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The Hindu Editorial (​​A voluntary mandate) – Mar 15, 2025

The Hindu Editorial (​​A voluntary mandate) – Mar 15, 2025

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The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​​​A voluntary mandate) – Mar 15, 2025:

  1. voluntary (adjective) – optional, discretionary, subjective, up to the individual, non-mandatory, non-compulsory.
  2. mandate (noun) – instruction, directive, direction, order, law, statute, ruling.
  3.  Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry identification (APAAR) (noun) – APAAR, which stands for Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry, is a specialized identification system designed for all students in India. This initiative is part of the ‘One Nation, One Student ID’ program launched by the Union government, aligning with the new National Education Policy of 2020.  APAAR assigns a unique and permanent 12-digit ID to every student, offering a comprehensive record of their academic achievements, including degrees, scholarships, awards, and other credits.
  4. in place (phrase) – ready, established, arranged, organized.
  5. transcript (noun) – an official record.
  6. ecosystem (noun) – complex situation/environment.
  7. far from (phrase) – much more.
  8. digitisation (noun) – the process of converting information/data into a digital format.
  9. National Education Policy (NEP) (noun) – The National Education Policy, 2020 proposes the revision and revamping of all aspects of the education structure, including its regulation and governance, to create a new system that is aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st century education, including Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), while building upon India’s traditions and value systems.  
  10. authorities (noun) – official, bureaucracy, officialdom, the people in charge, corridors of power.
  11. Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+) (noun) – UDISE+ is one of the largest Management Information Systems initiated by Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, GoI covering more than 14.89 lakhs of schools, 95 lakhs of teachers and 26.5 crores of children.
  12. Student Database Management System (SDMS) (noun) – it is developed to manage the records of the students such as student Profile, Enrolment, Dropouts, Transfers, Progression / Holdback etc. This system is user friendly in terms of viewing and managing student information.
  13. radically (adverb) – completely, totally, entirely.
  14. novel (adjective) – new, unusual, unfamiliar, different.
  15. technocratic (adjective) – relating to a person who is with both political power as well as technical knowledge.
  16. overhaul (noun) – modification, revamp, reconstruction, modernization, reformation, reorganization, rearrangement.
  17. blatantly (adverb) – distinctly, candidly, clearly, publicly, fragrantly, unashamedly, shamelessly.
  18. wield (verb) – use, apply, employ, deploy, exert.
  19. mere (adjective) – just, simple, basic, trivial, only.
  20. interpretation (noun) – understanding, construal, inference, supposition, conclusion, explanation, clarification, definition.
  21. mandatory (adjective) – binding, obligatory, necessary; required, essential, imperative.
  22. mandate (verb) – order, instruct, direct, command, require, prescribe.
  23. unambiguous (adjective) – clear, precise, conclusive, definitive, definite, explicit, evident, distinct, unequivocal.
  24. saturation (noun) – a very full extent/level (of something).
  25. enrolment (noun) – the act of enrolling/joining at an institution (school or college).
  26. fervour (noun) – intense feeling, emotion, excitement, enthusiasm, passion, spirit, vigour, keenness, eagerness, interest.
  27. attain (verb) – to reach something; settle on, achieve, arrive at.
  28. of consequences (phrase) – of importance, of significance.
  29. consequence (noun) – conclusion, development, result, aftermath, outcome, implication.
  30. in the event of (phrase) – if something happens, in case of.
  31. non-enrolment (noun) – the act of not enrolling/joining at an institution (school or college).
  32. rattle the sabres (phrase) – threaten, pressurize, intimidate, scare, frighten to take aggressive action.
  33. allege (verb) – claim, state, argue, assert, charge, accuse.
  34. fellow (adjective) – equal, peer, counterpart.
  35. mismatch (noun) – discrepancy, contradiction, inconsistency.
  36. rechristen (verb) – rename, re-designate, relabel.
  37. Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) (noun) – a set of digital systems that enables countries to safely and efficiently provide economic opportunities and deliver social services. India’s digital public infrastructure stack consists of several major components, including Aadhaar for digital identity, UPI for quick payments, e-KYC for paperless identity verification, DigiLocker for secure document storage, and the eSign framework for electronic signatures.
  38. keen (adjective) – interested, enthusiastic, passionate, fascinated by.  
  39. propagate (verb) – spread, disseminate, communicate, publicize, promote.
  40. Digi Yatra (noun) – it is a Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India led initiative to make air traveller’s/ passenger’s journey seamless, hassle-free and Health-Risk-Free. The Digi Yatra process uses the single token of face biometrics to digitally validate the Identity, Travel, Health or any other data that is needed for the purpose of enabling air travel.
  41. unsuspecting (adjective) – unknowing, unaware, unwary, ignorant, trustful, easily deceived.
  42. non-consenting (adjective) – refusing, rejecting, denying, disapproving, or dissenting
  43. fait accompli (noun) – (from French) an accomplished fact, something that has already occurred and cannot be changed.
  44. all-too-familiar (adjective) – well-known.
  45. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
  46. informed consent (noun) – permission given in full knowledge of the possible outcomes.
  47. bedrock (noun) – core, basis/base, foundation.
  48. de facto (adverb) – in practice, in effect, in reality, in actuality
  49. tall claim (noun) – an exaggerated statement.
  50. alarming (adjective) – worrying, disturbing, shocking, distressing, terrifying, frightening, scary, intimidating.
  51. Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (noun) – An Act to provide for the processing of digital personal data in a manner that recognises both the right of individuals to protect their personal data and the need to process such personal data for lawful purposes and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
  52. ill-disguised (adjective) – badly concealed; poorly hidden.
  53. proxy (noun) – representative; deputy, substitute. (proxy war means war through a representative/agent).
  54. steer clear of (phrase) – avoid, shun, evade, dodge, eschew, sidestep, elude, circumvent, forgo, stay away from, keep away from.
  55. letter and spirit (phrase) – (to obey) both literal interpretation/wording and the intent/purpose of the law.
  56. undertake (verb) – deal with, take responsibility for, concentrate on, become involved in, get cracking on.
  57. back (verb) – support, endorse, uphold.
  58. administration (noun) – regime.
  59. legislation (noun) – law, decree, statute, rule, ordinance, act.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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