The Hindu Editorial (Desperation in distress) – Dec 29, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Desperation in distress) – Dec 29, 2023:
- desperation (noun) – hopelessness, pain, misery, anguish, distress, agony, despair, sadness, depression.
- in distress (phrase) – in a very difficult situation.
- migration (noun) – the movement of people within the borders of the same country or across international borders in order to find work or better living conditions.
- curtail (verb) – reduce, decrease, cut down, lessen, diminish, restrict, limit.
- it is no surprise that (phrase) – used to indicate that something is expected or unsurprising.
- distress (noun) – anguish, pain, suffering, agony, affliction, misery, trouble.
- seek (verb) – aim, try, attempt.
- episode (noun) – incident, event, happening, occurrence, circumstance.
- detain (verb) – hold in custody, arrest, restrain, confine, hold captive.
- suspected (adjective) – considered, inferred, presumed, feared,
- trafficking (noun) – the activity of buying and selling goods/animal/people illegally; (illegal/illicit) trading, dealing.
- sought past tense of seek (verb) – ask for, request, appeal for.
- asylum (noun) – protection provided by a foreign country to somebody who is unable or unwilling to return to their home country due to fear of persecution (harm, harassment or oppression).
- well-known (adjective) – familiar, common, usual, widely known.
- alarming (adjective) – worrying, disturbing, shocking, distressing.
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) (noun) – CBP, is one of the world’s largest law enforcement organizations. As the United States’ first unified border entity, CBP takes a comprehensive approach to border management and control, combining customs, immigration, border security, and agricultural protection into one coordinated and supportive activity.
- sparsely (adverb) – in small numbers; scantily, scarcely, infrequently.
- man (verb) – employ a staff/crew to defend/guard something (i.e., border).
- rise (noun) – increase.
- rather (adverb) – somewhat, slightly, kind of, sort of.
- treacherous (adjective) – disloyal, unfaithful, deceitful, double-dealing; dangerous, hazardous, unsafe, risky.
- come to light (phrase) – become widely known, become apparent, become evident, be revealed or disclosed, appear, transpire.
- pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
- led to past participle of lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to, produce.
- invoke (verb) – cite, mention, refer to, point to, adduce, turn to, resort to.
- Title 42 of the U.S. Code (noun) – the United States Code dealing with public health, social welfare, and civil rights.
- empower (adjective) – authorize, allow, permit, entitle.
- turn away (phrasal verb) – prevent, block, stop, resist, repel, drive back, send away.
- asylum seeker (noun) – someone seeking a foreign country to provide protection to him/her who is unable or unwilling to return to their home country due to fear of persecution (harm, harassment or oppression); displaced person, exile, outcast.
- hearing (noun) – inquiry, investigation, examination, legal proceedings.
- administration (noun) – regime, government.
- steadily (adverb) – gradually.
- willing (adjective) – ready, prepared, agreeable.
- bear (verb) – endure, tolerate, put up, withstand, suffer, undergo, experience, weather, go through.
- immigrant (noun) – non-native, foreigner, migrant.
- suggest (verb) – indicate, point to, intimate, imply,
- mislead (verb) – deceive, misguide, misdirect, misinform.
- tell-tale (adjective) – revealing, suggestive, indicative.
- unaccompanied (adjective) – alone, lone, lonely, lonesome, unescorted, unattended, companionless,
- cite (verb) – invoke, mention, refer to, point to, adduce, turn to, resort to.
- alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.
- persecution (noun) – harrassment, victimization, oppression, persistent annoyance, coercion/intimidation.
- regardless of (phrase) – despite, notwithstanding, in spite of, nevertheless, in any case.
- pay attention to (verb) – heed, take notice of, pay regard to, take into account, consider, concentrate, focus, be attentive, be wary.
- racket (noun) – illegal scheme, fraud, fraudulent scheme, criminal activity.
- widespread (adjective) – general, common, prevalent, omnipresent, ubiquitous, rampant.
- gullible (adjective) – easily deceived, easily tricked, easily cheated, easily duped, over-trusting, unsceptical, innocent, naive, exploitable, unwary.
- fall prey to (phrase) – be vulnerable to, succumb to, fall victim to.
- exacerbate (phrasal verb) – increase, escalate, add to, intensify, heighten, aggravate, make worse.
- plummeting (adjective) – decreasing, declining rapidly, falling sharply, plunging, slumping.
- overexploited (adjective) – overused, overutilized, overcapitalized.
- fragmented (adjective) – disintegrated, shattered, ruined, damaged, broken.
- crackdown (noun) – clampdown, getting tough/severe measures, suppression.
- exploitative (adjective) – unprincipled, unethical, immoral, dishonest, fraudulent.
- middlemen (noun) – broker, agent, go-between, intermediary.
- labour market (noun) – also called job market, it refers to the supply and demand for employment.
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The Hindu Editorial (Desperation in distress) – Dec 29, 2023:

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In a world where the movement of labour is curtailed and restricted, it is no surprise that people affected by distress in their homeland seek opportunities in the developed world despite the enormous risks during their journeys… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Desperation in distress) – Dec 29, 2023.