The Hindu Editorial (Cart before the horse) – Jul 19, 2022
Two recent pronouncements, one a judicial order and another a public speech by the Chief Justice of India (CJI), have drawn attention to the manner in which bail law operates in the country. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Cart before the horse) – Jul 19, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Cart before the horse) – Jul 19, 2022:
- put the cart before the horse (phrase) – do things in the wrong order; reverse/change the method of doing something.
- bail (noun) – conditional, temporary release of an arrested/imprisoned person when a specified amount of security is deposited or pledged (as cash or property) to ensure his/her appearance in court when required.
- fish (verb) – search, delve, look.
- offence (noun) – crime, illegal/unlawful act, breach/violation of the law, wrongdoing, act of misconduct, misdeed.
- pronouncement (noun) – announcement, declaration, formal statement, assertion.
- draw attention to (phrase) – emphasize, put stress on, underscore, underline, highlight.
- manner (noun) – way, method, procedure.
- sought past tense of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- scope (noun) – extent, range, reach, sweep, purview; purpose or intention.
- grant (noun) – issuance.
- cause (noun) – reason, grounds, basis, motive, pretext, purpose.
- bemoan (verb) – express regret/sorrow about, complain about, express discontent.
- injury (noun) – damage.
- personal liberty (noun) – it means the liberty of an individual to behave as one pleases except for those restraints imposed by laws and codes of conduct of the society in which one lives to safeguard the physical, moral, political, and economic welfare of others.
- liberty (noun) – freedom, independence.
- hasty (adjective) – reckless, impulsive, rash, irresponsible, quick, hurried.
- hurdle (noun) – obstacle, difficulty, problem, barrier, impediment, obstruction, hindrance.
- (come/get) in the way of (phrase) – obstruct, interfere, prevent, hamper, impede, thwart.
- suspect (noun) – accused, suspected person.
- prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, extended, protracted, unending.
- incarceration (noun) – imprisonment, confinement, custody.
- trial (noun) – hearing, inquiry, litigation, judicial proceedings.
- expressions of concern (phrase) – used to raise awareness to a possible problem.
- timely (adjective) – prompt, appropriate, opportune, well timed, at the right time.
- regime (noun) – government.
- crack down on (phrasal verb) – get tough on, take severe measures against, clamp down on.
- critic (noun) – criticizer, censurer, castigator, fault-finder.
- activist (adjective) – a person who supports a political change or cause; (or societal change/cause).
- align with (verb) – join forces with, join up with, form an alliance with, ally with, align oneself with, link up with, combine with.
- irony (noun) – paradox, incongruity, peculiarity; contradiction, a strange/funny situation where things are happening the other way around (than expected).
- bat (verb) – support, back, defend someone.
- lament (verb) – complain about, deplore, regret, protest against, speak out against, object to, oppose, disagree with.
- indiscriminate (adjective) – thoughtless, unthinking, unconsidered, casual, careless, aimless, foolish, mindless, impulsive, ill-considered.
- on the one hand (phrase) – it is used to introduce the first of two contrasting different, points, facts, or ways of looking at something. It is always followed later by “on the other hand” or ‘on the other’.
- hearing (noun) – court case, inquiry, legal proceedings.
- nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of that, anyway, nonetheless, even so.
- reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate.
- in favour of (phrase) – in support of, to the advantage of, approving of.
- lay down (phrasal verb) – state clearly, define, prescribe, specify, stipulate.
- constructive (adjective) – productive, useful/helpful, practical/effective.
- quite (adverb) – in every respect, in all respects, without exception.
- for instance (phrase) – for example.
- bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
- call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.
- standing order (noun) – an order/ruling governing the procedures.
- adhere to (verb) – abide by, stick to, hold to, comply with, act in accordance with, conform to.
- base on (phrasal verb) – use as a basis; found, build, construct, form, establish.
- Section 41 and 41A of CrPC (phrase) – (41) When police may arrest without warrant. 41(1) Any police officer may without an order from a Magistrate and without a warrant, arrest any person (a) who has been concerned in any cognizable offence, or against whom a reasonable complaint has been made, or credible information has been received, or a reasonable suspicion exists, of his having been so concerned.
- cognizable offence (noun) – an offence in which the police officer as per the first schedule or under any other law for the time being in force, can arrest the convict without a warrant and can start an investigation without the permission of the court.
- Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) (noun) – The Code of Criminal Procedure (in India). The main legislation on procedure for administration of substantive criminal law in India. It was enacted in 1973 and came into force on 1 April 1974. CrPC tells about the criminal trial procedure.
- notice of appearance (noun) – a paper filed in court notifying the court and the other people involved, that a person (or their lawyer ) is participating in the case; a party’s formal entry into a lawsuit.
- disposal (noun) – settlement, determination, deciding, conclusion.
- anticipatory bail (noun) – Under Section 438 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the provision allows a person can request to get bail in anticipation of being accused of having committed a non-bailable offence in India.
- underscore (verb) – underline, emphasize, highlight.
- flee (verb) – run away, run off, take flight, escape.
- tamper (verb) – alter, damage, change; interfere/meddle.
- contribution (noun) – allowance, donation, offering, handout.
- moot (verb) – put forward, introduce, present.
- lines (noun) – way, method, process, manner.
- streamline (verb) – make more efficient, hone, simplify, reorganize, rationalize.
- indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.
- exception (noun) – anomaly, abnormality, inconsistency, special case; deviation, departure.
- glaring (adjective) – evident, flagrant, blatant, obvious.
- put an end to (phrase) – abolish, do away with, get rid of, scrap, end, stop, terminate, eradicate, eliminate.
- unstated (adjective) – unidentified, undecided, undetermined, uncertain.
- fade away (phrasal verb) – disappear gradually.
- magistracy (noun) – the office of a magistrate.
- overhaul (noun) – reorganization, restructuring, rearrangement.
- magistrate (noun) – the judicial officers or civil officers of a state who handle minor legal cases in a specific area like town, district etc.
- condition (verb) – adapt, adjust, prepare, ready.
- authorize (verb) – permit, sanction, allow, agree to, approve.
- mechanical (adjective) – automatic, unthinking, unconscious, involuntary, instinctive, inattentive.
- prosecutor (noun) – a lawyer who presents the government’s case against someone accused of a crime; State counsel.
- make clear (phrase) – explain, clarify, elucidate.
- summons (noun) – order, directive, command, instruction (to appear before a judge or magistrate or etc.); warrant.
- reflexively (adverb) – (in a manner) without applying mind; automatically, spontaneously/instinctively.
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context.
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The Hindu Editorial (Cart before the horse) – Jul 19, 2022:

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