The Hindu Editorial (For a consensus) – Jun 03, 2024
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The Hindu Editorial (For a consensus) – Jun 03, 2024:
- consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group, agreement, concurrence, general opinion/view, common consent.
- campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
- rhetoric (noun) – bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language.
- prompt (verb) – cause, result in, lead to, bring on, give rise to, produce, evoke, induce.
- the curtains come down on (phrase) – something ends.
- take stock of (phrase) – to review a situation carefully, usually before making a decision; assess, analyze, weigh up, appraise, evaluate, investigate, scrutinize, look carefully at.
- for all concerned (phrase) – to express that a particular situation affects multiple people involved in something or affected by it.
- ratchet up (phrasal verb) – to increase something by a series of small amounts.
- ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
- settled (adjective) – resolved, fixed.
- bilateral (adjective) – involving two groups or countries.
- Katchatheevu (noun) – it is a tiny 285-acre uninhabited island in the Palk Strait that divides India and Sri Lanka. Measuring 1.6 km in length and just over 300 m in width.
- Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) (noun) – it is an agreement that will settle land boundary dispute through exchange of territories, removing a major irritant in bilateral ties of two countries.
- concession (noun) – privilege, favour, right, allowance; agreement, deal, accommodation.
- charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, blame.
- front (noun) – a particular situation; a particular area of activity.
- disciple (noun) – adherent, supporter, advocate, champion, votary.
- manifesto (noun) – (policy) statement, declaration, pronouncement (issued by a political party before a General Election).
- pejoratively (adverb) – disapprovingly, contemptuously, disparagingly.
- proclaim (verb) – declare, announce, state, assert, affirm, profess.
- brash (adjective) – self-assertive, assertive, self-confident, bold, audacious, brazen, brazen-faced.
- arsenal (noun) – a range of resources (or weaponry) ready for a particular use; collection, range, battery, line-up, array.
- transgress ( verb) – violate, breach, break, offend, go against; be opposed to, contradict, counteract.
- raise eyebrows (phrase) – show surprise; to show that you are feeling surprised.
- People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (noun) – People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is the armed forces of the country of China and the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is one of the largest military forces in the world.
- led to past & past participle of lead to (verb) – cause, result in, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
- interfere (verb) – intervene in, intrude into, nose into, meddle, poke.
- heated (adjective) – intense, furious, fierce, fiery, frenzied, vehement.
- unwise (adjective) – ill-advised, ill-considered, short-sighted, misguided, thoughtless.
- neighbour (noun) – a country that is next to another country; (bordering) country.
- sensitivity (noun) – sensitiveness, vulnerability
- rake up (phrasal verb) – recollect, remember, revive/remind the memory of.
- expose phrasal verb) – reveal, disclose, lay bare, unveil, show, display, exhibit, manifest, highlight, pinpoint.
- vulnerable (adjective) – attackable, exposed, endangered, unsafe, unprotected, undefended, defenceless, helpless, powerless.
- faultline (noun) – a divisive issue; a difference of opinion.
- the advantage over a political opponent that you can get from a particular situation;
- short-sighted (adjective) – narrow-minded, myopic, parochial, small-minded, careless, foolish, ill-advised.
- deeply (adverb) – greatly, extremely, very much, strongly, intensely.
- divisive (adjective) – alienating/isolating, disharmonious, discordant.
- polity (noun) – a politically organized society.
- bipartisanship (noun) – a political situation that occurs when two opposing parties work together to achieve common goals.
- deployment (noun) – formation, positioning, stationing, arrangement, organization, utilization, disposal, disposition, distribution.
- case (noun) – the situation, the position, circumstances, conditions.
- platform (noun) – stage
- assert (verb) – state , put forward, posit strongly.
- the dust settles (phrase) – things calm down.
- reflect on (verb) – consider, think carefully about, give thought to, deliberate about/on, mull over.
- potential (adjective) – possible, likely, probable.
- propaganda (noun) – the (deliberate & systemic) spreading of information (facts, ideas, rumours or lies) to influence public opinion.
- enduring (adjective) – lasting, long-lasting, continuing, constant, steady, permanent, long-standing.
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The Hindu Editorial (For a consensus) – Jun 03, 2024:

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