The Hindu Editorial (Hate crime and punishment) – Jul 07, 2022
India’s laws on freedom of expression are clear about the reasonableness of the right to exercise it. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Hate crime and punishment) – Jul 07, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Hate crime and punishment) – Jul 07, 2022:
- hate crime (noun) – any criminal offence that is carried out because of hostility or prejudice based on disability, race, religion, transgender identity or sexual orientation.
- sentiment (noun) – emotion, sensibility, finer feelings.
- zero tolerance (noun) – a complete refusal to accept certain behavior.
- hate speech (noun) – abusive or disrespectful speech.
- freedom of expression (noun) – the ability of an individual or group of individuals to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship, restraint, or legal penalty.
- clear (adjective) – understandable, comprehensible, intelligible, easy to understand, clearly expressed.
- reasonableness (noun) – fairness, justification.
- exercise (verb) – use, employ, make use of, utilize, practise, apply.
- intended (adjective) – deliberate, intentional, calculated, conscious, considered, premeditated, pre-planned.
- fan (verb) – incite, provoke, foment, kindle, trigger, spark, instigate, arouse, intensify, increase, exacerbate.
- hatred (noun) – enmity, antipathy, antagonism, hostility, resentment, aversion.
- provision (noun) – clause, stipulation, condition, specification, requirement.
- interpret (verb) – mean, understand, read, infer, conclude, suppose.
- criminalise (verb) – make something (an activity) illegal.
- offence (noun) – crime, illegal/unlawful act, breach/violation of the law, wrongdoing, act of misconduct, misdeed.
- incite (verb) – fan, provoke, foment, kindle, trigger, spark, instigate, arouse.
- Law Commission of India (noun) – The first Law Commission after independence was set up in the year 1955. Subsequent Commissions were constituted from time to time. Usually each Commission is constituted for a term of three years. The 22nd Law Commission was notified on February 24, 2020 but key vacancies in the panel, including that of the chairperson, are to be filled up. The Law Commission shall undertake research in law and review of existing laws in India for making reforms therein and enacting new legislations. It shall also undertake studies and research for bringing reforms in the justice delivery systems for elimination of delay in procedures, speedy disposal of cases, reduction in cost of litigation etc.
- Indian Penal Code (IPC) (noun) – The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the official criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The draft was passed into law on 6 October 1860. The Code came into operation on 1 January 1862. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, sub-divided into 23 chapters, comprises 511 sections. IPC deals with crimes and punishments.
- imperative (adjective) – vitally important, all-important, vital, crucial, critical, essential, necessary.
- in the age of (phrase) – at this time/period.
- burgeon (verb) – grow/increase rapidly, escalate, mushroom, snowball, rocket, skyrocket.
- that said (phrase) – in spite of everything, in spite of that, nonetheless, even so, however, despite everything, after everything, having said that.
- counter (verb) – tackle, confront, stand up to, put up a fight against, oppose, resist.
- adage (noun) – saying, proverb, maxim/aphorism.
- sticks and stones may break bones, but words will not (phrase) – a physical attack may hurt/injure me but a verbal attack cannot hurt/injure me.
- chemist (noun) – pharmacist.
- knife (verb) – stab with a knife.
- allegedly (adverb) – reportedly, supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently.
- retaliation (noun) – revenge, vengeance, counter-attack.
- in support of (phrase) – in favour of, approving of, on the side of, to the advantage of, supportive of.
- the prophet (noun) – a person who is believed to be sent by God to Earth (to say the things that God wants to tell people).
- lines (noun) – a manner of doing something; way, method, manner.
- dastardly (adjective) – wicked/evil, cruel, heinous, wrongful.
- suspect (noun) – accused, suspected person.
- incense (verb) – provoke, enrage, infuriate, anger ,outrage.
- take to (phrase) – resort to, turn to, have recourse to.
- counter to (adverb) – against, in opposition to, contrary to, at variance with.
- National Investigation Agency (NIA) (noun) – The National Investigation Agency is a central agency established by the Indian Government to combat terror in India. It is functioning as the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in the country. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is created following the terror attack in Mumbai on December 26, 2008. It came into being on December 31, 2008, with the passage of the NIA Act of 2008.
- culprit (noun) – criminal, offender, wrongdoer, lawbreaker, perpetrator.
- bring someone to book (phrase) – punish, penalize, take disciplinary action against, discipline; reprimand, reprove, rebuke, admonish, censure, castigate, criticize, pull up, take to task.
- accord (verb) – give, hand, present.
- amity (noun) – friendship, peace, concord, cooperation.
- purveyor (noun) – a person or group who spreads or promotes an idea, view, etc.
- indulge in (verb) – become involved in (an undesirable activity).
- prosecute (verb) – take to court, bring an action against, take legal action against, accuse, charge.
- prejudice (noun) – bigotry, bias, partisanship, partiality, intolerance, discrimination, preference, one-sidedness, unfairness, inequality, inequity.
- repressive (adjective) – oppressive, dominating/coercive, authoritarian/draconian.
- measure (noun) – action, step, procedure.
- authorities (noun) – officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the government the bureaucracy.
- inflict (verb) – apply, enforce, exact, impose.
- collective punishment (noun) – a form of sanction/ban imposed on persons or a group of persons in response to a crime committed by one of them or a member of the group.
- transgression (noun) – infringement, contravention, breach, violation, overstepping.
- hue (noun) – character, aspect, appearance.
- refrain from (verb) – stop oneself, abstain, desist from, hold back.
- unevenness (noun) – imbalance, inequality, disproportion, disparity.
- result in (verb) – cause, prompt, bring about, give rise to.
- disenchantment (noun) – disappointment, dissatisfaction, discontent.
- endanger (verb) – imperil, threaten, put at risk, put in danger.
- quagmire (noun) – unfortunate situation, muddle, mix-up.
- callousness (noun) – ferocity, ruthlessness, cruelty, inhumanity.
- reorient (verb) – change the focus on.
- rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.
- adherence (noun) – compliance, observance, conformity.
- constitutional (adjective) – relating to something as per the Constitution; legal, lawful, legitimate.
- secular (adjective) – non-religious.
- fabric (noun) – structure, framework, system, foundation.
- preserve (verb) – protect, continue, conserve, keep up, maintain, uphold, sustain.
- at all costs (phrase) – irrespective of the effort needed; whatever happens; at any price; regardless of, in spite of everything.
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context.
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The Hindu Editorial (Hate crime and punishment) – Jul 07, 2022:

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