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Targeting refugees – The Hindu (Sep 20, 2017)

Targeting refugees – The Hindu (Sep 20, 2017)

The Union government’s position that it considers Rohingya refugees from Myanmar’s Rakhine state as a potential security threat is a disturbing attempt to paint the persecuted community in a poor light so that it could justify their deportation in future. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. paint (verb) – narrate, describe, depict.
  2. persecuted (adjective) – oppressed, victimized; troubled/suffering.
  3. in a ——– light (phrase) – so as to give a particular impression.
  4. deportation (noun) – exile, banishment, expulsion/expatriation.
  5. imputation (noun) -an act of attribute, ascribe, assign something undesirable.
  6. affidavit (noun) – a written sworn statement of fact under an oath or affirmation and this serves as evidence. statement, attestation, declaration.
  7. adverse (verb) – unfavourable, disadvantageous; harmful/hurtful.
  8. deprive (of) (verb) – dispossess, strip; deny/prevent from using.
  9. stridency (noun) – something of harsh, rough.
  10. militancy (noun) – belligerency, combativeness, contentiousness/defiance.
  11. assertion (noun) – affirmation, declaration, statement.
  12. disregard (verb) – ignore, take no notice of, take no account of.
  13. exemplary (adjective) – perfect, faultless, impeccable/consummate.
  14. signatory (noun) –  the one (person/party/organisation/country) which signed an official document/agreement.
  15. adhere (verb) – abide by, stick to, comply with.
  16. hue (noun) – character, aspect, type.
  17. non-refoulement (noun) – The fundamental practice/principle of not forcing refugees or asylum seekers to return to a country in which they would be in likely danger of persecution based on “race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion”.
  18. evolve (verb) – develop, progress, advance.
  19. peremptory (adjective) –  irreversible, binding, decisive.
  20. rigour (noun) – strictness, severity, toughness.
  21. with regard to (phrase) – concerning, with respect to, in relation to/vis-a-vis.
  22. cite (verb) – refer to, mention, give as an example.
  23. vague (adjective) – uncertain, unsure, unclear.
  24. infiltrate (verb) – penetrate, invade, intrude/trespass on.
  25. guise (noun) – appearance, image;  pretence, false show/posture.
  26. safe haven (noun) – refuge, shelter,  asylum, place of safety/security.


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