is not available/present.
- criminal code/laws (noun) – a complex system of laws concerned with punishment of individuals who commit crimes.
- regulation (noun) – law, decree, directive, ordinance.
- feature (noun) – quality, aspect, point, factor, element, ingredient.
- unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
- coincidence (noun) – co-occurrence, coexistence, simultaneity; concurrence, similarity, correlation.
- take on board (phrase) – to accept a new idea or piece of advice, and act accordingly.
- conflicting (adjective) – opposite, contradicting, disagreeing, dissenting.
- obstinacy (noun) – stubbornness, inflexibility, bull-headedness, perversity, uncooperativeness, stiffness, rigidity, relentlessness, single-mindedness, self-opinionatedness, doggedness.
- equate (verb) – compare, relate, consider/regard as the same as.
- numerical (adjective) – relating to numbers.
- infallibility (noun) – the inability to be wrong; dependability, faithfulness.
- bring upon oneself (phrase) – to be the reason of one’s own difficulty/problems.
- echo (verb) – repeat, say again, resound, reiterate, imitate, parrot, reverberate, quote.
- alleged (adjective) – seeming, supposed, evident, reported, apparent, presumable, ostensible.
- mimicry (noun) – imitation, mockery, caricature, spoof.
- distraction (noun) – diversion, interruption, interference, obstruction, hindrance.
- dismaying (adjective) – appalling, horrifying, shocking, disconcerting, humiliating, dispiriting, discouraging, disheartening.
- correlation (noun) – connection, relation, relationship, link, resemblance, similarity, equivalence, comparability, parallelism.
- let alone (phrase) – not to mention.
- luminary (noun) – leader, expert/master, dignitary, VIP.
- invest (verb) – devote, give, spend, put in.
- ask for (phrasal verb) – seek, request, demand, appeal to, call on, urge.
- misguided (adjective) – ill-advised, ill-considered, short-sighted, unwise, thoughtless.
- objective (noun) – intention, idea, purpose, target.
- derail (verb) – obstruct, impede, hinder, hamper, block, interrupt, thwart, stop, restrict.
- functioning (noun) – conduct, operation, working, running.
- free pass (noun) – authorization or permission to do something (without any restriction/limitation).
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The Hindu Editorial (Law of numbers) – Dec 27, 2023:

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