The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021
As winter arrives on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the latest round of talks — the thirteenth — between India and China ended with no resolution in sight,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021:
- deadlock (noun) – stalemate, impasse, checkmate/stand-off.
- Line of Actual Control (LAC) (noun) – the de-facto (effective) border between India and China. The LAC is a 4,057-km border running through three areas-Western (Ladakh, Ladakh (Kashmir)), middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal), and eastern (Sikkim, Arunachal).
- disarray (noun) – disorganization, disorder, shambles, chaos, mess, muddle, mix-up.
- deployment (noun) – the act of employing forces/troops into effective action.
- resolution (noun) – solution, settlement.
- in sight (phrase) – near at hand, close to (being achieved).
- prospect (noun) – chance, possibility.
- height (noun) – high places, steep inclines, high ground, steep ground.
- contrasting (adjective) – conflicting, different, dissimilar, contradictory.
- underline (verb) – emphasize, underscore, highlight.
- constructive (adjective) – formative, productive, useful/helpful, practical/effective.
- forward-looking (adjective) – progressive, positive, ambitious.
- disengage (verb) – withdraw, pull out, leave, move out, retreat.
- discord (noun) – strife, conflict, friction, hostility, disagreement, lack of agreement, lack of harmony.
- (out) in the open (phrase) – if something is out in the open, it is not secret/no longer kept secret.
- in contrast to (phrase) – in opposition to.
- anodyne (adjective) – inoffensive, neutral, unobjectionable, unexceptionable.
- expeditiously (adverb) – quickly and efficiently.
- drag on (phrase) – continue, persist, linger, carry on.
- portent (noun) – sign/indication, forecast, prediction.
- all is not well (phrase) – used to say that a situation is not satisfactory.
- cite (verb) – refer to, adduce, make reference to, invoke.
- put out (phrasal verb) – issue, publish, release, circulate, make public.
- face-off (noun) – clash, contest, match.
- detain (verb) – hold captive, confine, take into custody.
- spark (verb) – give rise to, cause, lead to, trigger, stir up, prompt, bring about.
- apparently (adverb) – seemingly, evidently, it appears that; supposedly.
- purportedly (adverb) – allegedly, reportedly, supposedly.
- valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it.
- forward policy (noun) – a set of foreign policy doctrines applicable to territorial ambitions and disputes in which emphasis is placed on securing control of targeted territories by invasion and annexation or by the political creation of compliant buffer states.
- explicit (adjective) – clear, straightforward, definite, specific, categorical.
- invocation (noun) – citation, mention, calling on.
- vitiate (verb) – ruin, wreck, destroy, upset.
- atmosphere (noun) – conditions, circumstances, backdrop/context.
- barely (adverb) – only, just, just, hardly.
- departure (noun) – deviation, change of direction, shift/change.
- vet (verb) – assess, evaluate, scrutinize, inspect.
- People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (noun) – People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is the armed forces of the country of China and the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is one of the largest military forces in the world.
- seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- perilous (adjective) – dangerous, risky, precarious, insecure, life-threatening.
- hotspot (noun) – a place of significant activity.
- hot springs (noun) – Hot Springs (Kyam) is the location of an Indian border checkpost operated by Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) in the Chang Chenmo River valley in Ladakh near the disputed border with China. It is so named because there is a hot spring at this location. (hot spring is generally a spring (well head) with water at temperatures substantially higher than the air temperature of the surrounding region and it (water) is believed to have medicinal qualities).
- Demchok (plains) (noun) – a village and military encampment in the Indian-administered Demchok sector that is disputed between India and China. It is administered as part of the Nyoma tehsil in the Leh district of Ladakh by India. and claimed by China as part of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The Line of Actual Control (LAC) with Tibet runs on the southeast side of the village along the Charding Nullah and continues along the Indus River.
- Depsang (plains) (noun) – The Depsang plains lie south of DBO (Daulat Beg Oldie post) in a strategic area that the military calls Sub-Sector North (SSN). DBO is the country’s northernmost outpost where India operates an advanced landing ground to support its forward military deployments. The Depsang Plains are large plains that are suitable for driving armoured carriers, artillery and mechanised units, which is unusual at the height of about 17,000 feet above sea level. The Depsang plains are strategically important as it provides a flat surface amid the mountainous terrain which can be used by either of the two countries to launch a military offensive, similar to the Spanggur Gap in the Chushul sub-sector.
- plain (noun) – a large area of flat land.
- Corps (noun) – it literally means “army body”; The corps is treated as an operational unit of employment by the Army and can be comprised of 20,000-45,000 soldiers. It is sometimes known as a field corps, which consists of two or more divisions. It is commanded by the Corps Commander, who holds the rank of Lieutenant General. “Corps” was first introduced in France about 1805 by Napoleon as a more flexible tactical grouping of two or more divisions.
- set to (phrasal verb) – start doing something vigorously.
- work out (phrasal verb) – devise, formulate, draw up, prepare.
- protocol (noun) – procedure, convention, rules, rules of conduct.
- patrolling (noun) – watching/guarding an area (over a period of time).
- infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly).
- build-up (noun) – development, expansion; creation.
- there to stay (phrase) – going to be there for long time; be present there for a long time.
- tension (noun) – strained relations; strain, stress, pressure, unease.
- flare-up (noun) – (sudden) outburst, eruption, blow-up (of hostility).
- hardly (adverb) – barely, almost not.
- tranquil (adjective) – calm, peaceful, composed, relaxed, at peace.
- in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of, in the aftermath of, as a consequence of.
- unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
- amass (verb) – gather together, get together, assemble.
- deploy (verb) – (of troops) move into position, position, station, post, place.
- forward area (noun) – an area in proximity to combat.
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The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021:
![The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021 The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021](
![The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021 The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021](
![The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021 The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021](
![The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021 The Hindu Editorial (Dangerous deadlock) – Oct 12, 2021](
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