The Hindu Editorial (Festering wounds) – Aug 23, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Festering wounds) – Aug 23, 2023:
- festering (adjective) – simmering, fuming, smouldering, brewing; become worse/intense.
- wound (noun) – distress, trauma, anguish, pain, suffering.
- elusive (adjective) – difficult to find, difficult to achieve; intangible.
- on the boil (phrase) – it refers to a situation which is very strong or active or intense.
- governance (noun) – the act of governing something; administration.
- ethnic (adjective) – relating to a population subgroup (cultural, national, traditional/folk) with a common national or cultural tradition.
- break out (noun) – (sudden) outbreak, eruption, flare-up, upsurge, outburst, blow-up (of something unwelcome).
- lasting (adjective) – enduring, long-lasting, continuing, persisting, permanent, stable, constant.
- competing (adjective) – fighting, clashing, disputing, conflicting.
- impose (verb) – apply, enforce, bring into effect.
- blockade (noun) – barrier, roadblock, barricade; obstruction, impediment.
- arterial road (noun) – an important/principal (road/route).
- sporadic (adjective) – occasional, infrequent, irregular, unpredictable.
- result in (phrasal verb) – cause, lead to, bring on, bring about, produce, give rise to.
- conflict (noun) – clash, fight, tussle, quarrel, dispute; discord , hostility, friction, strife.
- rife with (adjective) – full of, filled with, fraught (with), charged with, loaded with, frought.
- breakdown (noun) – failure, collapse.
- law and order (noun) – a condition in which the existing rules, regulations, norms and related legal codes are recognized and observed for the sustenance of peace, orderliness and security of lives and property in society; lawful behaviour, order, lawfulness, discipline, peacefulness. (Under the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India and therefore, it is the primary duty of the State Governments to prevent, detect, register and investigate crime and prosecute the criminals).
- state of affairs (noun phrase) – status quo, the present situation, the current state.
- perception (noun) – understanding, comprehension, interpretation, impression, observation, discernment, recognition, realization.
- paramilitary (adjective) – (of semi-militarized force) organized like a military force.
- Assam Rifles (AR) (noun) – a central paramilitary force responsible for border security, counter-insurgency, and maintaining law and order in Northeast India.
- unedifying (adjective) – distasteful; unpleasant, undesirable (public event).
- lodge (verb) – put forward, present (a complaint).
- first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offence.
- discharge (verb) – carry out, perform, conduct, do.
- far from (phrase) – not, not at all; nowhere near, a long way from.
- quagmire (noun) – unfortunate situation, muddle, mix-up.
- detente (noun) – restoration of harmony, agreement, compromise/understanding.
- powder keg (noun) – a dangerous situation; a volatile situation.
- subject to (verb) – put through, lay open to, expose to, be vulnerable to, be susceptible to, be liable to, be prone to.
- attest to (verb) – bear witness to, bear testimony to, be evidence of, be proof of, prove, demonstrate, confirm, substantiate, certify, vouch, witness.
- mainstream (adjective) – accepted, established, recognized.
- polity (noun) – a politically organized society.
- nudge (verb) – encourage, prompt, stimulate/coax.
- stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something.
- reconciliation (noun) – restoration of friendly relations, restoration of harmony, agreement, compromise, understanding, peace, an end to hostilities; conciliation, pacification, appeasement.
- seemingly (adverb) – apparently, allegedly, ostensibly, supposedly, purportedly.
- have little to say (phrase) – have no/minimum opinion, thoughts, or comments to offer on a particular topic.
- homily (noun) – lecture, oration, preaching, discourse, talk, speech.
- sought past tense of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt to obtain.
- pin down (phrasal verb) – force, constrain, compel, pressure, put pressure on, pressurize.
- means (noun) – way, method, approach.
- score (verb) – get, gain, win, achieve.
- run-up to (noun) – a period of time just before an important event.
- so far (phrase) – until now, up to the present, up to this point.
- fester (verb) – (of a problem) to become worse or more intense due to long time negligence.
- intractable (adjective) – unmanageable, uncontrollable, ungovernable.
- Meitei/Manipuri people (noun) – an ethnic group native to the state of Manipur in northeastern India. Valley-dwellers & non-tribals Meitei/Manipuri comminity is the largest & dominant community in Manipur, account for about 53% of the State’s total population of 2.85 million (2011 census).
- Kuki-Zomi community (noun) –The Kuki (hill tribes) people are an ethnic group native to the state of Manipur and other states in northeastern India. The “Mizo” (poetic version of “Zomi”), people are a ethnic group native to the Indian state of Mizoram and neighbouring regions of Northeast India.
- acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize.
- bias (noun) – prejudice, bigotry, intolerance, inequity, discrimination.
- alienate (verb) – set apart, isolate, distance, detach, separate, disunite; estrange, make hostile/make unfriendly.
- (elected) representative (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly); legislator lawmaker.
- cut across (phrasal verb) – transcend, go beyond, rise above (differences/divisions between groups/parties).
- party line (noun) – the policies of a political party (collectively).
- harp on (phrasal verb) – to talk/write about something continuously & boringly; keep talking about, dwell on, expound on, speak at length about, write at length about, discuss something at length, nag/badger someone about.
- administration (noun) – government, regime.
- fragile (adjective) – weak, vulnerable, risky, unreliable, insecure.
- co-existence (noun) – The state of two or more different things existing/living together at the same time or in the same place.
- identity (noun) – identification, recognition; individuality, originality.
- identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality.
- civil society (noun) – it is the space outside the family, public sector (government & its branches) and private sector (businesses and corporations). It now signifies a wide range of organised and organic groups including non governmental organisations (NGOs), trade unions, social movements, grassroots organisations, online networks and communities, and faith groups.
- rise above (phrase) – to tackle a difficult or unpleasant situation successfully. (or) cut across, transcend, go beyond (differences/divisions between groups/parties).
- difference (noun) – disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, misunderstanding, dispute, quarrel.
- exacerbate (verb) – intensify, heighten, increase; aggravate, worsen, make worse.
- lack (noun) – absence, unavailability, non-existence.
- accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability.
- bring forward (phrasal verb) – propose, suggest, put forward, posit, present, come up with,
- distrust (noun) – mistrust, suspicion, lack of trust.
- hamper (verb) – hold back, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct, thwart, block.
- narrow-minded (adjective) – intolerant, illiberal, short-sighted, myopic, inward-looking, inflexible, dogmatic; biased, prejudiced, bigoted, discriminatory, one-sided, partisan, unfair.
- emphasis (noun) – importance, significance, priority.
- give into (phrasal verb) – to finally agree to something; admit, acknowledge, submit and accede.
- critique (noun) – analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, review.
- constructive (adjective) – useful/helpful, productive, practical/effective/beneficial.
- stasis (noun) – a situation or period in which there is no change or development; inactivity, stagnation, lethargy, laziness, dullness, equilibrium
- pick/take up the gauntlet (phrase) – agree to a challenge (whereas ‘throw down the gauntlet’ means ‘to issue a challenge); (‘gauntlet’ means ‘open challenge’).
- bring about (phrasal verb) – cause, lead to, result in, bring on, give rise to, produce.
- substantive (adjective) – significant, considerable, substantial, sizeable, huge.
- herald (verb) – signal, indicate, foretell, point to, announce, spell, usher in.
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The Hindu Editorial (Festering wounds) – Aug 23, 2023:

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