The Hindu Editorial (Bad precedent) – Dec 11, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Bad precedent) – Dec 11, 2023:
- precedent (noun) – a past action/event/decision that is seen as an example; previous example, previous instance, prior instance, previous case, example
- expulsion (noun) – the act of forcing someone to leave a place/organization; removal, debarment, dismissal, rejection; banishment, expulsion, deportation, eviction, expatriation.
- ominous (adjective) – threatening, menacing, forbidding, inauspicious, unfavourable, unpromising, sinister, gloomy, ugly.
- parliamentary democracy (noun) – a system of government in which citizens elect representatives to a legislative parliament to make the necessary laws and decisions for the country.
- hurried (adjective) – rushed, abrupt, hasty, sudden.
- voice vote (noun) – a voice vote involves the speaker putting a question to the house and then asking the house to put forward its opinion in the forms of ayes (yes) or noes. Based on a rough measure of which side was louder, the speaker decides if the motion was passed or fell through.
- Ethics Committee (noun) – the Ethics Committee, Rajya Sabha, the first such Committee by any legislature in India was constituted by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha on 4 March 1997, to oversee the moral and ethical conduct of the Members and to examine the cases referred to it with reference to ethical and other misconduct of Members. It was provided that in all respects of procedure and other matters, the rules applicable to the Committee of Privileges shall apply to the Ethics Committee.
- committee (noun) – commission, council, panel.
- form and substance (phrase) – it refers to the appearance (form) & essence (substance) of something.
- substance (noun) – significant subject, important matter/content, valid message.
- hold (verb) – have (an opinion/a belief); think, believe, feel, deem, reckon.
- guilty (adjective) – at fault, culpable, accountable/responsible for misconduct.
- conduct (noun) – behaviour; actions, deeds.
- breach (noun) – contravention, violation, breaking, non-observance.
- privilege (noun) – right, prerogative, entitlement, advantage.
- contempt (noun) – it refers to the offence of showing disrespect to the dignity or authority; scorn, disrespect, disregard, neglect, abhorrence.
- charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, indictment.
- in turn (noun) – because of that: in return.
- estranged (adjective) – alienated, separated, isolated, deserted, distanced.
- cite (verb) – mention, refer to, point to, adduce, invoke, turn to, resort to.
- sting operation (noun) – a deceptive operation which is designed to catch a person committing the crime.
- establish (verb) – show, prove, denote, indicate, display, demonstrate, validate.
- credentials (noun) – identity documents, identity papers, references, permit, license.
- admit (verb) – acknowledge, accept, agree, confess, concede, recognize.
- concede (verb) – admit, acknowledge, accept, agree, confess, recognize.
- call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.
- time-bound (adjective) – related to a certain moment or era in time.
- aspect (noun) – point, view.
- nevertheless (adverb) – notwithstanding, nonetheless, even so, after everything, despite that.
- emphatic (adjective) – certain, clear, decided, firm, determined, assertive, insistent, outright, one hundred per cent, categorical, unequivocal, unambiguous.
- link (noun) – connection, tie-up, association, relationship
- suggest (verb) – indicate, hint, imply, argue (someone to think that (something) exists).
- interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
- frivolous (adjective) – relating to something which is having no serious, sensible, useful purpose or value and it will also be a waste of time; valueless, insignificant, silly.
- for instance (phrase) – as an example.
- of interest (phrase) – interesting.
- acknowledge (verb) – admit, accept, agree, confess, concede, recognize.
- the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
- go on to (phrasal verb) – talk at length, carry on talking; continue, proceed, carry on, persist.
- laboured (adjective) – difficult, tough, formidable; laborious, strained.
- endanger (verb) – risk, put at risk, imperil, jeopardize, threaten.
- in the public domain/realm (phrase) – if something (e.g. information) is in the public domain, people generally know about it since it is no secret.
- stretched (adjective) – exaggerated, overstated, strained, distorted.
- in fact (phrase) – actually, really, in reality.
- Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in the forms of Bills (or) draft statute/law, proposed legislation, proposal (presented to parliament/congress/council for discussion).
- circulation (noun) – spreading, dissemination, distribution, transmission, passing on.
commentary (noun) – comments, opinions, remarks, reports, analysis.
- table (verb) – propose, put forward, submit, bring forward, suggest.
- appeal (noun) – request, call; plea, entreaty,
- in detail (phrase) – thoroughly, in depth, minutely, point by point, scrupulously, assiduously, carefully.
- expel (verb) – remove, reject, bar, ban, debar, oust, dismiss, throw out, blacklist.
- dubious (noun) – suspicious, questionable, doubtful, debatable, ambiguous, unreliable.
- buried (adjective) – lost; laid to rest; hidden, concealed.
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The Hindu Editorial (Bad precedent) – Dec 11, 2023:

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The expulsion of Trinamool Congress Member of Parliament Mahua Moitra from the Lok Sabha by a hurried voice vote on December 8, based on a report of the Ethics Committee of the House, is bad in form and substance… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Bad precedent) – Dec 11, 2023.