The Hindu Editorial (​Demolition squad) – Sep 04, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​Demolition squad) – Sep 04, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​​Demolition squad) – Sep 04, 2024:

  1. squad (noun) – mob, gang, group.
  2. bulldozer justice (noun) – the extra-legal measure of demolishing properties owned by alleged offenders, often without a proper legal process.
  3. oblivious (adjective) – unaware, heedless, unconcerned, unmindful.
  4. symbolism (noun) – comparison, figuration, depiction, representation, metaphor, figurative expression.
  5. belong (verb) – be owned by, be the property of, be in the ownership of.
  6. alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.
  7. offender (noun) – criminal, culprit, wrongdoer, lawbreaker, perpetrator.
  8. articulate (verb) – express, voice, communicate, convey, talk of, mention. 
  9. widespread (adjective) – general, common, prevalent, all-round, omnipresent, ubiquitous, far-reaching.
  10. retribution (noun) – retaliation, reprisal, counterstroke; revenge, vengeance, counterattack, recrimination, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, tit for tat.
  11. targeted (adjective) – intended, directed (at a particular group).
  12. governance (noun) – administration, regime.
  13. impunity (noun) – exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment, immunity, indemnity, non-liability.
  14. extra-legal (adjective) – not regulated/controlled by the law; illegitimate, illegal.
  15. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure.
  16. wholesome (adjective) – proper, correct, right-minded, respectable.
  17. intervention (noun) – the process of intervening in something; involvement, interference.
  18. Bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
  19. Constitution Bench (noun) – a bench of the Supreme Court having five or more judges on it. These benches are not a routine phenomenon.  Constitution Benches are exceptions, set up only if some circumstances exist).
  20. Division Bench (noun) – a bench of two or three judges is called a division bench.
  21. indeed (phrase) – actually, in actuality, in reality, really, as a matter of fact, certainly, truly, in fact.
  22. convict (noun) – criminal, offender, lawbreaker.
  23. the judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested.
  24. instrument (noun) – factor, medium, means, mechanism, vehicle.
  25. collective punishment (noun) – a form of sanction/ban imposed on persons or a group of persons in response to a crime committed by one of them or a member of the group.
  26. inflict (verb) –  impose, force, thrust; hand out, mete out, administer, exact.
  27. authorities (noun) – officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the bureaucracy.
  28. label (verb) – call, term, name, describe, identify.
  29. suspect (noun) – suspected person, accused, 
  30. regard (noun) – consideration, concern, sympathy, thought, mind, interest, attention, heed.
  31. the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
  32. have nothing to do with (phrase) – be unconnected with, be unrelated to; steer clear of, keep away from, avoid, evade.
  33. offence (noun) – crime, wrongdoing, illegal act, misdeed; breach, violation of the law.
  34. encroachment (noun) – an unauthorized intrusion onto a neighboring property through the creation or extension of a physical structure above or below the surface of land; intrusion, infiltration, incursion, trespass, invasion, breach, violation, impingement.
  35. unauthorised (adjective) – unofficial, unlicensed, unapproved, disallowed, illegal, prohibited. 
  36. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, stipulate, frame, prescribe, promulgate.
  37. pan- (combining form/prefix) – all-inclusive; of everything, all.
  38. streamline (verb) – make something efficient; make something well organized; make something simplified.
  39. observation (noun) – remark, comment, statement, pronouncement.
  40. hearing (noun) – lawsuit, proceedings, inquiry, legal proceedings, legal action.
  41. laying down (noun) – formulation, stipulation, framing, prescription, promulgation.
  42. send out (phrasal verb) – give out, convey, express.
  43. correlation (noun) – connection, link, relationship, association, correspondence.
  44. blur (verb) – make indistinct/unclear, make vague, unfocus.
  45. trickery (noun) – deception, cheating, double-dealing, duplicity, intrigue, falsification, misrepresentation.
  46. backdated (adjective) – retrospective, retroactive, backward-looking.
  47. eviction (noun) – removal, dispossession, dislodgement, clearance.
  48. gloat over (phrasal verb) – rejoice, relish, enjoy greatly, delight in, boast about, be pleased, feel satisfaction, take pleasure.
  49. inhabitant (noun) – residents; populace, population, people,
  50. plight (noun) – predicament, emergency, tight spot, difficulty, trouble, quandary, dilemma, problem, muddle, mix-up, confusion, complication, imbroglio, entanglement, mire.
  51. betray (verb) – reveal, disclose, show, exhibit, uncover, expose.
  52. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  53. transition (noun) – change.
  54. grapple with (phrasal verb) – struggle, deal with, cope with, face, confront, withstand, stand firm against, stand up to.
  55. claim (noun) – assertion, affirmation, statement, declaration.
  56. egregious (adjective) – shocking, horrible/terrible, very bad.
  57. violation (noun) – breach, contravention, infringement, breaking, non-observance.
  58. rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.
  59. due process (phrase) – (equally and fairly) correct process; fair treatment.
  60. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
  61. mileage (noun) – benefit, advantage, gain. 
  62. impression (noun) – feeling, belief, thought, opinion, perception, image, view.
  63. regime (noun) – government.
  64. sternly (adverb) – strictly, severely, stringently.
  65. thinly (adverb) – lightly/poorly
  66. mask (verb) – hide, conceal, cover up, veil, obscure, camouflage, cloak, screen.
  67. blatantly (adverb) – distinctly, candidly, clearly, publicly, fragrantly, unashamedly, shamelessly.
  68. pass off (phrasal verb) – falsely represent, misrepresent, give a false identity to, dress up
  69. drive (noun) – push, initiative, enterprise.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​​​Demolition squad) – Sep 04, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​​​Demolition squad) – Sep 04, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​​Demolition squad) – Sep 04, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​​Demolition squad) – Sep 04, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​​Demolition squad) – Sep 04, 2024

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